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NAME 6 Musculoskeletal Conditions:








1) Managing Pain

2) Preventing Injury

3) Promoting Independence

What is Onychomyosis?

A fungal infection of the nail or nail bed

What is Osteoarthritis?

A degenerative joint disease in which there is a progressive deterioration and abrasion of joint Cartlidge, with the formation of new bone at the joint surfaces.

What is osteoporosis?

A bone condition characterized by low bone density and porous bones.

What is Sarcopenia?

A decline in walking speed or grip strength associated with an age related disease in muscle mass and/or function.

What is Tinea pedis?

Athletes foot; fungal infection of the foot.

What things can cause Sarcopenia?

Disease, and mobility, decreased caloric intake, poor blood flow to the muscles, mitochondrial dysfunction, a decline an anabolic hormones, and an increase in pro inflammatory cytokines.

A decline in walking speed or grip strength.

What is cardiovascular endurance?

The ability of the heart lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to all body cells is enhanced by aerobic training

What can an older adult do if they are unable to participate in aggressive exercise programs?

They can stretch and exaggerate movements during routine activities to promote joint mobility and circulation.

True or false? Inactivity can result in deconditioning, which compounds the effects of Sarcopenia?


What is the leading cause of physical disability and older people?


What is osteoclastic activity?

The action of the cells that continuously reabsorb bone.

What is gout?

Gout is a metabolic disorder in which excess uric acid accumulates in the blood. As a result uric acid crystals are deposited in and around the joints causing severe pain and tenderness of the joint and warmth redness and swelling of the surrounding tissue. Attacks can last from weeks to months.

What can one do to alleviate gout pain?

Reduce sodium urate through a low purine diet avoiding bacon turkey veal liver kidney brains anchovies sardines herring smelt mackerel salmon and legumes. Avoid alcohol! Colchicine or phenoylbutazone can be used to manage acute attacks management could also include allopurinol, probenecid, or indomethacin. Thiazide diuretics should be avoided since they raise the uric acid level in the blood. Vitamin E and folic acid maybe useful dietary supplements and herbs such as the yucca and devils claw reduce the symptoms. Of course a good fluid intake will prevent the formation of renal stones.

What is a corn

A corn is a cone shape layer of stick dry skin formed over a bony prominence.

What is a bunion?

A bunion or bursa is a bony prominence over the first metatarsal head.

What is a hammer toe?

Hammer toe is a hyper extension at the metatarsal phalangeal joint with flexion and often corn formation at the proximal interphalangeus joint.

What is plantar fasciitis?

A common cause of heel pain often mistaken for a spur. A stick ligamentous band in the bottom of the foot that runs from the ball of the foot to the heel where it is attached. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of this band at its heel attachment.

What are some ongoing things someone can use to alleviate osteoarthritis?

Heat, ice, tai chi, aqua therapy, acupuncture, and massage are all things that could benefit one.

What are some ongoing things someone can use to alleviate osteoarthritis?

Heat, ice, tai chi, aqua therapy, acupuncture, and massage are all things that could benefit one.

What are some secondary things that can occur with chronic and mobility of the older patient?

Pneumonia, thrombus formation, pressure ulcers, renal calculi, fecal impaction, contractures, and other complications.

Name some factors that can contribute to The demineralization of bones known as osteoporosis?

Immobility, reduction and anabolic sex hormones, low calcium intake, and certain medications and diseases.

What is DEXA?

Dual dash energy x-ray absorptiometry; which is the most common method to determine osteoporosis and measure bone density.

Name some changes in physiological function That is a deleterious effect of inactivity...

Reduced pulse rate

Increased cardiac workload

Decreased aerobic capacity

Decreased chest expansion and ventilation

Reduced muscle strength, tone, and endurance

Demineralization of bones, increased ease of fractures

Slower gastrointestinal mobility/G.I.

Slower metabolism and lymphatic circulation

What are some increased risk of complications due to inactivity?

Postural hypotension

Hypostatic pneumonia

Pressure ulcers

Poor appetite


Constipation and fecal impaction


Renal stone formation


Joint stiffness, limited ROM

What are some changes in mood and self conception due to inactivity?

Increased feeling of helplessness, depression

Perception of self as in capable and frail

Increased dependency

Reduce opportunities for socialization

What are some causative or contributing factors to impaired physical mobility?

Arthritis, Mel nutrition, neuromuscular disease, sensory deficiencies, edema, missing limb, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, obesity, side effects of medications, altered mood, and cognition.

Name some changes in physiological functioning that are deleterious effects of inactivity...

Reduced pulse rate

Increase cardiac workload

Decreased aerobic capacity

Decrease chest expansion and ventilation

Reduced muscle strength, tone, and endurance

Demineralization of bones, increased ease of fractures

Slower gastrointestinal motility

Slower Metabolism and lymphatic circulation

Name some increased risk of complications due to the deleterious effects of an activity...

Postural hypotension

Hypostatic pneumonia

Pressure ulcers

Poor appetite



Fecal impaction


Renal stone formation

Urinary tract infection

Joint stiffness, limited ROM

Name some changes in mood and self-concept due to the deleterious effects of an activity

Increased feeling of helplessness, depression

Perception of self as in capable, frail

Poor circulation, fatigue, and reduced release of endorphins can affect one’s mind and affect their cognition.