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60 Cards in this Set

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Is it important to obtain adequate assistance to maintain proper body mechanics?
To maintain proper body mechanics, it is important to work at _______ level.
To maintain proper body mechanics, it is important to work _____ the area involved.
close to/near
True or false: to maintain proper body mechanics, reaching is important.
False! You want to avoid stretching, reaching and twisting.
True or false: to maintain proper body mechanics, you want to avoid stretching, reaching and twisting.
What needs to occur to complete a proper pivot?
having one foot in front of the other, raising your heals, and turning the body ninety degrees with the body aligned.
True or false: Before you move an object, you want to narrow your stance.
What steps should be taken before you move an object?
- widen stance, flex knees, hips and ankles.

- contract gluteals, abdominal, leg and arm muscles

- push, pull, roll or turn rather than lift.
True or false: personal hygiene promotes physical and psychological well-being
True or false: nurses should provide total care for all patients regardless of the patient's personal abilities to clean themselves
false. Nurses should give only the care that patients cannot or should not provide for themselves
true or false: nurses should respect individual patient preferences when it comes to personal hygiene
true or false: personal hygeine care is carried out at specific, rigid times only.
false. Nurses should provide personal hygiene care frequently enough to promote personal hygeine and wellness as needed. This is indidividual depending on the patient and the circumstances
What are the types of hygeine care?
There is early morning care, AM care, afternoon care, HS care, as neeeded care
True or false: bathing helps relax a restless patient
true or false: bathing is not a muscoleskeletal exercise
false. bathing is a muskoleskeletal exercise
true or false: bathing improves a patient's self image
true or false: bathing provides sensory input
true or false: nurses should always try to delegate bathing because it doesn't really help nurses with the nursing process
false. bathing is an excellent time to assess your patient
true or false: as a nurse, bathing your patient can help strengthen the relationship you have with your patient
true or false: It is important for a nurse to consider the cost of supplies while bathing a patient.
true: cost effectiveness is an important reality affecting the day to day practice of nursing care!
true or false: the safety of the patient doesn't matter while bathing.
false: safety always matters!
While bathing your patient, you would want to go from the _______ area to the ________ area.
cleanest to dirtiest
True or false: While bathing a patient, you would clean the dirtiest areas of the patient's body first.
False: you would clean the cleanest area first. You go from cleanest to dirtiest (do not want to contaminate the cleaner areas!)
True or false: while providing perineal care on a female, the nurse would spread the labia and move the washcloth from the anal area toward the pubic area.
false: while providing perineal care on a female, it is important to remember that the nurse must clean from the labia to the anal area (front to back!)
True or false: while providing perineal care on a female, the nurse would spread the labia and move the washcloth from the labia to the anal area.
True or false: while providing perineal care on a female, the nurse would first spread the _______.
True or false: while providing perineal care on males and females, the nurse should use a clean portion of the washcloth for each stroke.
While providing perineal care on males and females, the nurse should proceed from the ______ contaminated areas to the _______ contaminated areas.
most to least (the nurse should clean from cleanest to dirtiest so as to avoid contaminating the clean areas!)
True or false: while providing perineal care on a male, the nurse would wash the shaft of the penis using upward strokes away from the pubic area.
False; while providing perineal care on a male, the nurse would wash the shaft of the penis using downward strokes toward the pubic area.
True or false: while providing perineal care on a male, the nurse would wash the shaft of the pnis using downwards strokes towards the pubic area
While providing perineal care on a male, the nurse would clean the _____ of the penis first.
While providing perineal care on a male, the nurse would clean the tip of the penis first, moving the washcloth in what motion/direction?
circular motion from the meatus outwards
It is important for a nurse to keep in mind the patient's preferences when it comes to oral care. What type of preferences would a patient have regarding oral care?
frequency, time of day, type of hygeine products used
True or false: some patients may have physical activity limitations that would require assistance from the nurse to complete oral care
True or false: a nurse needs a physician order to apply antiembolism stockings to a patient
What is a common term for antiembolism stockings?
ted hose
Antiembolism stockings are used for patients at risk for what?
venous thromboembolism and pulmonary embolism
Antiembolism stockings help prevent ________.
What is phlebitis?
inflammation of a vein due to a blod clot. Usually in the legs.
How do antiembolism stockings help prevent phelebitis?
By applying pressure, the speed of blood flow is increased, promoting proper circulation and promoting venous return to the heart.
What types of medications would a nurse expect to see ordered in conjunction with antiembolism stockings or pneumatic compression devices?
Explain why anticoagulants are often used in conjunction with antiembolism stockings and/or pneumatic compression devices.
All three (anticoagulants, antiembolism stockings and pneumatic compression devices) help prevent blod clots by promoting circulation.
How do pneumatic compression devices work?
Intermittent compression pushes blood from the smaller blood vessels into deeper vessels and into the femoral veins.
What does it mean to say "prevention of thrombosis formation?"
preventing blood clots from forming
Picture a regular bedpan
grey ones at work
Picture a fracture bedpan
pink ones at work
True or false: when you put a patient on a bedpan you should raise the head of the bed so that the patient is in an almost sitting position.
True or false: when you put a patient on a fracture pan you should raise the head of the bed so that the patient is an almost sitting position
false. fracture pans are used when a patient shouldn't have the head of the bed raised too much for a variety of reasons
A bed with the sheets turned down is called a (n) ______ bed.
A bed with the sheets pulled up is called a (n) ______ bed.
A bed with a patient in it is a (n) _______ bed.
A bed without a patient in it is a (n) ________ bed.
True or false: During postmortem care, it is not important for the nurse to care for the body because the patient is already dead.
False. It is very important that the nurse care for the body and treat the body with respect. That was a person!!
True or false: During postmortem care, it is inappropriate for the nurse to cry with the family.
False. it is okay for a nurse to cry with the family as long as the nurse doesn't neglect her other duties
True or false: It is okay for a nurse to neglect her/his other patient's if one of the nurse's patients has passed away and postmortem care is required.
False. A nurse must care for all her/his patients at all times.
True or false: During postmortem care, it is important that the nurse cares for the family.
What does a "patient's mobility status" entail?
it entails asessing a patient's movement! (general ease of movement, gait and posture, alighnment, joint structure and function), muscle mass, tone, and strength
True or false: alignment is important to note when assessing a patient's mobility.
What is safe handling?
safe handling is a concept dealing with maintaining safety as a high priority when ambulating patients.
What does safe handling entail?
assessing the patient, having enough assistance, removing obstacles, proper equipment, having a plan, preparing the patient and using proper body mechanics