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21 Cards in this Set

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What does ubiquitous mean?
-found in all natural environments, including plants, animals, soils, and water
What is contamination?
-the presence of microbes in undesirable areas
What are aseptic techniques?
-precautionary measures used to avoid contamination of cultures
-protect lab worker and environment as well
What is aerosol contamination?
-spatter in air from microbes (can be caused be hot needle in colony)
What is dilution/iosolation streaking?
-developed by Loeffler and Gaffky in Koch's lab
-involves dilution of bacteria by systematically streaking them over agar surface to obtain isolated cells
What is a colony?
piles of cells that grow from a "parent" cell
What is a pure culture?
-agar surface grows only one type of bacterium that are genetically the same
What is confluent growth?
-growth over entire surface of streaked area
What does sterile mean?
-means without viable microbial cells present
What are two ways microorganisms can be transported?
-live carriers
-dust particles
What are some important functions performed by microorganisms?
-Nitrogen recylcling
-food production
-drink production
-antibiotic production
-assistance in digestion
What tools are used to transfer small amounts of growth from one medium to another?
-an inoculating loop and needle
-bunsen burner
How long should you cool a loop or needle beofre transferring a culture?
-atleast 15 seconds
What happens if you plunge a hot needle into a colony of bacteria on an agar plate?
-kill bacteria
-spatter agar and microbes into air resulting in aerosol contamination
What can be studied from dilution/isolation streaking?
-colonial morphology
Why should plates be inverted when incubating them?
-so condensation won't drip on them and disperse forming colonies
What are three things that should be checked for in media before use?
-excessive moisture
-excessive drying
Describe the type of growth, pigmentation, and colonly morphology (if applicable) for Serratia marcescens in a TSB broth.
-no surface growth, diffuse
-white color
Describe the type of growth, pigmentation, and colonly morphology (if applicable) for Serratia marcescens in TSA deep.
-complete growth on stab
-cloudy and translucent
-no solubity observed
Describe the type of growth, pigmentation, and colonly morphology (if applicable) for Klebsiella pneumoniae on a TSA slant.
-filiform growth
-tan color
-water insoluble
Describe the type of growth, pigmentation, and colonly morphology (if applicable) for Bacillus cereus on a TSA plate.
-type of growth N/A
-yellow colonies, water soluble
-1-2 mm circular colonies with undulate adges and pulvinate height
-light could not pass through or be deflected and colonies had viscid consistency