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41 Cards in this Set

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is the action imperative that appears diagonally opposite to the open systems model quadrant in the competing values framework
creat action imperative is associated with...
negotiating agreement and commitment; implementing and sustaining change; and using power ethically and effectively.
the effectiveness criteria associated with the open sytem quadrant are:
adaptability, external support, and change
the open system model is most consistent with theoretical perspective called...
contingency theory
power can be defined as...
the capacity to mobilize people and resource in order to get things done
social capital is a source of power that is known as
relationship power
rational persuasion would be effective when trying to...
influence one's boss
how can a person increase power and influence with his/her subordinates
Give them credit for their ideas when talking to your superiors.
Provide training
Do not be afraid to talk about the ways you depend upon each other.
what is the purpose of relational message?
to build trust
what is the purpose of promotional message
direct actions
in order to build trust your message should be..
open, candid, honest, credible, believable, and plausible
informational messages focus on
set, support, sequence, access, and polish
when putting together a presentation you have to be prepared for:
Addressing objections and counterarguments to your position
Defining things adequately
"spill the beans" refers to what in a presentation?
starting with the main point
visuals in a presenatation are meant for...
the audience and not the speaker
what actions are a part of the polish step of preparing an effective presentation?
-making sure your appearance is appropriate
-having your notes in order
what are the principles of effective communication?
-tailor your communications based on your audience
-find your own authentic voice, and use it to establish a connection with your audience.
creativity is...
a process of associating known things or ideas into new combination and relationships.
critical thinking is often described as...
vertical, logical moving upward until you arrive at a correct answer
how would you described creative thinking?
it often takes advantage of importing ideas from one context to another.
the barriers to creative thinking created by reason and logic are:
-A negative value on fantasy and reflection as a waste of time, a sign of laziness
-belief that only children should play and that adults should be serious
-The belief that feelings and intuition are illogical and impractical
building a creative space for people is tough. That is why managers should..
enhance their own creative ability through special workshops and seminars
the first step of the Nominal group technique is to...
make sure that everyone agrees on the problems definition.
how can analogies be useful in creative thinking?
angalogies help us think about things in different ways.
the following is true about negotiation
negotiation is the preeminent form of decision making in personal and professional life.
dialogue can be defined as...
-a process of working things out through a thoughtful sharing of viewpoints
-the free flow of meaning in an atmonsphere of mutual trust and respect
the conditions of dialogue are...
mutual purpose, meaning, and respect.
parties can demonstrate mutual respect by...
-Listening respectfully
-Speaking candidly
-Focusing more on solving problems than on placing blame
one of the principles of "Getting to yes" is...
generating a variety of possibilities before deciding what to do.
in order to achieve a win-win situation a manager should...
try to find ways to expand the issues that are being negotiated
in negotiating, the strategy of dovetailing refers to...
collaborating to find how the needs of both parties can be met.
Kurt Lewin's force field analysis model can be used to help managers to...
-understand whether a change is needed
-understand whether a change is likely to be successful
-determine whether a change will be resisted
force field analysis is appropiate for the Open System model quadrant of competing values framework because...
it assumes that when the external environment changes, the organization needs to ensure that its strategies are still aligned with the current environment.
organizational barriers to change are:
-resource limitations
-existing routines
-existing structures
when driving forces are stronger than resisting forces
force field analysis is more desired.
how can managers influence change in their organization?
they can focus on developing the capacity of the people involved to perform at their best
transactional change...
encourages surface level changes that are likely to be short lived.
the following are guidelines for avoiding the "powerpoine overload" and making presentation more accessible to the audience:
-Every slide should have a clear headline
-Information should be organized into digestible bites
-Slides should Not be overloaded with text
-Visuals should be used to supplement text
content set is...
the roadmap you provide your audience.
core activities in networking are:
-Sharing information
-Making introductions and referrals
-Providing references
-Offering ideas and advice