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21 Cards in this Set

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Define "stress."
Stress is a state of physical and/or psychological arousal to a stimulus.
What term does Dr. Hans Selye give to the body's response to stress?
"General adaptation syndrome."
What are the three stages of the human body's response to stress (general adaptation syndrome)?
1) Alarm reaction
2) Stage of resistance
3) Exhaustion
What's the first stage of the body's response to stress called?

What happens during that stage?
"Alarm reaction."

During this stage, your sympathetic nervous system increases its activity (fight or flight). Everything is stimulated and ready to perform, and the body produces elevated levels of cortisol.
What's the second stage of the body's response to stress called?

What happens during that stage?
"Stage of Resistance."

Your systems return to normal. You have adapted to the stimulus and it no longer causes you any problems.
What's the third stage of the body's response to stress called?

What happens during that stage?

This occurs when the stressor is especially severe or prolonged. Three major physical side effects may manifest -- enlarged adrenal glands, wasting of lymph nodes, and bleeding ulcers. Other peripheral side effects manifest as well. Most individuals don't reach this stage.
Define "critical incident."
A critical incident is any situation that triggers a strong emotional response.
Define "acute stress reaction."
An acute stress reaction is a reaction that occurs simultaneously with or shortly after the critical incident
Define "delayed stress reaction."
A delayed stress reaction (another word for post-traumatic stress disorder) is a reaction that can occur at any time -- days and even years -- after a critical incident.
Define "cumulative stress reaction."
A cumulative stress reaction, also known as burnout, occurs as a result of prolonged recurring stressors.
What are some results of an acute stress reaction that would make immediate intervention necessary?
Signs and symptoms that indicate acute medical or psychological problems (e.g. chest pain, trouble breathing, abnormal heart rhythms, uncontrollable crying, inappropriate behavior, inability to be rational) require immediate intervention.
What does the progression of cumulative stress reaction look like?
Early signs: these are subtle, such as vague anxiety, boredom, apathy

Intermediate signs: emotional exhaustion, loss of emotional control, withdrawal

Late signs: Migraines, loss of sex drive, increased smoking and drinking, poor interpersonal relationships, physical illness, poor performance, lack of self-control
Generally speaking, what are some of the most stressful types of calls an EMT must answer?
1) Multiple casualty incidents
2) Calls involving infants or children
3) Severe injuries
4) Abuse and neglect
5) Death of a coworker
Define "multiple casualty incident (MCI)"
An MCI is an emergency involving multiple patients.
Define eustress.
Eustress is positive stress that drives you to perform.
Define distress.
Distress is negative stress that can occur when stressors become overwhelming.
What lifestyle changes can one make in order to deal with stress?
1) Developing more healthful and positive dietary habits.

2) Exercise

3) Devote time to relaxing
Define "Critical incident stress management (CISM)."
Critical incident stress management is a comprehensive system that includes education and resources to both prevent stress and to deal with stress appropriately when it occurs.
What are the stages of reactions to dying?

It's important to remember that not all patients go through every stage, and the degree and length of each may vary.
1) Denial or "not me."
2) Anger or "why me?"
3) Bargaining or "OK, but first let me..."
4) Depression or "OK, but I haven't..."
5) Acceptance or "OK, I'm not afraid."
Define "hazardous-material incident."
A hazardous-material incident is the release of a harmful substance into the environment.
Define decontamination.
Decontamination is the removal or cleansing of dangerous chemicals and other dangerous or infectious materials.