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45 Cards in this Set

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Romaneque Architecture
is known by its massive quality, its thick walls, round arches, sturdy piers, groin vaults, large tower and decretive arcading
St. Sernin
Romanesque Circa 110, Toulose, France. with thick walls, center spire, few windows. built along pilgrimage routes to house visitors on their way to religious sites and relics
what is gothic
architectural style started in france 1140, spread to northern Europe-France England, Germany
What did the Italians think about the gothic period
they thought it to be over done and barbaric (gothic means barbaric)
gothic building designed by
Abbot Suger at St. Denis in Paris
Rib Vaulting
pointed arches met and interested at the ceiling. later these interactions become very intricate and decretive
stained glass
characters France, Rose windows
Notre-Dame De La Belle Verriere
where did Gothic begini
started by Abbot Suger 1140CE.
who started Gothic era
Abbey of St. Denis, Paris
light mysticism
God is light, shines through the church onto a dark world
how is Chartes refined gothic
is somewhat plain as it begins the "High Gothic" style
Santa Camisia. Tunic orviel on May
Trinity or Platos truth, beauty, and goodness
describe Sainte Chapelle in Paris
crown of thorns, also piece of the cross, spear, skull of St. John, ect.
what relics were in Sainte Chapelle in Paris
little jewel box
Florence Duomo and Campanile
Italy chose a more classic style, not the high gothic style, more practical for Italian climate
why did French gothic not reach southern Italy
Climate and style. Milan
Les Tres Riches Heures
a 1410 calander book showing feasts and saints days painted by Limbourg brothers for Jean, Duc de Berry
winter in a peasant village. the inhaditants of a farm are shown warming themselves by the fire while in the background normal daily life -cutting wood, taking cattle to the market
what was function of stained glass windows
to teach, to experience heaven, to advertise, to glorify god, to allow the light of god to enter the darkened world
what is Tapestry, meaning of a famous Brussels one
unicorn can be explained as tale of courtly love, presenting the search and eventual capture of the love-brdegroom by his adored lady
what was the university curriculum
7 liberal arts
grammar, logic, rhetoric
music, math, astronomy, emoter. Paris then Oxford then Cambridge
what two ideas did Thomas Aquin as intergrate
faith and reason= scholasticism debate. Biblical, spiritual teaching with Aristotles natural world reflects the spiritual, proposed "via media" in famous work: Suma Theologica
what was Ockhams Razor
"keep it simple" try to prove the simplest theories first or the theories with the fewest assumptions
what did Ockhams reject
Thomas Aquimas, faith reason argument
who were Franciscans
st, francis of Assisi (Giovanni Bernadone)-1182-1226. Established an order of mendicants (begging monks) who loved simply. son of a rich merchant rebellious, went to war
celerbrated literary work of the middle ages, author
Dante's Divine comedy, includes Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. 1256 florence good friday
through 9 levels each of hell, Purgatory, and paradise. Betrayle (traitors= judas, brutus and cassius) satin ice, has three heads. Treza Rima
Gregorian chant
Monophonic music in early churches
who was Hildegard Von Biyen
pope George the great (540-604CE)
how does Giotto's work show a new trend
born 1266 near Florence. free from medieval restraints. subject relicts full of life.
Giotto's works
painted life of St. Francis in Assisi, painted life of christ in Padua
what is Boccacci's Decameron
storries by 10 students who leave Florence to escape the plague. famouse story: Flippa. stories often bawdy, people realistic
what were The Centerbury Tales
22 stories by choucer (1342-1400)
Author of Centerbury Tales
written in middle english
descriptions of Centerbury Tales
describes english people from high-ranking knight to lowly, cheating paradoner
flying buttresses
project outward on the exterior of the building and cannot be seen from the inside through the stained glass window
Rayonnant style
stone tracery divisions between the areas of glass in rose windows were made thinner and even more intricate
jamb figures
precursor portal, of a type first seen at Saint Denis and perhaps started by Abbot Suger
a characteristic feature of Romanesque and especially Gothic buildings, is a waterspout, a necessity turned into decretive fantasy
artistic first make a small-skale color drawing, this is then copied then enlarged on paper to the dimensions intended for the tapestry
as the middle ages progresse, the attitude of the Roman Catholic church toward secular learning and the wisdom of the anciant writers began to change