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20 Cards in this Set

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Define Tigris and Euphrates
Provided water for irrigation, transportation etc.
Define Cuneiform
Symbols, 1st written language and made out of wedge shaped tools.
Define a Ziggurot
House of worship
Define a Scribe
Teacher and recorded history, events.
Define Cradle of Civilization
Location where civilization was born and the "land between two rivers"
Define Specialization of Labor
Farmers, potters, fisherman, weavers, metal workers, black smith, scribe etc.
Define Gilgamesh
Was an epic hero. Man is mortal and lives to serve the gods.
Define Sargon of Akkad
Creates an empire by conquering numerous city states.
Code of laws, eye for an eye best summarizes codes.
When was the Old Kingdom?
2700-220 BCE
Who was Menes?
He united Egypt.
Define Pharaoh
An absolute ruler and one of the gods on whom the safety and prosperity of Egypt depended on.
What happened during the Old Kingdom?
Menes units Egypt and pyramids built as tombs.
When was the Middle Kingdom?
2025-1630 BCE
What happened during the Middle Kingdom?
Pharaohs no longer built pyramids.
When was the New Kingdom?
1550-1075 BCE
What happened during the New Kingdom?
Pharaohs secreeted an empire and umassed great wealth and built huge structures.
What was the purpose of mummification?
To preserve the body for the next life
Who was King Tut?
The pharaoh's tomb that lay untouched until present day.
Most Pharaohs in the New Kingdom were buried where?
The Valley of Kings because of the robbing of pyramids.