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39 Cards in this Set

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Anti semitism

Do mine too theme of mein kampf

Concept of race, racist

He's seen as opposite of Aryan master race , inferior, threatened civilisation and culture of Germany, sick in healthy and weak should be banned from having children to not infect Aryan race

Anti communism

Extreme right party

Nazi's opposed communits

Linked hired of Jew's to hatred of communist as many communists were Jew's, ie Rosa Luxemburg, claimed communists wanted to spread influence into world


Living space, more land for Germany expansion and Aryan race, German foreign policy, eastern Europe, expanse of Soviet Union, strong take from weak


Nations trying to avoid war, conceded to Germany's policy of demands in 1930s, western powers feared another war, Hitler exploited this for an advantage


1938 ,Austria, unite Germany with Austria, forbidden by tov, violent Nazi demonstrations to bully chancellor into anchluss, resigned, president reluctantly agreed, greater Germany formed, wp nog intervening


1935 Saar plebiscite, vote to become part of Germany or remain as separate identity, fair vote, first step on Hitler road to war,united front and German front


Murdered any mentally or physically handicapped people in Germany, doctors and psychologists, even if they were Aryan, said they were to see a specialist, taken in grey buses to hospitals with secret shower gas chambers, 3 question survey, 6 hospitals, 1933 on wards

Shut down then started back up again in secret

Homosexuals in Nazi Germany

Pink lists

Gestapo investigated suspected homos

Hitler homo

Castration by force


Encouraged production of Aryan race

Death penalty for any ss homo

Paragraph 175

The path to ww2





Berlin germany

September 1st 1939

Germany invades Poland

September 3rd 1939

Great Britain and France declare war on Germany

May 1940

Auschwitz concsntraion camps set up L, initially a forced labour camp

June 22nd 1940

France surrenders

July to October 1940

Battle of Britain

June 1941

Operation Barbarossa, invasion of Soviet Union


Nazi leaders met to discuss final solution for Jewish problem, murder every Jew in Europe

August 1942

Battle of Stalingrad, red army and German troops

April 30th 1945

Hitler commits suicide

May 8th 1945

Germany surrenders and war in Europe is over

Jan 1919

Spartacists uprising

Gwp founded

Nov, 1919

Hitler joins dap

Aug 1920

Dap changed to nationalist socialist German workers party, Nazi

July 1921

Hitler becomes Nazi party leader

Nov 8th 1923

Beer hall putsch, Hitler trues to seize control of Bavarian gov and trigger revolution

February 1924

Trial began for members of putsch

April 1st 1924

Hitler began his sentence for treason in landsberg fortress

Dec 1924

Hitler released from prison having served nine months


Election = not favourable


Stock market crash


Reichstag election, Nazi formed coalition

Apr 1932

Presidential election, Hindenburg re elected as president

July 1932

Reichstag election - Nazi's were largest political party

Nov 1932

Election, Nazi's had no more funds, seats fell from 230-196 ,still largest party

Jan 30th 1933

Von papen persuades Hindenburg and Hitler is appointed chancellor

Feb 27th 1933

Reichstag fire

March 24th 1933

Election, Nazi's won 43.9 percent, national Jewish boy cott

July 1933


June 30th 1934

Night of long knives

August 2nd 1934

Hindenburg dies