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124 Cards in this Set

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Das ist aber nett von dir
That's really nice of you
Hast du etwas dagegen?

-Aber nein!
do you have a problem with that?

-of course not
Ich konnte nicht mehr lernen, also ging ich ins Bett
I couldn't study anymore, so I went to bed
intensifier in statements
connotes reassurance

signals a reaction to something just said
Du wirst uns also helfen?
so you'll help us?
Also, gut - wenn du willst.
well, alright - if you want to
Also, was willst du jetzt machen?
so (or well), what do you want to do now?
conveys a sense of (or a desire for) confirmation

sometimes used in the sense of "even"
So schlecht war der Film (ja) auch nicht
the film wasn't really so bad
Bist du auch sicher, dass du es kannst?
Are you really sure you can do it?
Auch/Sogar in den Alpen fiel letztes Jahr weniger Schnee
Even in the alps les snow fell last year
appears only in questions

(through inflection) adds a tone of : impatience(mild or strong) surprise, or interest
Kommst du denn nicht mit?
Well, aren't you going to come along?
Was habt ihr denn die ganze Zeit gemacht?
So, what did you do the whole time?
Was ist denn hier los?
What in the world is going on here?
1.to stress validity (against dissent)
2. to convey surprise
3. to stress disbelief
4. to intensify impatience/urgency
5. to respond + to a - statement
Das ist doch Wahnsinn!
But that's crazy (no matter what anyone says)!
Das weißt du doch!
Come on, you know that!
Sie hat doch Recht
So she's right after all
Bist du auch sicher, dass du es kannst?
Are you really sure you can do it?
Auch/Sogar in den Alpen fiel letztes Jahr weniger Schnee
Even in the alps les snow fell last year
appears only in questions

(through inflection) adds a tone of : impatience(mild or strong) surprise, or interest
Kommst du denn nicht mit?
Well, aren't you going to come along?
Was habt ihr denn die ganze Zeit gemacht?
So, what did you do the whole time?
Was ist denn hier los?
What in the world is going on here?
1.to stress validity (against dissent)
2. to convey surprise
3. to stress disbelief
4. to intensify impatience/urgency
5. to respond + to a - statement
Das ist doch Wahnsinn!
But that's crazy (no matter what anyone says)!
Das weißt du doch!
Come on, you know that!
Sie hat doch Recht
So she's right after all
Das ist aber nett von dir
That's really nice of you
Hast du etwas dagegen?

-Aber nein!
do you have a problem with that?

-of course not
Ich konnte nicht mehr lernen, also ging ich ins Bett
I couldn't study anymore, so I went to bed
intensifier in statements
connotes reassurance

signals a reaction to something just said
Du wirst uns also helfen?
so you'll help us?
Also, gut - wenn du willst.
well, alright - if you want to
Also, was willst du jetzt achen?
so (or well), what do you want to do now?
conveys a sense of (or a desire for) confirmation
So schlecht war der Film (ja) auch nicht
the film wasn't really so bad
Das kann doch nicht dein Ernst sein!
You can't really be serious!
Hören Sie doch mal zu
Come on, listen!
Du willst wohl nicht mitkommen, oder?

You don't want to come along, do you?

-Oh yes, I do!
"Just", as in "just now" or "just then"

also indicates reigned acceptance of a fact

agreement (that a statement is precisely the point)
Wo sind denn die anderen Gäste?

-Die sind eben weggegangen.
Where are the other guests?

-They just left
Wenn du wirklich keine Lust hast, dann gehen wir heute eben nicht ins Kino
If you really don't want to, we just won't go to a movie today
Es ist eben so

So ist es eben
That's just the way it is
Das ist aber ein langes Kapitel

This is a really long chapter

-Precisely(Robin), Exactly
synonymous with eben in the sense of resigned acceptance

very colloquial
Wir müssen halt warten, bis der Regen vorbei ist
We'll just have to wait until the rain is over
used to soften or modify tone to imply that:
1. a question has not been answered
2.discourse marker to change the topic of conversation
Weißt du eigentlich, wie sie heißt?
Do you happen to know her name?
Ich weiß eigentlich nicht, was ich will
I don't really know what I want
Wo wohnen Sie denn eigentlich?
So tell me, just where do you live?
implies something is really the case
Das ist wirklich sien Auto.
It really is his car
Eigentlich ist das sein Auto
Actually, it is his car
expresses the obviousness of a fact, with a hint of impatience. (urgency is added with nur)

similar to doch
Sie wissen ja, was ich meine
Come on, you know what I mean
Das tue ich ja schon!
But I'm (obviously) already doing that!
Komm (nur) ja nicht zu spät nach Hause!
Don't you dare come home too late!
Da ist sie ja!
Well, there she is!
Das ist ja kaum zu glauben!
That is really hard to believe! / I can hardly believe that!
softens statements and commands by adding casualness
Das werde ich mir mal ansehen
I'll just take a look at that.
Ich muss dir mal was erzählen
I've just got to tell you something
Komm mal her!
(Hey) come here!
Sieh dir das mal an!
(Hey) check this out!
implies resigned acceptance of a situation.

synonymous with eben and halt
Da konnte man nun mal nichts (weiter) machen.
Well, there wasn't anything (else) to be done
So sieht es im Moment nun (ein)mal aus
This just is the way things look at the moment
lends a sense of urgency and emotion to questions

in commands, it is roughly equivalent to "just" (can be either reassuring or threatening)
Denke nur nicht, dass ich das bald vergessen werde!
Just don't think that I'll soon forget this!
Rufen Sie mich nur nicht nach 10 Uhr an!
Don't you dare (Just don't) call me after 10!
Warten Sie nur!
Just wait! (Just you wait!)
Reden Sie nur weiter!
go on - keep talking! (you're doing fine)
often used instead of nur, carries the same shades of meaning
Sei bloß/nur nicht so schütern!
Just don't be so shy!
Warum hat sie das bloß/nur gemacht?
Why on earth did she do that?
Geh da bloß/nur nicht hin!
Whatever you do, don't go there!
1. expresses confidence or reassurance
2. gives a sense of impatient encouragement to requests
3. adds a sense of resignation to questions
4. conveys a reserved concession (although something is true, there is another consideration)
Ist alles fertig?

-Ich glaube schon
Is everything ready?

-Oh, I think so
Ich werde es schon machen
Don't worry, I'll do it
Du hast ja eine schöne Wohnung.

-Das schon, aber noch keine Möbel
You have a nice apartment, you know

-Well, yes, but no furniture yet
Das ist schon richtig, was du sagst, aber....
What you say is true, but
Setz dich schon hin!
Come on now, sit down!
Was kann man in so einem Fall schon sagen
What can you possibly say in such a case?
Wer möchte allein auf einer Südseeinsel leben?
Who would ever want to live alone on a South Sea Island?
expresses generality regarding one or more of the sentence elements

conveys the idea of "at all" in questions
Er sollte überhaupt mit seinen Behauptungen vorsichtiger sein!
He should really (i.e., as an overarching rule) be more careful about his assertions!
Sie interessiert sich für Programmiersprachen, ja, für Informatik überhaupt
She's interested in programming languages, in fact, in computer science in general
Verstehst du mich überhaupt?
do you understand me at all?
Hast du überhaupt eine Ahnung, was er will?
do you have any idea at all what he wants
Sie wissen überhaupt/gar nichts.
The don't know anything at all
serves to underscore a sense of astonishment or an intense reaction
Das war vielleicht ein komischer Typ!
Boy, that guy was weird!
Da hatte ich vielleicht Angst, du!
I tell you, I was scared!
suggests probability. such as:
no doubt, quite likely, or probably

sometimes expresses certainty
Das wird wohl lange dauern
That will no doubt take a long time
Wenn sie es sagt, wird es wohl stimmen
If she says so, then its probably true
Das kann man wohl sagen!
You can say that again!
Du bist wohl nicht bei Sinnen!
You must be out of your mind!
means "to be sure" or "of course" and is usually balanced by an aber (however) in the following clause

cannot be used as an affirmative response to a question (Allerdings is used instead)
Es gab zwar noch genug zu essen, aber niemand hatte mehr Hunger
There was, to be sure, still enough to eat, but no one was hungry anymore
like zwar, but positive
Haben Sie verstanden?

Did you understand?

-Oh, yes! (i.e. I know what you are getting at)
Das ist aber wahr!
that sure is true!
aber nein!
oh no! but of course not!
also gut/also schön
well, ok (I'll do it)
na also!
what did I tell you!
also doch!
it's true what I said after all!
na (nun) ja
oh well, ok
Ich denke/ glaube schon
I should think so
was ist denn?
What's the matter?
was ist den hier los?
what's going on here?
das darf doch nicht wahr sein!
that can't be (true)!
das ist doch/ja lächerlich!
that's rediculous!
das ist es ja (eben)!
that's just it, that's just what I mean!
so ist es eben
that's just how it is
ja, was ich sagen wollte
by the way, what I wanted to say....
mal sehen
we'll just have to (wait and) see
das wird schon stimmen
I'm (pretty) sure that's right
es wird schon gehen/werden
I'm (pretty) sure it'll work out
das habe ich mir (auch) schon gedacht
that's just what I figured (too)