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53 Cards in this Set

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This is added to Natural Gas to give it a distinguishable odour:

Butyl Mercaptan

True or False?

Butyl Mercaptan is added to propane to give it a distinguishable odour.


Ethyl Mercaptan is added to propane

Methane accounts for ___________% of Natural Gas, followed by ___________% ethane.

>90% (89.68)

>5% (4.68)

What is the chemical formula for propane?


What is another name for relative density?

Specific gravity

What is the relative density of N.G. in its gaseous state?


What is the relative density of Propane in its gaseous state?


The boiling point of liquid propane is _________, vs natural gas, which is _________.

-44 degrees F

-260 degrees F

What is the ideal air to fuel ratio for complete combustion of N.G vs propane?

N.G: 10-1

L.P: 23.5-1

True or False?

Propane combusts at 1000 BTU’s per cu. ft. Approx 2.5x hotter than Natural Gas.


Propane = 2520 BTU per cu ft

Natural Gas = 1000 BTU per cu ft

What are the ignition temperatures of air-mixed propane and Natural Gas?

Propane= 920 deg F

Natural Gas= 1300 deg F

What is the typical pressure of a gas line entering a city gate station vs leaving the station?

1500-2000 PSIG


300 PSIG

Note there are also intermediate, modified and low pressure lines for regular distribution throughout cities

What is the relative density of liquid natural gas & propane?

NG: 0.3

Propane: 0.51

What is the boiling point of water?

212 F

What is the expansion factor of natural gas?

1-600 x

What is the expansion rate of propane?


What is the definition of Heating Content?

The amount of heat energy released by burning one cu ft of gas. It is measured in BTUs

What is the heating value of propane?

2520 BTUs per cu ft

What is the difference between LEI and UEI?

Lower vs Upper explosion limits

= lowest vs highest ratios of fuel to air mixture that will support combustion

What is the LEI of propane vs Ng?

Propane= 2.5-9.5

LG= 4-15%

Define combustion

The rapid oxidization of a fuel gas to produce light and heat.

True or False?

The maximum flame speed of NG is 12” per second, vs Propane @ 32” per second


What are the products of incomplete combustion?

Carbon monoxide



What are the products of complete combustion?

Carbon Dioxide




Water vapour


There needs to be excess oxygen in order to ensure complete combustion

What are the symptoms of CO ppisoning?

Flu without the fever

What are possible reasons for the presence of Carbon Monoxide?

- improper function/maintenance of an appliance (ask homeowner about health/appliance issues)

- spillage of flue products (improper venting)

- cracked heat exchanger

- lack of fresh air supply

What is the minimum unacceptable levels of CO in an enclosed space?

35 ppm

(But in reality should be zero!)

True or False?

Primary air is supplied prior to ignition and secondary air is supplied after combustion.


Primary air is supplied prior to ignition and secondary air is supplied after ignition (around the flame) to complete the combustion

True or false

Dilution air is air supplied in excess of combustion to ensure complete combustion


Dilution air is air allowed into a venting device to slow the speed of air flow through a vent, cooling it as a result.

True or false:

Excess air is air supplied in excess of combustion to ensure complete combustion


This tube is where the gas supply is premixed with air.

Ventruri Tube (creates small vortex)

A luminous flame is ___________ in colour and is caused by _____________ supply.


Fuel rich supply

Flame lifting is caused by ______________ conditions, and can be identified by ___________.

- Air rich conditions (or an overfired burner).

- noisy or broken flame

What causes flashback?

When Gas/air flow velocity is less than the flame speed (12”/sec)

Propane tanks are tested by _________________, and have a relief pressure of 250 PSIG.


Propane cylinders are tested by _________________, and have a relief pressure of ________.


- 375 PSIG

What is the ratio for primary air (NG)


What is the ratio for primary air (NG)


What is the ratio for secondary air (NG)?


What is the ratio for primary air (NG)


What is the ratio for secondary air (NG)?


What is the ratio for dilution air (NG)?


Working pressure is:

The gas pressure in the supply line while the appliance is running.

What is the required minimum pressure test strength of all gas hosing?

350 psig

What is delta T a measurement of?

It is the temperature difference between return air and supply air.

When are custom fitting sizes required for gas pipe sizing?

When dealing with supply pressure over 2 psig. Use table B.11 for fittings.

Define BTU

The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 lb of water by 1 degree F at sealevel.

What is the purpose and colour symbol of an A Class fire extinguisher?


Normal combustibles

What is the purpose and colour symbol of an A Class fire extinguisher?


Normal combustibles

What is the colour symbol and purpose of a Class B fire extinguisher?



What is the colour and purpose of a Class C fire extinguisher?



What is the colour it and purpose of a Class D fire extinguisher?


Combustible Metals

What is the colour and purpose of a Class K fire extinguisher?


Kitchen fires / oils