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35 Cards in this Set

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pancreatic islets are where

the cells of the endocrine pancrease live

the cells of the islet and their endocrine products are

-alpha: glucagon

-beta: insulin

-delta: somatostatin

-f cells: pancreatic polypeptide

epsilon cells: ghrelin

increase in ghrelin does what

increase appetite

exocrine pancrease (digestive) =


most of the pancrase is made up of

acinus or exocrine pancrease

what is made by exocrine pancrease

sodium bicarboonate, amylase, trypsin (other protien enzymes) pancreatic lipase, ribonuclease and eoxyribonuclease

deoxyribonuclease does what

enzyme that break down nucleic acids

pancreatic secretions do what

neutralize stomack acid, inactivate pepsin released from stomach, and provide enzymes

three phases of digestion

cephalic phase, gastric phase, intestinal phase

cephalic phase

brain prepares body for a meal (salivation secretion, stimulates stomach ascid secretion)

gastric phaes

stomach wall stretches or ph increases, increase gastric motility and secretion of HCl, stomahc empties into duodenum as food is digested, hormonal regulation by gastrin secreted from g cells

intestinal phase

chyme in duodenum, activation of enterogastric reflex, stretch receptors in duodenal wall signal medulla, medulla parasympathetic ach release from vagus, pastric mptility is down, increase tone in pyloric sphincter, cholecystokinin cck and secretin from dodenum


made by

acts on


g cells of stomach


promote secretio nof gastric juices


made by

acts on


enterendocrine cells of small intest

gallbaldder, brain, pancrease

ejection of bile, opening of shpincter hepatopancreatic ampulla, more pancreatic juice, feel full


made byacts on action

enteroendocrine cells of duodenum


more bicarb in pancreatic juice

glucose depended insulinotropic peptide or GIP

made byacts on action

enderoendocrine cells of duodenumand jejunum

beta cells of pacratic islets

increase secretion


made byacts on action

mast cells of lamina propria

parietal cells of stmach

acid secretion


made byacts on action


many digestive organs

decrease exocrine pancrase and hormones, slow gastric empty time

motalin made byacts on action

enteroendocrine cells of duodenum and jejunum, increase migrating myoelectric compex, increase pepsin, increase bowl mitility


alternating contraction and relaxation is called

peristalisis is controlled by

rhythmic circuits in enteric nervous system

the myenteric plexus controls

motor neurons innervation he longitudinal and circular muscle layers of the muscularis

the myenteric plexus also sends axons to

submucosal plexus where motor neurons inervate the small, weak muscles that give the mucosal epithelium its wrinkles

both submucosal and menteric plexi recieve sensory info from

gi tract

the gi gract secrete how many liters of fluid into gi tract every day


the small intestines absorb about how much water

8 liters

how much water passes the ileocecal valve

1 liter

three things cause diahrea

chyme volume, chemical composisiton, osmolarity

digestion has two components

mechanical, chemical

mechanical digestion involves all

mixing, moving, churnninc, mashing ripping,

what in organs along gut tupe has folds and wrinkles to help in mixing process


-small int

-larg int


plicae circulares


pepsin does what

hydrolizes protein

pepsin is inactivated by ph above


enzymes that prefer near neutral ph are made in the what and released into

pancrase and released into dodenum via hepaticpancreatic sphincter

digestive enzymes are also found along the

brush border of the small intestine and predominate in teh small intestine