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38 Cards in this Set

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define "Renaissance"
rebirth of Greek and Roman ideals, ideas, and art forms
when was Renaissance
what family started the Renaissance
who was Cosimo
son of Piero (ruled in ill health for only 5 years). Ruler of Florence (1389-1464). Head of Medici family
what did Cosimo contribute
1st public library, employed artists, fostered classic works of Plato and Aristotle
who was Lorenzo(1149-1492)
Cosimo's grandson, took over as ruler in1469 at 20 years old, ruled for 25 years, called "Magnificent" very popular, poet, musician, built parks,palaces, collected gems
Petrarch's ideas about life and love
learning is key to a virtuous life. natural beauty was a manifestation of the divine. spiritual love inspired by beauty and physical love. father of humanism
Petrarch's sonnet
wrote to Laura in Canzonier-366 love poems
each persons destiny to Pico Mirandola (1463-94)
to reach god. each persons choice= make of yourself what you want. create your own destiny-free will
what work has Pico Mirandola
Oriation on the Dignity of Mon-Presented to Roman church when he was 23. "There was nothing to be seen more marvelous than man
centered on the relationship of man to God. they saw man as Gods greatest creation (second to angles)
Art characteristics
ralism, nature emphasis/beauty, perspective-linear, revival of classicism, techniques= chiaroscuro, sfumato modeling, atmospheric perspective, forshortening
describe the Ghiberti panels, their importance
Ghiberti won the right to sculpt the Baptism doors- Brunrllrschi lost. early clear Renaissance style
three works of Donatello
David, Herrods Banquet, Mary Magdalene
who was Alberti
Architect- Santa Maria Novella. Writer- On Paintings, 10 books of Architecture
who was Michelozzo
Michelozzo's famous Palazzo
Medici Palace
Brancacci chapel
small chapel that contains frescoas by early Renaissance painters
Masaccio two famous works
Tribute Money and The Holy Trinity
how does Fra Angelico (1400-1455) use medieval renaissance styles
Frescoess in San Marco monastery in Florence. use no realistic clothing, gentleness, shading perspective
Devinci (1452-1519)
Madonna of the Rocks, last supper, interested in science, universal man, Vatican Madonna, Transfiguration, school of Athens
painter, works were destroyed, painting called spring time
painted Marry as a young woman. Raphael= Madonna man, Vatican Madonna, transfiguration, school of Athens
Pieta,14 foot David, ceiling on the sixteenth chapel, las judgment
Mona Lisa
Lisa di Antonio Maria Gherardinji wife of a florentine official,3/4 view, high forehead= nobility portraits became the biographies-showed individual personality, landscape background
who designed St.Peters
Bramante, Michelangelo's dome
size of St. Peters
largest church in the world
style of St. Peters
Greek cross shape
why oil painting in Venice
more durable in mumid climate, deeper more vivd color
how did oil painting get a golden glow
glaze paintings
who was Castiglione
author of The Courtier
effortless mastery
who was Machiavelli
wrote The Prince
Machiavelli's famous work
Proposes "End justifies the means".
Machiavelli's view of human nature
a ruler must be ruthless when necessary to retain power and maintain order prince= human nature fickle- no to be trusted
distorted, unbalanced
Madonna with a long neck
El Greco's masterpiece
Greece then Spain