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53 Cards in this Set

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Recognize that in the Philippines, worship has unfortunately been often separated from the totality of life.

Second Plenary Council

Is turning the heart toward God


What prompts a person to pray?

We pray because we are full of an infinite longing and God has created us for Himself. We also pray because we need to.

How to pray?

• Vocal Prayer

• Meditation

• Offering

• Ask the Holy Spirit to ask you pray

Includes the usual recitations of traditional prayers, singing songs for God, chants etc.

Vocal Prayers

Is to allow God to speak in the silence of our Hearts.


Type of prayer that accompanied with silence.

Scriptural Prayer

Is when we dedicate to God everything that we do.


Is also a precious gift to us by the Holy Spirit according to St. Paul


To pray like Jesus means

• Entering into His boundless trust

• Joining in His prayer

• And being led by Him, step by step to the Father

Elements of Christian Prayer

• Christ

• Trinitarian

• Comes from the Heart

It is the Heart of the Christian Prayer


Addressed to the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit

Trinitarian Prayer

Prayer should be sincere, prayer should bear fruit: compassion, love etc

Comes from the Heart

Levels of Prayer

• Personal Prayer

• Communal Liturgical Prayer

The Eucharist

Communal Liturgical Prayer

Includes devotions to Mary and the Saints

Personal Prayer

An inner attitude of reverence and homage in an outward expression in signs, words, actions, songs and dances enacted in a public ritual.


Consist not in words on the lips but in deeds of the heart

Authentic Worship

Are symbols that include actions and words. A short definition of a ritual is "a symbolic action"


Help us become aware of Christ's grace-filled presence around us or liberate us from the presence of the Evil One.


This is the honor and recognition which we accord to the saints.


This is the very special honor we accord to Mary.


This is the true worship and is given only to God.


It means to give honor.


Live holiness in their own "little way"

Therese of Lisieux

God preserved Mary from any inclination to sin.

The Immaculate Concepcion of Mary

Mutual Hatred between Mary and sin, between Christ and sin.


Judge of Israel


The belief of the Immaculate Concepcion of Mary says nothing about Mary and Personal sin

Romans 3:23

God is revealed as a perfect interior holiness.

Isaiah 6:3

The request for the mother to be pure is repeated for emphasis

Judges 13: 3 & 7

Catholic Christians believed that if Mary was preserved from sin by the free gift of God, she would not be bound to experience the consequences of sin -- death.

The Assumption of Mary

Declared infallibly

Pope Plus XII

Immaculate Conception

December 8

Mary, Mother of God

January 1

Was first associated with rubrics what the priests do around the altar or ceremonial worship


Is the divine worship of the Church


Official public worship of the Church


Are precise reality physical objects, events or human actions which points towards another reality


They come from the nature of the things themselves such as smoke, fire, etc.

Natural Signs

Signs whose meaning are different based on culture.

Social/Cultural Free signs

Signs based on personal interest. Speaks about how a person expresses his/her inner self or the personality to others.

Personal Signs

Two-fold functions of signs.

1. That it reveals the hidden reality

2. Puts us into contact within that reality

Are specific materials, things that represents a general invisible things.


Greek word of symbol


To throw together or compare


Is a symbol of passion and human emotions such as anger, fury or hatred which can also be captured by the Heart


Means object (visible or tangible) that make a reality present.

Liturgical Symbols

It becomes our guide as Christians as we follow the birth, death and resurrection of Christ from womb to womb.


Are efficacious signs, instituted by Christ and Entrusted to the Church to give grace.


Sacraments from the Latin word Sacramentum which means

Solemn oath or allegiance

A supernatural gift from God to help us overcome sin said St. Augustin
