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26 Cards in this Set

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Glial Cells
provide guid of growth, rapp around neurons, and realease chemicals
3 things
cell; 1 extension recieves electrical signals, and the longer 1 transmitts electrical signals
2 extensions.
Cell Body
large egg shaped and has a nucleus.
recieve signals from other neurons, muscles, or sense organs and pass these signals to nucleus
Periperal nervous system
;pcated throughout budy except brain and spinal cord.. have ability to regrow or reattach if severed or damaged
central nervous system
made up of neurons located in the brain and spinal cord. limited capacity to grow new neurons.
axon membrane
has chemical gates that can open to allow electrically charged particals enter.
resting state
possitive sodium ions are outside and negative protein ions are inside.
sodium pump
picks up any sodium ions that enter axon ans returns them back outside. responsible for keeping axon charged.
a battery
action potential
possitive sodium ions rush inside axon, and ourside becomes negative.
Nerve immpulse
series of action potentials that take place segments by segment as they move down the legth of an axon.
if an action potential starts at the begining of an axon, the action potential will continue at the same speed, to the very end of the axon
chemical messenger that transmits info between nerves ans body organs, such as muscles and heart.
exitatory transmitters
open chemical locks in the heart muscle and cause it to beat faster
inhibitory transmitter
block chemical locks in the heart muscle ans decrease rate.
chemicals amde by neurons and used for communication between neurons durring the performance of mental or physical activities.
motor control over muscles. learning, memory, sleeping, and dreaming
arousal and vigalance "high alert". increases heart rate and blood pressure. eating behavior.
inhibitory. reward and motivation. motor control over voluntary movement
inhibitory. emotional states and impulsiceness. dreaming
inhibitory. inhibition of action potentials. anxiety and intoxication
inhibitory.pain reduction. reward.
unleaned, involuntary reation to some stimulus, neural connections
or motor, neurons carry info away from spinal cord to produce responses in various muscles and organs thoughout the body.
sensory. neurons carry info from the senses to the spinal cord.
efferent neuron
motor. away from the spinal cord to produce responses in various muscles and organs throughout the body. "movement information"