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159 Cards in this Set

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set moral standards of what is "good" or "right" in one's behavior
has up-to-date skills that allow for job and career mobility
portfolio worker
a collection of people working together to achieve a common purpose
transforms resource inputs from the environment into product outputs
open system
the quantity and quality of work performance, with resource utilization considered
an output measure of task or goal accomplishment
performance effectiveness
an input measure of resource cost associated with goal accomplishment
performance efficiency
an input measure of resource cost associated with goal accomplishment
guide the performance of the organization as a whole or of one of its major parts
top managers
oversee the work of large departments or divisions
middle managers
report to middle managers and supervise non-managerial workers
team leaders
directly contribute to producing the organization’s goods or services
line managers
use special technical expertise to advise and support line workers
staff managers
responsible for one area such as finance, marketing, production, personnel, accounting, or sales
functional managers
responsible for complex, multifunctional units
general managers
a manager in a public or nonprofit organization
the requirement to show performance results to a supervisor
helps others achieve high performance and satisfaction at work
effective manager
the overall quality of human experiences in the workplace
quality of work life
operating workers are at the top serving customers while managers are at the bottom supporting them
upside-down pyramid
the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the use of resources to accomplish performance goals
the process of setting objectives and determining what should be done to accomplish them
the process of assigning tasks, allocating resources, and coordinating work activities
the process of arousing enthusiasm and inspiring efforts to achieve goals
the process of measuring performance and taking action to ensure desired results
a change in behavior that results from experience
continuous learning from daily experiences
lifelong learning
the ability to translate knowledge into action that results in desired performance
the ability to use expertise to perform a task with proficiency
technical skill
the ability to work well in cooperation with other people
human skill (interpersonal skill)
the ability to manage ourselves and our relationships effectively
emotional intelligence
the ability to think analytically to diagnose and solve complex problems
conceptual skill
a skill-based capability for high performance in a management job
managerial competency
compromised of economic, legal-political, technological, sociocultural, and natural environment conditions
general environment
the deliberate blockage and denial of public access to information posted on the internet
internet censorship
both meets the needs of customers and protects the well-being of our natural environment
sustainable business
creates new products and production methods that have reduced environmental impact
sustainable innovation
includes the people and groups with whom an organization interacts
specific environment
the persons, groups, and institutions directly affected by an organization
creating value for and satisfying needs of stakeholders
value creation
allows an organization to deal with market and environmental forces better than its competitors
competitive advantage
results in an organization doting different things or the same things in different ways from one's major competitors
strategic poisoning
a lack of complete information about the environment
environmental uncertainty
strategically tries to build lasting relationships with and to add value to customers
customer relationship management
strategically links all operations dealing with resource supplies
supply chain management
sustainable high performance in using resources to accomplish mission
organizational effectiveness
the system of shared beliefs and values that guides behavior in organizations
organizational culture
the process through which new members learn the culture of an organization
beliefs and values shared by organization members
core values
actively develops, communicates, and enacts shared values
value-based management
creates meaning and shared community among organizational members
workplace spirituality
uses symbols to establish and maintain a desired organizational culture
symbolic leader
involves pluralism and respect for diversity
based on pluralism and operates with inclusivity and respect for diversity
multicultural organization
exist among people with similar values and beliefs based on shared work responsibilities and personal characteristics
organizational subcultures
the belief that one's membership group or subculture is superior to all others
hidden barrier to the advancement of women and minorities
glass ceiling
when minority members adopt characteristics of majority cultures in order to succeed
building an inclusive work environment that allows everyone to reach their full potential
managing diversity
is "right" or "good" in the context of a governing moral code
ethical behavior
broad beliefs about what is appropriate behavior
preferences about desired end states
terminal values
preferences regarding the means to desired ends
instrumental values
ethical behavior delivers the greatest good to the most people
utilitarian view
ethical behavior advances long-term self-interests
individualism view
ethical behavior respects and protects fundamental rights
moral rights view
ethical behavior treats people impartially and fairly
justice view
concerned that policies and rules are fairly applied
procedural justice
concerned that people are treated the same regardless of personal characteristics
distributive justice
the degree to which others are treated with dignity and respect
interactional justice
suggests there is no one right way to behave; ethical behavior is determined by its cultural context
an attempt to impose one's ethical standards on other cultures
ethical imperialism
a situation that offers potential benefit or gain and is also unethical
ethical dilemma
indicates the degree to which an issue or situation is recognized to pose important ethical challenges
ethical intensity or issue intensity
a personal rule or strategy for making ethical decisions
ethical framework
exposes the misdeeds of others in organizations
seeks to help people understand the ethical aspects of decision making and to incorporate high ethical standards into their daily behavior
ethics training
a formal statement of values and ethical standards
code of ethics
chooses to behave unethically
immoral manager
fails to consider the ethics of his or her behavior
amoral manager
makes ethical behavior a personal goal
moral manager
enriched awareness that leads to consistent ethical behavior
ethics mindfulness
has a mission to solve pressing social problems
social entrepreneurship
the obligation of an organization to serve its own interests and those of society
corporate social responsibility
are directly affected by behavior of the organization and hold a stake in its performance
organizational stakeholders
business should focus on profits
classical view of CSR (corporate social responsibility)
business should focus on broader social welfare as well as profits
socioeconomic view of CSR
occurs when CSR improves financial performance which leads to more CSR
virtuous circle
assesses an organization's accomplishments in areas of social responsibility
social responsibility audit
avoids social responsibility and reflects mainly economic priorities
obstructionist strategy
seeks protection by doing the minimum legally required
defensive strategy
accepts social responsibility and tries to satisfy economic, legal, and ethical criteria
accommodative strategy
meets all the criteria of social responsibility, including discretionary performance
proactive strategy
the oversight of top management by a board of directors
corporate governance
resources, markets, and competition are worldwide in scope
global economy
the process of growing interdependence among elements of the global economy
involves managing operations in more than one country
global management
culturally aware and informed on international affairs
global manager
conducts commercial transactions across national boundaries
global business
materials or services are purchased around the world for local use
global sourcing
local products are sold abroad to foreign customers
involves the selling in domestics markets of products acquired abroad
a local firm pays a fee to a foreign firm for rights to make or sell its products
licensing agreement
a fee is paid to a foreign business for rights to locally operate using its name, branding, and methods
building, buying all, or buying part of a business in another country
foreign direct investment
builds an entirely new operation in a foreign country
greenfield investment
the potential loss in value of a foreign investment due to instability and political changes in the host country
political risk
tries to forecast disruptions that can threaten the value of a foreign investment
political risk analysis
member nations agree to negotiate and resolve disputes about tariffs and trade restrictions
World Trade Organization
gives a trading partner most favorable treatment for imports and exports
most favored nation status
taxes governments levy on imports from abroad
a call for tariffs and favorable treatments to protect domestic firms from foreign competition
the North American Free Trade Agreement linking Canada, the U.S., and Mexico in an economic alliance
a political and economic alliance of European countries
European Union
now the common European currency
a multinational business with extensive operations in more than one foreign country
global corporation, or MNC
an MNC that operates worldwide on a borderless basis
transnational corporation
involves illegal practices to further one's business interests
the full-time employment of children for work otherwise done by adults
child labor
employ workers at very low wages for long hours and in poor working conditions
meets the needs of the president without hurting future generations
sustainable development
a shared set of beliefs, values, and patterns of behavior common to a group of people
is the confusion and discomfort a person experiences when in an unfamiliar culture
culture shock
the tendency to consider one's culture superior to others
the ability to accept and adapt to new cultures
cultural intelligence
emphasize communication via spoken or written words
low-context cultures
rely on nonverbal and situational cues as well as spoken or written words in communication
high-context cultures
people tend to do one thing at a time
monochronic cultures
time is used to accomplish many different things at once
polychronic cultures
how people use space to communicate
assumes that a generalized cultural value applies equally well to all members of the culture
ecological fallacy
the degree to which a society accepts unequal distribution of power
power distance
the degree to which a society emphasizes individuals and their self-interests
the degree to which a society tolerates risk and uncertainty
uncertainty avoidance
the degree to which a society values effectiveness and materialism
the degree to which a society emphasizes short-term or long-term goals
time orientation
studies how management practices differ among countries and cultures
comparative management
believe the best approaches are found at home and tightly control foreign operations
ethnocentric attitudes
respect local knowledge and allow foreign operations to run with substantial freedom
polycentric attitudes
high in cultural intelligence and take collaborative approach to global management practices
geocentric attitudes
ability to share ideas and findings clearly in written and oral expression-including writing, oral presentation, giving/receiving feedback, technology utilization
ability to work effectively as a team member and team leader-includes team contribution, team leadership, conflict management, negotiation, consensus building
ability to evaluate oneself, modify behavior, and meet performance obligations-includes ethical reasoning and behavior, personal flexibility, tolerance for ambiguity, performance responsibility
ability to influence and support others to perform complex, and ambiguous tasks-includes diversity awareness, global understanding, project management, strategic action
ability to gather and analyze information for creative problem solving-includes problem solving, judgment and decision making, information gathering and interpretation, creativity/innovation
critical thinking
ability to sustain a positive impression, instill confidence, and maintain career advancement-includes personal presence, personal initiative, career management
laws and regulations
business forms
political trends
legal-political environment
economic growth
unemployment rate
disposable income
economic environment
population demographics
education system
health/nutrition values
sociocultural environment
IT systems/infrastructure
broadband internet access
technological environment
"green" values
recycling infrastructure
natural environment
the people singled out for special attention and whose accomplishments are recognized with praise and admiration; they include founders and role models
ceremonies and meetings, planned and spontaneous, that celebrate important occasions and performance accomplishments
ceremonies, rites, and rituals
oral histories and tales, told and retold among members, about dramatic sagas and incidents in the life of the organization
legends and stories
the special use of language and other nonverbal expressions that communicate important themes and values of the organization
metaphors and symbols
denying promotion or appointment to a job candidate because of the candidate's race, religion, gender, age, or other non-job-relevant criteria
taking a bribe or kickback or extraordinary gift in return for making decisions favorable to the gift giver
conflicts of interest
giving to another party privileged information regarding the activities of a customer
customer confidence
using official stationery or a company e-mail account to communicate personal opinions or make requests from community organizations
organizational resources