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12 Cards in this Set

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Explain, using an example, how each of the following forces helped push Europe toward war: nationalism, imperialism, militarism.
In Europe three powerful forces where begging to push the nation to the brink of war. The first one was aggressive nationalism which began to lead to international tension. For example in France, nationalist feelings were strong because they longed to regain their position as Europe’s leading power. Also they were bitter about their defeat in the Franco-Prussian War and Germany occupation of the border provinces of Alsace and Lorraine; they wanted revenge against Germany and recovery of the lost provinces. On the other hand imperialism was also a big influence because imperial rivalries divided European nations. For example, competition over colonies brought France and Germany to the brink of war because Germany wanted to prevent France from imposing a protectorate on Morocco. One of the final contributions was the affect of militarism which is the glorification of the military. Since international tension was growing, the great powers expanded their armies and navies which therefore created an arms race between nations which made war that much more likely.
Explain why World War I was considered a global conflict even though most of the fighting took place in Europe.
World War I was considered a global conflict even though most of the fighting took place in Europe because for example Japan allied with Britain, and used the war as an excuse to seize German outposts in China and islands in the Pacific. It also tried to impose a protectorate on China. Another example is when the Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers. In turn the Turks then closed off Allied ships from Dardanelles by blocking the straight. Because of this the Allies then sent in troops from Britain, India, Australia, and New Zealand to open the straight.
Describe Lenin’s ideal vision of Russian society under communism and the steps he took to realize that vision.
Lenin’s ideal vision of Russian society under communism was Marxist ideas to fit Russian conditions. Lenin called for an elite group of people to lead the revolution and set up a dictatorship of the proletarian. Though this elite revolutionary party represented a small percentage of socialist, Lenin gave them the name Bolsheviks, meaning majority. To Lenin, only revolution could bring about changes. Lenin soon adopted the New Economy Policy. This policy helped the Soviet economy recover and ended armed resistance to the government.
Identify three techniques that the Soviet government used to control its citizens and to increase support for communism.
Three techniques that the Soviet government used to control its citizens and increase support for communism were the use of terror, propaganda, and controlling religion. The government used terror to ensure peoples obedience, to do so the government created the secret police and violent purges. Also, propaganda was used to glorify the benefits of communism and extreme nationalism. Finally Stalin’s government replaced religion with their own ideology called communist ideology which censored what people were preaching.
Tell why Indians were even less willing to put up with British rule after World War I than before it.
Indians were even less willing to put up with British rule after World War I than before it because during the war many Indians had served over seas but many were dying and nationalist demands began to grown. So to quite these demands Britain promised India greater self government after the war. But when the fighting ended, Britain purposed only a few minor reforms.
Identify two problems Italy faced after the war and explain how they helped Mussolini rise to power.
Two problems Italy faced after the war where that Italian nationalist were outraged by the Paris peace treaties because since they were one of the victorious Allies, Italy expected to gain territory on the Adriatic. Instead, these lands became part of the new Yugoslavia. Also, at home, peasants began to seize land, and workers went on strike or seized factories. All of this helped Mussolini rise to power because in a time of turmoil the people were willing to listen to anything that sounded like it would make their lives better. Mussolini began preaching ideas of an end to corruption and to replace turmoil with order, and above all, to revive Roman greatness.
Explain how Hitler’s rise to power was a response to the failures of the Weimar government.
Hitler’s rise to power was a response to the failures of the Weimar government because the government was very weak and this was because it was made up of many small parties. Also economic disasters fed unrest. Germany soon fell behind in reparations payments, which then lead to France occupying the coal-rich Ruhr Valley. Soon after the government printed huge amounts of paper money. This move set off inflation that went out of control within seconds. Then the Great Depression hit which only brought more destruction. In turn Germans turned to the energetic leader Hitler, who promised to solve the economic crisis and restore Germany’s former greatness.
Identify three acts of aggression by dictators in the 1930s.
Three acts of aggression by dictators in the 1930s were when; Japanese military leaders and ultranationalist thought that Japan should have an empire equal to those of the western powers. In pursuit of this goal, Japan seized Manchuria. When the League of Nations condemned the aggression, Japan withdrew form the organization. The second act of aggression was Italy invaded Ethiopia. The Ethiopian king appealed to the League of Nations for help. The League voted sanctions against Italy for having violated the law. The only problem was the League had no power to enforce the sanctions and soon enough, Italy had conquered Ethiopia. One of the final acts of aggression was when Hitler had built up the German military in defiance of the Versailles treaty. Then, he sent troops into the demilitarized Rhineland bordering France, which was another treaty violation.
Explain how El Alamein and Stalingrad were turning points in World War II.
El Alamein was a turning point in World War II because in Egypt, the British finally stopped Rommel’s advancement during the long fierce battle. They then turned the tables on Desert Fox, driving the axis forces back across Libya into Tunisia. The second turning point was the battle of Stalingrad because Germany was determined to capture this city but Stalin was also equally determined to defend it. The battle began when the German’s surrounded the city, but then the Russians then encircled their attackers. After a long deadly battle, Germany was forced to surrender. This showed that Germany could be defeated.
Explain two reasons why the United States used the atomic bomb on Japan.
The first reason why the United States used the atomic bomb on Japan was, Truman was convinced that Japan would not surrender without an invasion that would result in an enormous loss of both American and Japanese lives even after giving Japan the ultimatum. Secondly Truman may have hoped that the bomb would impress the Soviet Union with American power.
List three reasons why European nations lost their empires after World War II.
Three reasons why European nations lost their empires after World War II were that the nations had exhausted their military and financial resources during the war and with subject peoples ready to fight for freedom, many war weary Europeans had no desire for further conflict. Secondly the Cold War had undermined imperialism and the United States backed the right of colonized people to self-determination. Lastly nationalist movements and revolts lead to the European nations loosing their empires.
Define the global North and global South, and compare the two regions.
The global North includes the industrial nations of Europe and North America, as well as Japan and Australia. Most are located in the temperature zone north of the Equator. They control most of the world’s wealth because in the north economic success is driven by the free market. On the other hand the global South refers to the developing world. Most of these nations lie in Asia, Africa, and Latin America in the zone between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. The south has about 75% of the world’s population and much of its natural resources. For most people in the developing south, life is a daily struggle for survival.