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242 Cards in this Set

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Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT)
replaces EMT-Intermediate level with the addition of the use of advanced airway devices, monitoring of blood glucose levels, initation of intravenous and intraosseous infusions, and adminstration of a select number of medications.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
a federal law passed in 1990 that protectes indivisuals with a documented disability from being denied intial or continued employement based on there disability.
Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)
replaces the first responder level.
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
Replaces the EMT-B level with the addition of advanced oxygen therapy and ventilation equipment, pulse oximetry, use of automatic blood pressure monitoring equipment and limited medical administration.
EMS System
Emergency Medical Service system.
emergency medical technician trained to the basic level.
emergency medical technician trained at the intermediate level
emergency medical technician trained at the paradmedic level
First Responder
a person typically trained to the first-responder level who is likely to the first person on the scene with emergency care training.
Medical Direction
medical policeis, procedures, and practices that are available to EMS providers either off-line or on-line.
Medical Director
physician who is legally responsible for the clinical and patient care aspects of an EMS system
Medical Oversight
the medical directors broad responsibilites, including all clinical and administractive functions and activities necessary to exercise ultimate responsibility for the emergency care provided by individual personnel and the entire EMS system
Off-line Medical Direction
medical policies, procedures, and practices that medical direction has established in writing guidelines
On-line Medical Directions
direct orders from a physician to a prehospital care provider given by radio or telephone
replaces EMT-P level to provide highest level of prehospital care, including advanced assessments, formation of a field impression, and invasive drug interventions
Prehospital Care
emergency medical treatment given to patients before they are transported to a hospital or other facility.
the policies and procedures for all components of an EMS system.
Quality Improvement (QI)
a system of internal and external reviews and audits of an EMS system to ensure a high quality of care.
Standing Orders
preauthorized treatment procedures; a type of treatment protocol.
Body Substance Isolation (BSI)
a method of preventing infection by disease organisms based on the premise that all blood and body fluids are infections
a condition resulting from chronic job stress, characterized by a state of irrability and fatique that can markedly decrease effectiveness
the process of washing a soiled object with soap and water
Critical Incident
any situation that causes unusually strong emotions that interfere with the ability to function
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)
a session usually held withing 24-72 house of a critcal incident, where a team of peer counselors and mental health professionals help emergency service personnel work through the emotions that normally follow a critical incident.
a session held prior to a CISD for emergency service personnel most directly involved to provide an opportunity to vent emotions and get information before the CISD
in addition to cleaning, this process involoves using a disinfectant such as alcohol or bleach to kill many of the micoorganisms that may be present on the surface of an object
microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses that cause disease
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
equipment worn to protect against injury and spreading infectious disease
Purfied Protein Derivative Tuberculin Test (PPD)
a test to determine the presence of tuberculosis infection based on person's positive reaction to tuberculin, a substance prepared from the tubercle bacillus
the process by which an object is subject to certain chemical or physical substansces that kill all micoorganisms on the surface of an object.
the act of discontinuing emergency care without ensuring that another health care professional with equivalent or better training will take over
Advanced Directive
instructions, written in advance, such as a living will or do not resuscitate order
a willful threat to inflict harm on a person
the act of touching a person unlawfully without his consent
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconcilation Act
a federal regulation that ensures the publics access to emergency health care regardless of ability to pay.
an intentional false communication that injures another person's reputation or good name
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order
a legal document, usually signed by the patient and his physician, that indicates to medical personnel which, if any, life-sustaining measures should be taken when the patient's heart and respiratory functions have ceased
Duty to Act
the obligation to care for a patient who requires it
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act
a federal regulation that ensures the publics access to emergency health care regardless of ability to pay.
Expressed Consent
permissions that must be obtained from every conscious, mentally competent adult before emergency treatment is provided
False Imprisonment
the intentional and unjustifable detention of a person without his consent or other legal authority
Good Samaritan Law
a law that provides immunity from liability for acts perfoemed in good faith to assist at the scene of a medical emergency unless those acts constitue gross negligence
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
a federal law enacted in 1996 that protects the privacy of patient health care information and gives the patient control over how the information is distributed and used.
Implied Consent
an assumption that, in a true emergency where a patient, who is unresponsive or unable to make a tational decistion is at significant risk of death, or deterioration of condition that patient would agree to emergency treatment
Informed Consent
consent for treatmeat that is given by a competent pation based on full disclosure of possible risks and consequences.
Intentional Tort
a wrongful act, injury, or damage that is comitted knowingly
the act of injuring a persons reputation or good name in writing or through the mass media with malicious intent or reckless disregard for the falsity of those statments
Minor Consent
permission obtained from a parent of legal guardian for emergency treatment of minor or mentally incompetent adult
the act of deviating from an accepted standard of care through carlessness, inattention, disregard, inadvertence or oversight, which results in further injurty to the patient.
Proximate Cause
the act of deviating from an accepted standard of care through carelessness, inattention, disreguard, inadvertence or oversight, which result in further injury to the patient
Scope of Practice
the actions and care that are legally allowed to be provided by an EMT
the act of injuring a persons reputation or good name through spoken statments with malicious intent of reckless disregard for the falsity of those statments
Standard of Care
emergency care that would be expected to be given to a patient by any trained EMT under sililar circumstances
a wrongful act, injury or damage
Abdominal Quadrants
the four parts of the abdomen as divided by imaginary horizontal and vertical lines through the umbilicus
the rounded cavity or socket on the external surface of the pelvis that receives the head of the femur
the lateral trangular projection of the scapula that forms the point of the shoulder
the air sacs of the lungs
Aerobic Metabolism
chemical and physical changes that take place within the cells the presence of oxygen
Anaerobic Metabolism
chemical and physical changes that take place within the cells without the presence of oxygen
Anatomical Planes
imaginary divisions of the body
Anatomical position
a position in which the patient is standing erect, facing forward, with arms down at the sides and palms foward
the study of the structure of the body and the realationship of its parts to each other
toward the front. Opposite of posterior
Anterior Plane
the front, or abdominal side of the body
the major artery from the heart
the smallest branch of an artery, which at its distal end leads into a capillary
a blodd vessel that carries blod away from the heart
the two upper chambers of the heart
on both sides
Blood Pressure
the force exerted by the blood on the interior arm
Brachial Artery
the major artery of the upper arm
the two main branches leading from the trachea to the lunchs providing the passageway for air movement
small branches of the bronchi
Bundle of His
a band of cardiac muscle fibers that originates in the atriventricular node and passes through the atrioventricular junction and carries the electrical impulse from the atria and, by connecting to the Purkingje fibers, to the ventricles.
the heel bone
tiny blood vessels that connects an arteriole to a venule
Cardiac Muscle
a kind of involuntary muscle found only in the walls of the heart. Cardiac muscle has automaticity, the ability to generate and impulse on its own, separately from the central nervous system.
Cardiovascular system
the body system that ransports blood to all parts of the body. Includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood.
Carotid Artery
one of two major arteries of the neck, which supply the brain and head with blood
The eight bones that form the wrist
Central nervous system
the brain and the spinal cord
Cervical Spine
the first seven vertebrae, or the neck
Circulatory System
the body system that ransports blood to all parts of the body. Includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood.
the collarbone, attached to the superior portions of the sternum
the last four vertebrae, or tailbone
Combining Form
word part that carries the words essential meaning
Coronary Arteries
blood vessels that supply the heart with blood
The bones that form the top, back, and sides of the skull plus the forehead
Cricoid Cartilage
the lowermost cartilages of the larynx
the second layer of the skin
a powerful dome-shaped muscle essential to respiration that also spearates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity
Diastolic Blood Pressure
the pressue exerted agains the walls of the arteries when the left ventricle is at rest
distance, or far from the point of reference. Opposite of proximal
toward the back of spine. Opposite of ventral
Dorsalis pedis artery
and artery of the foot, which can be felt on the top surface of the foot
swelling cause by fluid accumulating in the tissues
Endorcrine system
system of ducless glands that produce hormose that regulate body functions
the outmost layer of skin
a small, leaf-shaped flap of tissure, located immediately posterior to the roost of the tongue, that covers the entrance of the larynx to keep food and liquid from entering the trachea and lungs
a passage way at the lower end of the pharynx that leads to the stomach
the limbs of the body. The lower extremities include the hips, thighs, legs, ankles, and feet. the upper extremities include the shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, and hand
the area of the skull between the brow and the chin.
Femoral artery
the major artery of the tigh that supplies the groin and the leg with blood
the thigh bone
the lateral, smaller long bone of the lower leg
Fowler's position
a position in which the patient is lying on the back with upper body elevated at a 45 degree to 60 degree angle.
Frontal place
a vertical plane drawn side to side throught the body from the midaxillary line on one side to the midaxillary line on the opposite side, which divides the body into anterior and posterior plane
the muscular organ that contracts to force blood into circulation through the body
the largest bone in the upper extremity, located in the proximal portions of the upper arm
Hydrostatic pressure
the blood pressure or force exerted against the inside of vessel walls
the insufficient delivery of oxygen and other nutrients to some of the body's cells and inadequeate elmination of carbon doxide and other wastes that results from inadequate circulations of blood. Also called shock
Iliac Crest
the upper margin of the bones of the pelvis
beneath, lower, or tward the feet. Opposite to superior
Inferior plane
everything below the tansverse line (below the waist)
Intercostal muscles
muscles between the ribs
involuntary muscle
muscle that carries out the automatic muscular fuctions of the body
the posterior and inferior portion of the pelvis
a place where one bone meets another
structure that houses the vocal cords and is located inferior to the pharynx and superior to the trachea
refers to the lect or right of the midline, or away from the midline, or to the side of the body
lateral recumbent
a position in which the patient is laying on the left or right side
refers to the patients left
Left plane
everything to the left of the midline
Lumbar spine
the five vertebre that form the lower back, located between the sacral and the thoracic spine
the principal organs of respirtation
the knobby surface landmakr of the ankle. there is a medial malleolus and a lateral malleolus
the lower jaw
the superior portion of the sternum where the clavicle is attached
the fused bones of the upper jaw
toward the midline or center of the body
the bones of the hand
the bones that form the arch of the foot
refers to the center of the armpit
Midaxillary line
an imaginary line that divides the body into anterior and posterior planes; the imaginary line from the middle of the armpit to the ankle
Midclavicular line
the imaginary line from the center of either clavicle down the anterior thorax
and imaginary line drawn vertically through the middle of the patients body, dividing it into the right and left planes
Musculoskeletal system
the system of bones and muscle plus connective tissue that provides support and protection to the body and permits motion
Nasal bones
the bones that form the bed of the nose
nasal portion of the pharynx situated above the soft patlate
Nervous system
the body system including the brain, spinal cord, and the nerves that controls the voluntary and involuntary activity of the human body
the part of the ulna that forms the bony prominence of the elbow
the eye sockets
the central portion of the pharynx lying between the soft palate and the epiglottis with the mouth as the opening
the form of respiration in which oxygen molecules move across a membrane from an area of high oxygen concentration to an area of low oxygen concentration, as when oxygen moves of of a blood vessel into a cell
relates to the palm of the hand
the kneecap
the bones that form the floor of the abdominal cavity: the sacrum and coccyx of the spine, the iliac crests, the pubis, and the ischium
the delivery of oxygen and other nutrients to the cells of all organ systems, which results from constant adequate circulation of blood through the capillaries
Peripheral Nervous System
the portion of the nervous system located outside the brain and spinal cord
bones of the fingers, thumbs, and toes
the throat, or passageway for air from the nasal cavity to the larynx and passageway for food from the mouth to the esophagus
the study of the function of the living body and its parts
refers to the sole of the foot
the liquid part of the blood
componets of the blood that are essentail to the formation of blood clots
toward the back. Opposite of anterior
posterior Plane
the back or dorsal side of the body
Posterior Tibial Artery
a major artery that travels from the calf to the foot and that can be felt on the medial surface of the ankle bone
lying face down
near the point of reference. Opposite of distal
bone of the groin
Pulmonary artery
artery that leas from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs
Pulmonary Vein
vein that drains the lungs and returns the blood to the left artrium of the heart
the wave of the blood propelled through the arteries as a result of the contraction of the left ventricle
Radial Artery
a Major artery of the arm, distal to the elbow joint
the lateral bone of the forearm
Red blood Cells
Part of the blood that gives its color, carries oxygen to body cells, and carries carbon dioxide away from body cells
the process of moving oxygen and carbon dioxide acrosse membranes, in and out of alveoli, capillaries, and cells gas exchange
Respiratory system
the organs involved in the exchange of fases between and organsism and the atmosphere
refers to the patients right
Right Plane
everything to the right of the midline
Sagittal plane
a vertical plane drawn front to back through the body at the midline, dividing the body into right and left planes
Sacral Spine
five vertebrae that are fused togeter to form the rigid part of the pasterior side of the pelvis. AKA sacrum
the shoulder blade
Shock position
elevation of the legs of a supine patient approximately 12 inches
the bony structure at the top of the spinal column that houses and protects the brain. the skull has two parts; the cranium and the face
Spinal column
the column of vertebrae that encloses the spinal cord
the breast bone
Subcutaneous layer
a layer of fatty tissure just below the dermis
above; toward the head. Opposite to inferior
Superior Plane
everything above the transverse line (above the waist)
lying face up
Systolic blood pressure
the pressure exerted against the walls of the arteries when the left ventricle contracts .
the bones of the ankle, hind foot, and midfoot
Thoracic spine
the upper back, , or the 12 thoracic vertebrae directly inferior to the cervical spine.
the chest, or that part of the body between the base of the neck and the diaphragm
Thyroid cartilage
the Adam's apple, the anterior carilage that covers the larynx
the medial, larger bone of the lower leg; the shinebone.
the windpipe
Transverse line
an imaginary line drawn horzontally though the waist
Transverse Plane
an imaginary line drawn horizontally through the waist, front to back, which divides the body into superior and inferior planes
Trendelenber position
lying on the back with the lower part of the body elevated high than the head on an inclined plane
the medial bone of the forearm
Structures withing the heart and circulatory system that keep blood flowing in one direction and prevent backflow
Venae Cavae
the principal veins that carry deoxygenated blood to the heart. The superior vena cava crries blood from the upper body; the inferior vena cave carries blood from the lower body
the mechanical process by which air is moved in and out of the lungs, primarily caused by changes in pressure insides the chest
toward the front, or toward the anterior portion of the body. opposite of dorsal
the two lower chambers of the heart
the smallest branch of a vein
the 33 boney segments of the spinal column
Voluntary muscle
any muscle that can be conscious controlled by the individual
White Blood Cells
the part of the blood that helps the bodys immune system defend agains infection
Xiphoid process
inferior portion of the sternum
Zygomatic bones
the cheek bones
listening for sounds within the body with a stethoscope
Baseline Vital signs
the first set of vital sign measurements to which subsequent measurements can be compared
Blood pressure
the force exerted by the blood on the interior walls of the blood vessels
a heart rate less then 60 beats per minute
Capillary refill
the amount of time it takes for capillaries that have been compressed to refill with blood
a moist, or cool and moist, condition; a skin condition often charteristic of shock
the thin covering of the inner eyelids and exposed portion of the sclera of the eye
narrowed, made small
a blue-gray color of the mucous membranes and/or skin, which indicates inadequate oxygenation or poor perfusion
Diastolic blood pressure
the pressure exerted against the walls of the arteries while the left ventricle of the heart is at rest
expanded, made large
abnormally red skin color
a condition characterized by yellowness of the skin, sclera of the eyes, mucous membranes, and body fluids
a skin discoloration similar to cyanosis but occurring in a blotchy pattern; a possible sign of shock
Orthostatic vital signs
A comparison of blood pressure and heart rate readings while a patient os supine and while the patient is sitting upright of standing. An increase in hearte rate of 10-20bpm and a decrease in blood pressure of 10-20mmHg when the patient becomes upright is considered a positive orthostatic test
pale or abnormally white skin color
feeling as for a pulse
Pulse Oximeter
device for measuring the level hemoglobin saturated with oxygen
Pulse Pressure
the difference between the systolic blood pressure and the diastolic blood pressure
Pulsus Paradoxus
a decrease in pulse strength during inhalation
SAMPLE History
a type of patient history; signs and symptoms, allergies, medications, pertient past history, last oral intake, and events leading to the injury or illness
any objective evidence of medical or trauma conditions that can be seen, heard, felt of smelled in the patient
instrument used to measure blood pressure. AKA blood pressure cuff
a harsh, high-pithced sound heard on inspiration that indicates swelling of the larynx
conditions that must be described by the patient because they cannot be observed by another person
Systolic blood Pressure
the amount of pressure exerted against the walls of the arteries when the left ventricle of the heart conracts and ejects blood
a heart rate greater than 100 beats per minute
Vital signs
the traditional signs of life; assessments related to breaing pulse skin pupils and blood pressure
Body mechanics
application of the study of muscles and body movment to the use of the body and to the prevention and correction of problems related to posture and lifing
Emergency move
a patient move that should be performed when there is immediate danger to the patient or to the rescuer
abnormal curvature of the spine with convexity backward AKA slouch
Abnormal anterior convexity of the spine AKA swayback
Nonurgent move
a patient move made when no immediate threat to life exists
Power grip
recommended gripping technique. The palm and fingers come in complete contact the the object and all fingers are bent at the same angle
Power lift
recommended technique for lifting. Feet are apart, knees bent, back and abdominal muscles tightened, back as straight as possible, lifting force driven through heels and arches, upper body rising before hips
Urgent move
a patient move made because there is an immedate threat to life due to patentions condition and the patient must be moved quickly for transport