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121 Cards in this Set

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1. Age related changes in pulmonary structure and physiology

  • Loss of elastic recoil
  • Muscle endurance/strength reduced by as much as 20% by age 70.
  • Alveolar wall tissue is lost resulting in decreased airway support and elasticity
  • chest wall compliance decreases
  • Stiffening of chest wall- ribs less flexible due to ossification, as the ribs become stiffer, chest wall unable to expand
  • Changes in gas exchange
  • Increase in flow resistance- Vital capacity decreases and residual volume increases (total lung volume remains unchanged)
  • changes are gradual and usually do not result in problems for normally healthy persons.
3. Pneumothorax: the presence of air or gas in the pleural space caused by:

3. Pneumothorax: the presence of air or gas in the pleural space caused by:

rupture in the

  • visceral pleura [surrounds the lungs]
  • or the parietal pleura and chest wall

3. Primary (spontaneous) pneumothorax:

  • occurs most often in what population?
  • most often caused by?
  • bleb rupture can occur during:
  • ruptured blebs usually located in:
  • Occurs unexpectedly in healthy individuals, usually men, ages 20-40
  • spontaneous rupture of blebs (blister-like formations) on the visceral pleura (although there may be underlying pleural disease with emphysema-like changes)
  • sleep, rest or exercise
  • apexes of lungs

3. Clinical Manifestations of both Primary and Secondary Pneumothorax:

  • Sudden pleural pain
  • Tachypnea
  • Possibly mild dyspnea
  • Manifestations depend on size of pneumothorax
  • Poss. absent breath sounds, hyperresonance to percussion on affected side
  • Dx by x-ray, US, CT

3. Secondary (traumatic) pneumothorax

Caused by:

  • chest trauma (rib fracture, stab or bullet wounds,
  • surgical procedure,
  • rupture of bleb or bulla as occurs in COPD
  • mechanical ventilation, particularly with PEEP)

3. Iatrogenic pneumothorax is most commonly caused by:

transthoracic needle aspiration

3. Open (communicating) pneumothorax:

Air pressure in the pleural space = barometric pressure b/c:

air drawn into pleural space during inspiration is forced back out during expiration

air drawn into pleural space during inspiration is forced back out during expiration

3. Tension pneumothorax

  • Site of rupture acts as:
  • As more air enters pleural space, air pressure in pneumothorax begins to:
  • Life threatening-->why?
  • May be complicated by:
  • one-way valve, permitting air to enter on inspiration but preventing air escape by closing on expiration
  • exceed barometric pressure
  • compression atelectasis, compression and displacement of heart and great vessels
  • severe hypoxemia, tracheal deviation away from affected lung, hypotension*
  • Considered an emergency!

4. Pulmonary edema

Excess water in the lung from disturbances of capillary hydrostatic pressure, capillary oncotic pressure or capillary permeability.

4. Most common cause of pulmonary Edema

#1-Left side heart disease-Left ventricle fails ----->increase pulmonary capillary hydrostatic


*ARDs (injury to endothelium)-->increased capillary permeability---->movement of fluid & plasma protein into alveoli/interstitial space.

*Blockage of lymphatic vessels--->inability to remove fluid from interstitial space.

4. Pulmonary Edema s/s

dyspnea, orthopnea, hypoxemia, increased breathing work

4. Acute respiratory distress system:

Spectrum of acute lung inflammation and alveocapillary injury.

Most survivors have almost normal lung function one year after acute illness but may have other health problems including neurocognitive disorders up to five years later.

4. Acute respiratory distress system:


Alveoli capillary membrane producing massive pulmonary inflammation --->increases capillary permeability, severe pulmonary edema, surfactant inactivation, shunting, VQ mismatch, atelectasis and hypoxemia.

***Hallmark-Increased capillary permeability

4. Acute respiratory distress system

3 phases 1st

exudative-initial injury damages alveolar/capillary membrane-->inflammatory mediators--->cause damage--->increase capillary permeability-allow fluids, proteins and blood cells to leak into the alveoli--->pulmonary edema and loss of lung compliance

4. Acute respiratory distress system

3 phases 2nd

Proliferative-1-3 weeks after injury; edema resolution-->proliferation of pneumocysts, fibroblasts, and myofibroblasts.

Intra-Aveolar hemorrhagic exudate--->cellular granulation tissue appearing as hyaline membranes--->progressive hypoxemia.

4. Acute respiratory distress system

3 phases 3rd

Fibrotic-2-3 weeks after injury.

Remodeling and fibrosis occurs-obliterates the alveoli, respiratory bronchioles and interstitum

---->decreased functional residual capacity--->continuing VQ mismatch with sever R to L shunt--->acute respiratory failure.

5a. Asthma

5a. Asthma

Chronic inflammatory disorder of the bronchial mucosa that causes bronchial hyper-responsiveness, constriction of the airways, and variable airflow obstruction that is reversible.

  • Occurs at all ages, with approximately half of all cases developing during childhood, and another 3rd before age 40.
  • Estimated that 24.6 million people have asthma
  • Death rates are highest for female, black persons, and adults older than 65.

5b. Athma- Etiology

Familial disorder, more than 100 genes identified that may play a role in the susceptibility and pathogenesis

  • Genes that influence production of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13o IgEo Eosinophils, mast cells, adrenergic receptors, leukotrienes, nitric oxide, and transmembrane proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum.
  • Specific gene expression may impart associated phenotypes, such as inflammation, sensitization to allergens, airway fibroblasts, airway remodeling, and responsiveness to asthma therapies.
  • Other risk factors include: allergen exposure, urban residence, exposure to air pollution, tobacco smoke, environmental tobacco smoke, recurrent respiratory tract viral infections, esophageal reflux, obesity.

5c. Asthma- Patho

Epithelial exposure to antigen initiates both an innate and an adaptive immune response in sensitized individuals. Many cells and cellular elements contribute to persistent inflammation of the bronchial mucosa and hyper responsiveness of the airways: (macrophages, T helper2 lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, mast cells, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils)

5d. Asthma - Clinical manifestations

  1. asymptomatic between attacks and pulmonary function tests are normal→
  2. during remission no symptoms are present but pulmonary function tests will be abnormal
  3. during attack: feels chest constriction, expiratory wheezing, dyspnea, nonproductive cough, prolonged expiration, tachycardia, tachypnea.
  4. Severe attacks involve accessory muscles or respiration and wheezing is heard on inspiration and expiration. Pulsus paradoxus may be present ( decreased systolic blood pressure during inspiration or more than 10mgHg).
5e. Chronic bronchitis

5e. Chronic bronchitis

Etiology: hyper-secretion of mucus and chronic productive cough that continues for at least 3 months of the year for 2 consecutive years

Pathophysiology: inspired irritants > airway inflammation with infiltration of neutrophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes into the bronchial wall. Continual bronchial inflammation > bronchial edema and increases the size and number of mucous glands and goblet cells in the airway epithelium. Thick mucous is produced and cannot be cleared because of impaired ciliary function.

Clinical manifestations: decreased exercise tolerance, wheezing, SOB. Typically have productive cough and evidence of airway obstruction shown by spirometry

5f. Emphysema

abnormal permanent enlargement of gas exchange airways accompanied by destruction of alveolar walls without obvious fibrosis

abnormal permanent enlargement of gas exchange airways accompanied by destruction of alveolar walls without obvious fibrosis

5g. Emphysema - Etiology

Primary emphysema :1-3% of all cases is commonly linked to an inherited deficiency of the enzyme a1-antitrypsin.

Secondary emphysema: major cause is inhalation of cigarette smoke, although air pollution, occupational exposures and childhood respiratory tract infections are known to be contributing factors.

5h. Emphysema - Patho

destruction of alveoli through the breakdown of elastin within the septa by an imbalance between proteases and anti-proteases, oxidative stress, and apoptosis of lung structural cells. Alveolar destruction also produces large air spaces within the lung. Air trapping causes hyper-expansion of the chest, this puts the muscles of respiration at a mechanical disadvantage. Results in increased work of breathing, hypoventilation and hypercapnia (CO2 retention, excessive CO2 in the blood.)

5i. Emphysema - Clinical Manifestations

  • dyspnea on exertion that later progresses to marked dyspnea even at rest, little coughing and very little sputum are produced.
  • Tachypnea with prolonged expiration and use of accessory muscles for ventilation.
  • Barrel chest, chest has a hyper-resonant sound with percussion.
  • Patient often leans forward with arms extended and braced on knees when sitting, pursed lip breathing.


Inflammatory reaction in the alveoli and interstitial.

Most pathogens that enter the lungs are expelled or immune system destroys.

Most important guardian of the lower respiratory tract is the alveolar macrophage- activating T-Cells and B-Cells.


*most common-aspiration of oropharyngeal sections in the lower respiratory tract.

*inhalation of microorganisms from sneezing, talking

*bacteria spreading from blood to lungs-bacteremia

6.Pneumonia- Bacterial, atypical, viral

Most common bacterial-streptococus PN;

gram+ staph and streph, gram neg- Klebsiella

Atypical-mycoplasma-small bacteria seen in summer and fall; school age children and young adults (dorms, colleges, barracks).

Viral-RSV, influenza (little mucous)

6.Pneumonia- S/S-

S/S-increased tactile fremitus, dull percussion, decreased breath sounds, CXR-consolidation

Bacterial-chills, fever, malaise, productive cough, purulent or blood tinged sputum

Viral-cold symptoms-preceded by URI, fever, non-productive cough, hoarseness, wheezing, fine rales,

6.Pneumonia- Risk factors Community Acquired bacterial PN

Young, old

Immunocompromised-(more likely to have opportunistic PN-fungal pneumocystic jerokeke-HIV, CA)

Underlying lung disease



6. Tuberculosis


risk factors


Mycobacterium tb (acid fast aerobic bacilli)

-infect lungs but may infect other organs.

malnourished, immunosuppressed, living in crowded environments, incarcerated, elderly

Mantoux (tb skin test)-best, doesn't differentiate active from latent.

Blood tests interferon gamma release assays

-Quantiferon-TB GOLD

-T spot

Sputum culture-takes 3 weeks-definitive

CXR-Ghon tubercles- infiltrates in apex, lymph nodes


droplet airborne (talk, sneeze, laugh) Lodges in the lungs---->mild puenocystics ----->bacilli migrate to lymph nodes----> T-cell mediated response-neutrophils & macrophages engulf and isolate bacilli. STOP the spread by trapping the bacilli in a granuloma called a ghon tubercle. It becomes dormant and will only show up with CXR or TB test. It may remain dormant for life or reactivation may occur d/t age, poor nutrition or reexposure which leads to active pulmonary disease.

6. TB Clinical manifestations

Latent TB-no s/s, can’t spread

Active TB-infective and sick

Bad cough-lasts 3 weeks or longer

Pain in chest, coughing up blood or sputum

Weakness, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss

Chills, diurnal fever, night sweats

6. Acute Bronchitis


Risk Factors


Clinical manifestations


risk factors-Commonly follows a viral illness

Pathophysiology-acute infection or inflammation of airways or brochi. Self limited-tx with diet, good nutrition, cough syrup, fliuds, and rest.

Clinical manifestations-Nonproductive cough, occurs in paroxysms-cough, cough and cough and aggravated by cold, dry, dusty air. Mimics PN but no pulmonary consolidation.

7a. Pulmonary embolism

The occlusion of a portion of the pulmonary vascular bed by a thrombus, embolus, tissue fragment, lipids, or air bubble. Pulmonary emboli commonly arise (90%) from the deep veins in the thigh.

7b. Virchow triad

Factors that cause a thrombi formation: 
Venous stasis (r/t immobility or heart failure),
hyper-coagulability (pregnancy, oral contraceptives, cancer, inherited coagulation disorders, hormone replacement), 
injuries to the endothelial cells that...
  • Factors that cause a thrombi formation:
  • Venous stasis (r/t immobility or heart failure),
  • hyper-coagulability (pregnancy, oral contraceptives, cancer, inherited coagulation disorders, hormone replacement),
  • injuries to the endothelial cells that line the vessels (from trauma or IV infusions)

7c. Pulmonary Embolism - Clinical Manifestations

In most cases the clinical manifestations are nonspecific. Depends on size of embolism: symptoms….

restlessness, apprehension, tachycardia, anxiety, dyspnea and then as it worsens=chest pain on inspiration and hemoptysis.

7d. Pulmonary Embolism - Patho

Depends on the size of extent of pulmonary blood flow obstruction, the size of the affected vessels, the nature of the emboli.

Pulmonary emboli can result in the following: Embolus with infarction (emboli causes death of lung tissue); Embolus without infarction; Massive occlusion (embolus that occludes a major portion of the pulmonary circulation); Multiple pulmonary emboli (may be chronic or recurrent).

The substance enters bloodstream or thrombus is dislodged by trauma, muscle action or changes in blood flow, amniotic embolism displaces blood in the vessel and causes immune response (release of neurohumoral substances such as serotonin, histamine, catecholamines, angiotensin II and inflammatory mediators such as endothelin, leukotrienes, thromboxanes, and toxic oxygen free radicals) that will lead to widespread vasoconstriction, shock, atelectasis, pulmonary edema and pulmonary htn, death. If the clot doesn’t cause infarction, the clot is dissolved by the fibrinolytic system and pulmonary function returns to normal. Risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism is 30% over the next 10 years.


Secondary to Pulmonary Artery Hypertension and will cause signs of right sided heart failure > Right ventricular enlargement…because right ventricle has to work harder to pump blood into the lung.

Secondary to Pulmonary Artery Hypertension and will cause signs of right sided heart failure > Right ventricular enlargement…because right ventricle has to work harder to pump blood into the lung.


Develops as pulmonary hypertension, creating chronic pressure overload in the right ventricle will cause a back flow into the periphery which causes edema. Acute hypoxemia can exaggerate pulmonary HTN and dilate the ventricle. Right ventricular filling pressures are normal until failure occurs. Right ventricle usually fails when pulmonary artery pressure equals systemic blood pressure.

7g. COR PULMONALE - Clinical manifestations

Heart appears normal at rest. With exercise: Decreased cardiac output, chest pain. Electrocardiogram shows right ventricular hypertrophy.

8a. Epiglottis

8a. Epiglottis - Etiology

  • 25% caused by H. influenza B
  • Also caused by Strep A, B, C, F and G, strep pneumonia, candida, staph aureus and viruses
  • Other causes include thermal injury, trauma and post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

8b. Epiglottis - Patho

  • Bacterial invasion
  • Causes inflammation and epiglottis edema
  • Causes upper airway obstruction
  • Life threatening

8c. Epiglottis - Clinical Manifestations

  • Ages 2-6 years
  • Sudden onset high fever, irritability, sore throat, stridor and respiratory distress
  • Develop drooling and dysphagia
8d. Croup

8d. Croup - Etiology

  • 6 months to 3 years (peak age 2 years)
  • 85% viral cause (parainfluenza)
  • Caused by influenza A, RSV, rhinovirus, adenovirus, rubella, mycoplasma pneumonia
  • More common in fall and winter and in boys

Spasmodic croup - Sudden onset, usually at night, no viral prodrome, resolves quickly, occurs in older children, etiology is unknown and is thought to be associated with viral, allergy, asthma, and GERD.

8e. Croup - Patho

  • Subglottic edema from infection
  • Mucous membranes of larynx are tight to cartilage
  • Subglottic space is looser and allows edema to develop

8f. Croup - Clinical Manifestations

  • Rhinorrhea, sore throat and low grade fever
  • Seal-like barking cough, hoarse voice and stridor.
  • Most resolve spontaneously
  • If upper airway obstruction develops this is urgent
9. Tonsillar infections

9. Tonsillar infections

  • Inflam. of tonsils/pharynx
  • Peritonsillar abscess: unilateral complication of tonsillitis (must be drained & ATB tx)
  • S/sx: fever, sore throat, dysphagia, muffled voice, pooling of saliva, trismus
  • Cause: Group A staph aureus & MRSA

9. Bacterial tracheitis

  • Acute upper airway obstruction
  • Diffuse inflam. of the larynx/trachea/bronchi
  • More common in children d/t narrow subglottic airway
  • S/sx: barking cough, stridor, and fever (not to be confused with Croup)
  • Cause: Group A staph aureus and often follows a recent viral upper respiratory infection
10 Bronchiolitis etilogy

10a. Bronchiolitis -Etilogy

A common viral-induced lower respiratory tract infection of the small airways in children younger than 2 years of age. Most common pathogen is Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), but may also be associated with adenovirus, rhinovirus (older children) influenza, strep, pneumococci, and human metapneumovirus.

10b. Bronchiolitis - Etilogy

Peak incidence is during winter (late December) and a spike in February, and tapers off in spring. Major reason for hospital admission of children younger than one and children of lower socioeconomic status. Healthy children usually have a complete recovery. Although about 50% of children who have RSV bronchiolitis before age one will have asthma diagnosed by age 6

10c. Bronchiolitis - Pathophysiology

  • Agent causes inflammation and necrosis of the bronchial epithelium and destruction of ciliated epithelial cells.
  • Infiltration of lymphocytes with lymphocytes around bronchioles and a cell mediated hypersensitivity to viral antigens with release of lymphokines causing inflammation, as well as activation of eosinophils, neutrophils, and monocytes.

10d. Bronchiolitis - Pathophysiology

  • Submucosa becomes edematous, and cellular debris, and fibrin form plugs within bronchioles.
  • Bronchospasm and mucous plugs cause narrowing of airways ( causes obstruction of airflow that is worse on expiration), air trapping, hyperinflation, and atelectasis which lead to ventilation-perfusion mismatch and hypoxemia.

10e. Bronchiolitis - Pathophysiology

  • Airway resistance and hyperinflation result in decreased lung compliance and increased work of breathing and may cause hypercapnia in severe cases.

10f. Bronchiolitis -Clinical Manifestations:

  • Symptoms vary child to child depending on the health of the child before illness and genetic predisposition.
  • Symptoms may be mild or so bad that disease is fatal. Common symptoms start with rhinorrhea (runny nose), tight cough, poor feeding/decreased appetite, lethargy, and fever.

10g. Bronchiolitis - Clinical Manifestations:

  • Infants may have tachypnea, expiratory wheezing, cough, rhinorrhea, mild fever, varying degrees of respiratory distress, and abnormal auscultatory findings of the chest.
  • Severe cases: chest x ray reveal hyperexpanded lungs, patchy or peribronchial infiltrates, and atelectasis.

10h. Bronchiolitis - Clinical Manifestations:

  • Severely affected infants appear anxious and distressed because of dyspnea and hypoxemia.
  • Thoracic cage is overexpanded, particularly AP diameter.Infant takes rapid, short deep breaths, and wheezing, and rales are often heard on auscultation.

10i. Bronchiolitis - Clinical Manifestations:

  • Overexpansion of lungs, the diaphragm is flattened, causing downward displacement of the liver and spleen.
  • Abdominal distention results from air swallowingGenetics tendencies have been noted that correlate RSV bronchiolitis with asthma.
11. SIDS

11. SIDS


  • Unknown cause
  • “Sudden death of an infant under 1 year which remains unexplained after a thorough case investigation including complete autopsy, exam of death scene, and review of clinical history”
  • Probably due to immature ventilatory and arousal response to hypoxia

11a. SIDS

*Theories on Etiology

  • Theory involving impaired autonomic regulation and failure of cardiovascular, ventilatory, and arousal responses (particularly those regulated by the hypoglossal nucleus (HGN) to hypoxemia or hypercarbia
  • Other theories: airway obstruction events, increased vagal tone, sudden intrapulmonary shunting because of abnormalities of surfactant or pulmonary vessels, or exaggerated inflammation, eosinophil degranulation, and massive cytokine release causing pulmonary edema in response to bacterial or viral infections

11b. SIDS

*Risk Factors

  • Genetic factors :10-20% may be caused by genetic variation in either ion channel or ion channel-associated proteins associated with primary electrical heart disease (like long QT and short QT syndrome)
  • Preterm or low birth weight infants, multiple births, siblings of prior SIDS victims (4-6-fold increased risk), low or adverse socioeconomic status, large family size

11c. SIDS

*Risk Factors

  • 75% have no predisposing risk factors
  • Maternal factors- maternal smoking, young maternal age, unmarried, less prenatal care, poverty, illicit drug use or binge drinking
  • Prone sleeping position, sleeping on soft bedding, overheating, bed sharing with an adult (particularly with a smoker)

11e. SIDS


  • Back to sleep, firm sleep surface, room sharing without bed sharing, routine immunization, pacifier, avoidance of soft bedding, overheating, and exposure to tobacco smoke, alcohol, and drugs
  • Breastfeeding

12a. Pt c/o of having a nagging cough that just won’t go away. Can’t remember when it started. Productive. Having a hard time exercising and gets SOB easily.

Chronic Bronchitis

12b. Mother comes in with infant who is 8 months old, states infant has come down with a nasal cold and cough, has had a fever for several days now, cough is “barky”, hoarse cry, difficulty sleeping.


12c. healthy male, 32 years old. Exhibiting tachypnea and difficulty breathing. C/O pain in right side, “inside my ribcage”. On auscultation of right side, lung sounds diminished in UQ and absent in LQ.

primary (spontaneous) pneumothorax

12d. 4 year old presenting with severe respiratory distress. Temp is 103.6, sore throat, not been drinking or eating, positive for strep. Stridor present on inspiration.


12e. Pt complaining of difficulty breathing, “chest feels tight”, audible wheezing, heart rate and respirations are elevated, accessory muscles being used on inspiration.


12f. Pt was a smoker for 15 years but quit 5 years ago. Pt has a slight non productive cough with dyspnea and elevated respirations. State they used to only have trouble breathing when walking or climbing stairs but now it feels like it won’t go away and that they are always having trouble. Pt states it helps slightly to lean forward and rest arms on their knees.


12g. 14 year old girl comes into ER after falling off her horse and landing on a rock. Left side of rib cage is bruised, absent lung sounds, pt is tachpnic, severe trouble with breathing and in pain.

Secondary (traumatic) pneumothorax

12h. Mother brings in 15-month old child, with a “bad cold”, runny nose and cough. Exhibits tachypnea, wheezing, Temp is 100.2, dyspnea, O2 sats 90%, rales auscultated. Mother states child is not eating well and is lethargic.


12i. Pt with a history of DVT comes in with difficulty breathing and is highly anxious, also c/o of mild chest pain. HR and resps are elevated.

pulmonary embolism

13a. Pain

an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience with actual or potential tissue damage:

• A symptom is not a clinical sign, diagnosis or disease

PAIN is always subjective

• The inability for an individual to communicate verbally does not negate the possibility that they are experiencing pain and have a need for pain relief

13. b Specificity Theory
13b. Specificity Theory

• Amount of acute pain or specific injuries verses the amount of tissue injury (pin prick is less painful than a cut from a knife)

• The activation of specific pain receptors and fibers that project to the brain

• Doesn't explain chronic pain, cognitive or emotional elements that contribute to more complex types of pain

13b. Specificity Theory

Increase: use of alcohol, pain killers, hypnosis, warmth, distraction, and faith.

Decrease: repeated exposure to pain-killers

13c. Patterning Theory

• Explains the role of impulse intensity and re-patterning of the central nervous system.

• A limited theory, does not account for all pain experiences

13c. Patterning Theory
  • It is a protective mechanism that alerts the individual to a condition or experience that is immediately harmful to the body.
  • It is transient; it might last up to 3 months.
  • Begins suddenly
  • Physical manifestations include increased heart rate, hypertension, diaphoresis, dilated pupils and anxiety.
13d. (1) Gate Control Theory (GCT)-integrates builds upon features of other Theories of Pain
13d. (1) Gate Control Theory (GCT)-integrates builds upon features of other Theories of Pain

  • Explains the complexities of the pain phenomenon
  • Explains multidimensional aspects of pain perception and pain modulation
  • Proposes that a neural mechanism of the dorsal horn root of the spinal cord acts like a gate that can increase or decrease the perception of pain that comes from the peripheral nerves to the CNS
  • Pain is modulated by this “gate”
13. d (2) Gate Control Theory GCT
13d. (2) Gate Control Theory GCT

• Large myelenated A-delta fibers move the pain signals very rapidly and the brain perceives these signals as stinging and highly localized pain

• Small, un-myelinated C fibers move impulses more slowly. Pain transmission is poorly localized dull and aching in nature. Within the internal organs.

• Nociceptive transmissions on these fibers “open” the spinal gate and increase the perception of pain

13d. (3) Gate Control Theory GCT

  • Closure or partial closure of the spinal gates occurs from non-nociceptive stimulation (from touch sensors in the skin).
  • These signals are carried on non-nociceptive larger A-beta fibers and decrease pain perception (that is why rubbing a painful area may relieve some pain)
  • Other efferent CNS pathways descent to the spinal cord and may close, partially close, or open the gate modulating the pain experience
  • GCT gives understanding of neuronal pathways in PNS and CNS (Pain in paraplegics that do not “fit the theory”)
13. e (1) Neuromatrix Theory
13e. (1) Neuromatrix Theory

• Grows out of the gate theory

• the brain produces patterns of nerve impulses drawn from various inputs- genetic, psychological and cognitive experiences

13e. (2) Neuromatrix Theory
  • Last at least 3 months
  • Ongoing (e.g., low back pain) or intermittent (e.g., migraine headaches).
  • Changes in the peripheral and central nervous systems are thought to lead to chronic pain.
  • normal heart rate and blood pressure.
  • behavioral and psychologic changes often emerge, including depression, difficulty eating and sleeping, preoccupation with the pain, and avoidance of pain-provoking stimuli.
13e. (3) Neuromatrix Theory

  • Pain is described as a multidimensional whole mind body spirit experience
  • Explains how pain can be felt even with absence of inputs from the body (phantom limb)
  • A stimulation like (stress, immune & sensory input, cultural factors, etc.) affect pain perception
13e. (4) Neuromatrix Theory
  • Activation of sensory inputs from the periphery, can originate independently within the brain with no external input
  • illustrates plasticity- (adaptable change in structure and function) of the brain

the Gate Theory idea that the body-self provides a holistic, integrated, dynamic consideration of pain

13f. No single theory
Adequately explains the complex dynamics of the many different types of pain or the pain experience

14.The three portions of the nervous system responsible for the sensation and perception of pain are:

1. The afferent pathway begins in the PNS, travels to the spinal gate in the dorsal horn and then ascends to higher centers in the CNS.

2. Interpretive centers located in the brainstem, mid-brain, diencephalon, and cerebral cortex.

3. The efferent pathways that descend from the CNS to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord modulate pain.

14.The processing of potentially harmful (noxious) stimuli through a normally functioning nervous system is called....


14.Nociception involves four phases:

transduction-stimulation of nociceptors

transmission-fast-delta A fibers (skin & muscles); slow-C-fiber (internal organs)

perception-pain awareness and interpretation

modulation-suppression or facilitation of pain

14.Pain transduction begins ....

when tissue is damaged by exposure to chemical, mechanical, or thermal noxious stimuli and is converted to electrophysiological activity.

This causes activation of nociceptors.

14. Processing of pain

1st order neurons-nociceptors-

bare nerve endings in the skin, joints, arteries and visera that respond to chemical, thermal, or mechanical stimulation.

14. Processing of pain- 2nd order neurons

Interneurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal column.

They cross over and ascend.

Excitatory or inhibitory-pain gate to regulate pain transmission

14. Processing of pain- 3rd order neurons

Afferent neurons in the spinothalamic tract.

Carry info to the sensory cortex and reticular/limbic systems to process and interpret pain.

14. Endogenous Opiate Peptides

Decrease the perception of pain-like opioids-bind with opioid receptors.





14. Dynorphins

Most potent

14. Beta Endorphins

Reside in the hypothalamus and pituitary and are released during stress, pain, emotion, eating chocolate, laughter, massage or acupuncture.

Reduce pain and produce sedation and euphoria.

Strong mu receptors agonists that provide natural pain relief.

14. Endorphins

Potent analgesics

GI and anti-inflammatory agents.

15.  Pain Threshold

15. Pain Threshold

The point at which a stimulus is viewed as painful. This point does not tend to vary over the lifetime or between people.

15. What causes perceptual dominance?

Perceptual dominance is caused when pain is so intense in one location, that it tends to mask pain in another location.

15. What factors can influence an individual's pain tolerance?

Pain tolerance is the amount of pain, or length of time a person will endure pain before engaging in overt pain responses.

Influenced by:

Culture, expectations, mental and physical health, roles, gender, fatigue, anger, boredom, apprehension, and sleep deprivation.

16. Somatic Pain

16. Somatic Pain

  • Superficial
  • Arise from connective tissue, muscle or bone, and skin.
  • It is either sharp and well localized (especially fast pain carried by Aδfibers) or dull, aching, throbbing, and poorly localized as seen in polymodal C fiber transmissions.
16. Visceral Pain

16. Visceral Pain

  • Pain in internal organs and the lining of bodycavities with an aching, gnawing, throbbing, orintermittent cramping quality.
  • Transmitted by sympathetic afferents and ispoorly localized
  • Associated with nausea and vomiting,hypotension, restlessness, and,in some cases, shock.
  • Radiates or is referred.
16. Referred Pain

16. Referred Pain

  • Felt in an area removed or distant from its point of origin
  • The area of referred pain is supplied by the same spinal segment as the actual site of pain.
  • Referred pain can be acute or chronic.
16. Neuropathic Pain

16. Neuropathic Pain

  • Results from primary injury to the peripheral or central nervous system and is not the result of pain signaling from peripheral tissues or organs.
  • The pathogenesis of neuropathic pain syndromes includes both peripheral and central mechanisms of pain sensitization.

16. Peripheral Neuropathic Pain

  • Caused by peripheral nerve trauma, diabetic or alcohol abuse–induced neuropathy, carcinoma, nutritional deficiencies, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
  • Pain sensation can occur in the absence of a stimulus and may be evoked by movement (incident pain), and hyper sensitivity and/or allodynia may be present in the involved body part.

16. Central neuropathic pain

  • Caused by a lesion or dysfunction in the CNS (brain or spinal cord).
  • Alterations of the sensory pathways and impairment of descending inhibitory mechanisms contribute to the pain.
  • Examples of central causes of neuropathic pain include brain or spinal cord trauma, tumors,vascular lesions, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, postherpetic neuralgia(PHN), phantom limb pain, and reflex sympathetic dystrophy.
  • Neuropathic pain is often paroxysmal with hyperesthesia and paresthesias (tingling sensations of pins and needles), burning, shooting, or stabbing sensations.
  • Neuropathic pain is often described as “gnawing” and miserable.


2. paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

pt wakes up gasping for air

need to sit or stand

Associate with CHF or undx obstructive sleep apnea.

2. orthopnea

lying down SOB

2. dyspnea

flaring of nostrils

accessory use of muscles


2. cough

acute 2-3 weeks

chronic- > 3 weeks

2. Kussmauls

slightly increased ventilatory rate

Very large tidal volumes

No expiratory pause

2. stridor

high pitched sounds made during inspiration

2. hyperventilation

alveolar ventilation exceeds metabolic demands--->resp alkalosis from hypocapnia

Blowing off CO2

Caused by anxiety, head injuries and increased RR.

2. hypoventilation

alveolar ventilation inadequate to meet metabolic demands--->resp acidosis from hypercapnia

Caused by airway obstruction, chest wall restrictions, altered neurologic control of breathing

2.central cyanosis

Decreased arterial blood

Caused by Pulmonary disease or pulmonary/cardiac right to left shunts

Seen in lips of mucous membrane

Poor indication of respiratory failure.

Lack of cyanosis does not indicate normal 02

2.Peripheral cyanosis

Vasoconstriction of periphery

Seen in nails beds


Bulbous enlargement of the end of a digit -nailbed hypertrophy

Associated with cystic fibrosis, *pulmonary fibrosis, congenital heart disease, *bronchiectasis



4. ARDs S/S (progressive)

Dyspnea/hypoxemia-poor response to 02 supplementation---->

Hyperventilation/Resp alkalosis--->

Decreased tissue perfusion, metabolic acidosis and organ dysfxn----->

Hypercapnia, resp acidosis and worsening


Decreased cardiac output, hypotension and death


*PediatricPain Pathways-functional preterm and newborn infants

*20-24 weeks gestations-nociceptors functional

*Infants, crying, facial expression, body language, lack of consolability

*5-18 years- lower pain threshold than adults

17. S/S-infant Pain

Brows-lowered, drawn together

Forehead-bulge between brows, vertical furrowsEyes-closed tightly


Nose-broadened, bulging

Mouth-open, squarish

17. Pain in Older Adults

*Influenced by chronic disease

*Pain threshold increases d/t peripheral neuropathies, skin thickens, cognitive changes

*Pain tolerance decreases-women are more sensitive than men.

*Alterations in the metabolism of drugs and metabolites occur d/t decreased renal/liver function