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230 Cards in this Set

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Loving your country, but wanting it to dominate the world.


Loving your country.


Nationalist movement in Italy


Do whatever it takes to unite a country

War with Austria (plan)

Italy provokes Austria into war. France helps defeat Austria.

Lombardy and Venetia

Land gained from war with Austria.

Motivations of Garibaldi & Cavour

Unite Italy as one country.

Convention of Gastein (1865)

Germany gains Schleswig from Denmark.

Schleswig and Holstein

states Germany and Austria take from Denmark.

Reichstag and Bundesrat

2 house Legislature of Germany. Reichstag - lower house (voted)


upper house ( appointed)

War with Denmark (1864)

Germany and Austria fight Denmark to get German land.

Austro-Prussian War (1866)

Germany attacks Austria to get Holstein.

Postwar treatment of Austria

treats them nicely so they do not rebel

Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)

Provokes France into war with EMS and defeats France for Spanish Throne. France gives up Lorraine and Alsace.

EMS Telegram

Document Bismarck edits to provoke France.


Law vs. Catholics. Bismarck tries to control Christians with laws but it fails.

Syllabus of Errors (1864)

Document written by Vatican saying whatever Pope says is true.

Catholics/Socialists - Groups the rebelled in Germany.

3rd Reich

Hitler’s Empire


King or Emperor

Stock Market Crash (1873)

Jew blamed. Starts anti-semitism.

February Patent (1861)

Francis Joseph creates two house legislature. Upper and bottom Chamber.

Ausgleich/Dual Monarchy

Austria and Hungary have dual monarchy. Separate states but share affairs and war. Francis Joseph king of both states.

Balkan Powder Keg

European countries rush to Austria to conquer and take it over. Opportunity there.

Crimean War

Russia loses to France and Britain. Shows military and industrial weakness


Local assemblies where people worry about roads and schools.


Servants forced to live on land.


Elected national legislature. Nicholas II later got rid of it.


group of college students and professors discussing ideas.

Philosophical Letter (1836)

Written by Peter Chaadaev. Russia economically backwards.


Believe in nothing. Made by Michael Bakunin.


People leave Russia. Get education. Come back and educate others. Start Revolution.

People’s Will

Terrorist group that assassinated Alexander II.


Group that Vladimir Lenin lead and created. Social Democratic Party.

“Bloody Sunday” (1905)

Father George Gapon leads march. Nicholas II flees palace and soldier fire at the protesters.

Octobrist Manifesto (1905)

Passed by Nicholas II. Freedom of Speech, conscience, unions and person.

Giuseppe Garibaldi

Leader of Red Coats. Surrendered Southern countries to unite Italy.

Giuseppe Mazzini

Leader of Young Italy. Italian Nationalist

Victor Emmanuel II

King of Sardinia, later crowned king of Italy.

Camillo Cavour

Victor Emmanuel’s Prime Minister.

Otto von Bismarck

Prime minister of Prussia or Germany.


Ruling family of Prussia.

William I

King of Prussia.

Napoleon III

Leader of France during time.

William II

Kaiser of Germany after Bismarck steps down.

Heinrich von Treitschke

Started anti-Semitism. Makes it okay to do.


One of the Ruling families in Austria


Other ruling family in Turkey and Ottoman Empire.

Francis I

Conservative man. Did not what to industrialize.

Alexander Bach

Austria’s minister of justice. Bach system including secret police and absolutism.

Francis Joseph

Inherits throne at 18. Supports his people. Creates February Patent.

Francis Deak

Leader of the Hungarians in Austria.

Thomas Masaryk

Popular Czech nationalist. becomes president of Czechoslovakia after fall of Austria and Hungary.

Vladimir Lenin

Leader of Bolshevik party.

Nicholas II

Czar during Bloody Sunday. Created Octobrist Manifesto.

Petr Chaadaev

Wrote Philosophical Letter.

Michael Bakunin

Founder of Nihilism.

Feodor Dostoevsky

Wanted to abolish Serfdom and remake Russian Society.

Leo Tolstoy

Stated failures of Russian are because of nobility. Peasants will be the future.

Peter Stolypin

Russian Prime Minister.

Father George Gapon

Priest who lead peaceful protest to Nicholas II’s palace.


State holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever possible.

Weimar Republic

1919 democratic government in Germany.


Value of money falls. Happened in Germany

Great Depression

1923. Countries fall because the U.S. had Great Depression. People lose jobs and widespread starvation.

Dawes Plan

U.S gives Germany loans. Germany pays reparations to Britain. Britain gives money to U.S.

Mein Kampf

Book Hitler wrote in prison. Stated in it that Jews were the enemy.

Adolf Hitler

Leader of Germany. Promised to rearm military, create jobs, and end reparations.

Nazi Party

Hitler’s party. Ruled Germany for 12 years.


“Leader” or “Ruler”

Reasons Hitler rose to power

Good speaker. Had someone to blame for depression.

Gestapo/ SS

Secret police.

Third Reich

Means empire. Hitler ruled it

Hitler’s Reforms

Public works. Rearm Germany. Preserved Capitalism.


Outraged by Paris peace conference

Post WWI Problems

Didn’t gain territory. Unemployment. Trades down. Increased taxes.

-Benito Mussolini

Leader of Fascist party in Italy

Fascist Party

Party in Italy. Symbol for strength and authority.

El Duce


Black Shirt Gang

Organised supporters put into combat squads.

Changes/society under Mussolini

Secret police, critics are executed or imprisoned, allowed capitalism.

Fascism- characteristics

Need of the state over need of people, extreme nationalism, social darwinism, violence and discipline.

Post WWI Problems in Europe

Europe was destroyed from all the war. Europe close to bankruptcy and Germany was Bankrupt.

Problems during/after WWI

Depression, anger, Czar steps down. Russian army was horrible.

Czar Nicholas II

Czar during WWI. Lead Russia in the war. Caused Rasputin to lead Russia


“Healer” Was the leader of Russia when Nicholas II went to war.


Created reform and socialism Russia. Distributed land among peasants.


Secret Police


Leader after Lenin. Lead Russia into industrial revolution

5 Year Plan

Plan to make Russia a modern industrial power. Uped oil and steel production


Land peasants gave to Stalin for farming production

Great Purge

Targeted and killed all the rich in the country.


wealthy peasants in Russia


Communist International. Anti-capitalist. Support any rising communist country.

Joseph Goebbels

Germany’s minister of Propaganda


using jews as scapegoats for countries problems. Anti-jew


“Night of Broken Glass” Started when Jew shot German officer.

Nuremberg Laws

Laws against jews; Jews couldn’t be doctors or publish books.


Giving someone something to make the happy.

Why Appeasement appealed to British

Britain weak and poor after WWI.


Opposition to all war

Axis Powers

Italy, Germany, Japan

Allied Powers

America, Britain, France

Rome Berlin Tokyo Axis

Pact not to interfere with each others expansion and fight soviet communism.

Spanish Civil War

Spanish Throne opened. Nazis supported nationalists. Russians supported republicans. Hitler and Mussolini supported Franco.

Bombing of Guernica

Hitler tests his air force strength on a little town in Spain.

Munich Conference

Britain and France give the Sudetenland to Germany in exchange for peace and to stop invading.

Neville Chamberlain

British Prime Minister who thought Munich Conference stopped war.

Winston Churchill

Politician and later P.M who knew the Munich Conference wouldn’t work

Non-Aggression Pact

Russia and Germany will not fight each other in war and they will split Poland.

Why War Came

Hitler invaded Poland after Britain and France swore to protect Poland.


“Lightning War” Germany continually bombs all of Britain.

Miracle at Dunkirk

Britain sent all ships to Dunkirk and Ostend to save 300,000 Troops from Germany.

Surrender of France

On June 22, 1940 France signs a surrender in the railcar Germany signed it in previously.

Battle of Britain

Germany would bomb Britain constantly, but people just hid in subways. Germany eventually gave up.

Operation Barbarossa

Germany invaded Russia to gain land. Germany unprepared for the winter and Russia used Scorched Earth Policy to prevent Germany from using anything.

Lend-Lease Act

The U.S can send support to any country that was fighting the axis powers

-Pearl Harbor and why

Japan attacks U.S after halting oil trade to prove Japan is a strong force.


June 6, 1944. Allies liberate France after storming Omaha Beach. Many died


Masses of people were starved and tortured and killed.

Dropping of Atomic Bomb

Dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Forced Japan to surrender. Killed 120,000.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Cities where bombs were dropped


Japanese flew planes with bombs into ships to damage U.S.

V-E Day

The day Germany surrenders


Lead U.S through most of WWII.

Harry Truman

President after FDR died. Dropped bombs in Japan.

The United Nation

Like the League of Nations. Peace-keeping organization

Charles Townshend

Improved soil by planting turnips

Jethro Tull

Invented seed drill

Robert Bakewell

Breed stronger horses

James Watt

Improved Thomas Newcomen’s engine by using coal

Henry Bessemer

Improved steel production and got rid of impurities. Made less expensive.

John McAdam

Create the Turnpike

Samuel Cunard

Made first transatlantic steamer service

George Stephenson

Invented steam powered locomtives that revolutionized transportation

Thomas Malthus

A dismal scientist who wrote Essay on Population. Felt population will exceed resources needed to live. Poor should not have many kids. War, disease and famine check the population.

David Ricardo

Wrote Iron Law of Wages. Higher wages = More children= Higher supply labor=

Lower wages=Higher unemployment= Less children= Shortage of

Labor= Higher wages.

Jeremy Bentham

Believed in Utilitarianism. Laws should be judged by utility or pain or happiness.

John Stuart Mill

Believed that government should improve the lives of working class by creating unions providing education and etc.

Charles Fourier:

Wanted to create a Utopia for which everyone was happy. Created Phalanxes which is self sufficient society. 5/12 of money for those who did work. 4/12 of money for those who managed. 3/12 for those that supplied capital. 810 passions.

Robert Owen:

Goal was to increase profits and welfare of workers. Owned a factory in Scotland with 10 hour workday, higher pay, improved housing,age limit of 12, part time schooling, unions.

Karl Marx

Believed Utopia was unreal and hated capitalism. Believed extreme socialists will uprise violently and create Communist society. Revolutionary Communism. Laws of Communism: Economic Determination, Class Struggle, Inevitability of Communism. Helped write Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. Part of Communist league.

Frederic Engels:

With Marx, wrote Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. Part of Communist League.

Peter Kropotkin

Anarchist who believed in no government. Wanted to abolish state and private property, which would lead to 4-5 hour work days.

Mikhail Bakunin:

Workers will strike and sabotage businesses and private land leading to the fall of state and private property.

Charles Darwin

Wrote On the Origins of Species. Organisms compete for food and believed that in natural selection that the organisms best suited for society will survive. Believed in Social Darwinism. Universe rewards hard work and punishes laziness. Poor are poor because they are unfit for society.

Herbert Spencer

Racist person. Eugenics or “Selective Breeding”. Improve human race by breeding “fit with fit”. The poor and insane should not have kids.

Cecil Rhodes

Whites are the best race possible. Blacks are inferior to whites. interracial marriage degrades the whites.

Joseph Arthur Gobineau

Believed Societies fail due to racial mixing. Lower races breed faster and less selectively

Evolution sliding downwards not up because of this.

Characteristics of Romanticism

Religious time period after Napoleonic Wars. People wanted simpler, liberal times.

Romantic Hero

Mysterious, has a fate, does not fit with society.

Edmund Burke

Wrote Reflections on The Revolution in France. THought that the french were stupid for making their king “servant of the people”. Believed the king obeys no one and his people are loyal to him.

Percy Shelley

Wrote A Defence of Poetry. Believed society needed poetry. That poets are legislatures of the world.


Poem written by Percy Shelley. All kings will fall over time

Industrialization and Factory Life

Life becomes harsh. Low pay, horrible conditions

Why Britain:

Many natural resources, New technology, center of scientific revolution, Stable economy, Strong government, New social ideas

Agricultural Revolution

Period which individuals created new and improved ways of farming techniques. First innovation that started the process of the Industrial Revolution.


Small farms close down and people move to city to find work.

Energy Revolution

Steam engines are created and improved. Replace human and animal power

Textile Revolution

New ways to create clothes and textiles faster and easier without using man power to do work.


Fencing off land formerly held by peasant farmers. Created larger farm output and profits because needed less people to work the fields.

Population Explosion

More food lead to healthier women and less deaths. Healthier women could supply and have more kids.


Private road you pay to drive on


Farms that produce food

Dismal Scientists

People who felt poverty was unavoidable

Essay on Populations

Written by Thomas Malthus. Population grows faster/food supply.Wars, disease, famine check population. Poor families less kids. Later marriage and chastity.

Iron Law of Wages

Written by David Ricardo. Higher wages = More children= Higher supply labor=Lower wages=

Higher unemployment= Less children= Shortage of Labor= Higher wages.


Goal of society should be happiness for the most of people


Believed in creating and ideal and perfect society

Fourier Phalanxes

Self sufficient society where there are high profits and increased welfare of workers.

The Communist Manifesto

Written By Karl Marx and Frederic Engels. Elimination of class, capital & religion

Das Kapital:

Written By Karl Marx and Frederic Engels. Worker creates total value of good they produce.

Receive in wages only small part of price. Remainder profit- surplus value. Replacing workers with machines hurts surplus value. Causes overproduction and under consumption


There should be no government. Solve problems by assassination

Christian Socialism

Urged Church to end social problems

On the Origins of Species

Written by Charles Darwin. Organisms compete for food to survive

Natural Selection

Organisms best suited for society survive

Social Darwinism

Universe pays hard work and punishes laziness. Poor are poor because the are not suited for society.


One race is superior to the other race


Economical- Private ownership of Industry, freedom of competition, unequal economic classes.


Economic- Government ownership of property. Economic Equality. Classless society.


Political- Socialism occurs through a swift and violent revolution. Establish a one party system. Government uses violence and force to control society and people.

Marx’s Rules of Communism:

Economic Determination-

Control of wealth causes control of society. Economic condition determines character of human institution.

History of Class Struggle

Have vs. Have-Nots. Bourgeois: Middle Class/ haves. Proletarians: Working class/ have-nots.

Inevitability of Communism

Employers and. Employees causes a revolution

Proletariat eventually wins and makes classless society.

Alfred Nobel-

Created dynamite, but regretted it for its military use. Created Nobel Peace Prize.

Aletta Jacobs

First women doctor of Netherlands, wanted women’s suffrage to let women vote.

Hague Tribunal

A world court where disputes between countries settled. In Netherlands.


Glorifying military because of Social Darwinism. Frederic von Bernardi believed war was a necessity. Propaganda made military seem fun.


Countries join forces because no one outside alliance would attack them.


Germans proud of empire. Frances wanted to regain old status. Slavs of Russia defended by Russia. A-H and Ottoman empire held many minorities that wanted a state.


Competing for territory

Arms Race

Every country needed the largest military. Britain’s Navy competed with Germany’s. William II believed his Navy would speak for Germany. Military leaders paid to grow the military.


German factories outproducing British factories

Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

Franz Ferdinand assassinated by Gavrilo Princip of Serbia. Princip part of terrorist group Black Hand. Franz Ferdinand was Austrian-Hungarian. Serbian Nationalists upset because they were getting suppressed. Bosnia was once part of Serbia before A-H took it over. Franz visited Bosnia to make himself look friendly. The Black Hand=Unity or Death.


Countries used propaganda as a way to motivate their people to join the military.

War Motivations:


The assassin of Franz was Serbian so they punished Serbia


Germany alarmed when Russia mobilized troops so they declared war on Russia


Russia wanted to defend slavic people on Serbia


Allied with Russia. Wanted to revenge what happened in Franco-Prussian War


Britain did not want Germany controlling Belgian ports


Zimmermann Telegram and Lusitania

Schlieffen Plan

Germany would fight France while russia was still preparing for war

Blank Check

A telegram sent from William II to Franz Joseph II prompting him to declare war on Serbia.

Serbian Ultimatum

Serbia must stop all anti A-H activity, dismiss anti-austrian officials, all Austria to investigate Franz death. Didn’t agree, war started.

Trench Warfare

Armies would dig trenches for war, causing a stalemate and little progress during war.

No Man’s Land

land in between opposing trenches

New Technology

Machine guns, mustard gas, gas mask, flamethrowers, planes, tanks, u-boats.

Life in Trenches

Horrible life. Stuck in trenches for months where it was common to find trenches flooded from rain. Rats everywhere. Cause diseases to spread easily and troops would get trench foot from being in water all day. Shell shock caused from constant gunfire.


Encouraged troops to go to war. Propaganda never talked about trenches.

Blighty Wounds

Wounds a troop would inflict on himself to get out of war, but not kill himself

African Americans

joined war effort but were not always treated equally.

Total War

Using all of countries money for war.


drafting all youth men into the war

Edith Cavell

A red cross nurse who helped release allied troops.


Agreement to end fighting

Women’s Land Army

Women grew food for war effort


British ship sunk by U-boat with Americans on it

Fourteen Points

Points made by Woodrow wilson after war to resolve future wars. (Freedom of seas, free trade, no secret alliances, end to treaties)

Zimmermann Telegram

telegram sent from Arthur Zimmermann to Mexico saying if they help Germany they will get Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico.

Treaty of Versaille:

-Germany is to blame for the war.

-Germany pays 30 billion in reparations.

-Germany loses all Navy boats.

-Germany loses land.

David Lloyd George

He did not want to fully punish Germany but his people wanted to, so he agreed with the terms of Versaille. He felt Germany was needed to stop spread of Communism. British.

Georges Clemenceau

Wanted to fully punish Germany for WWI. Wanted to put Germany on their knees. all because he was getting revenge from Franco-Prussian War. French

Woodrow Wilson

Did not want to punish Germany, felt it was unfair. American


was not given much say at Treaty of Versaille because they did not do much and they were on Germany’s side at one point.


Upset and left the Versaille palace after they were treated unfairly with their terms. Much of this was because of racism.

Results of war

8.5 million dead. 21 million injured


France gained coal mines and Alsace and Lorraine. Britain lost most of its money.

Spanish Flu

Killed more people than the war did

Fourteen Points

points made by Woodrow Wilson to prevent future wars

League of Nations

42 nations joined. Negotiated disputed instead of war. America did not join because they did not sign the treaty.