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37 Cards in this Set

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A process by which bacteria or archaea synthesize organic molecules from inorganic nutrients using chemical energy released from the bonds of a chemical compound by oxidation


Tiny calcareous dice averaging about 3 micrometers in diameter that from the cell wall of coccolithophores


a relationship between two species in which one or both benefit or neither or one is harmed


A mid latitude bloom of phytoplankton that occurs durning the fall and is limited by the availability of sunlight

Fall bloom

Organisms that eat bacteria


An organism that obtains its food by filtering seawater for other organisms

Filter feeding or suspension feeder

Any marine organisms that are caught incidentally by fishers seeking commercial species


A symbiotic relationship between two organisms in which one benefits at the expense of the other


Plankton extracting device that is cone shaped and typically of a silk material

Plankton nets

Animals and bacteria that depends on the organic compounds produced by other organisms as food.


The total mass of a defined organisms or group of organisms in a particular community or in the ocean as a whole.


Algal plankton. One of the most important communities of primary producers in the ocean.


A reddish-brown discoloration of surface water, usually in coastal areas, caused by high concentrations of microscopic organisms, usually dinoflagellates.

Red tide

The mass of fishery organisms present in an ecosystem at a given time.

Standing stock

A nourishment level in a food chain.

Trophic level

An instrument aboard the SeaStar satellite launched in 1997 that measures the color of the ocean with a radiometer and provides global coverage of ocean chlorophyll levels as well as land productivities every two days.

Sea wifs

Waters that exhibit low levels of biological production such as the centers of subtropical gyres.


A representation of trophic levels that illustrates the progressive decrease in total biomass at successive higher levels of the pyramid.

Biomass pyramid

A region of high productivity.


A type of seafood poisoning caused by ingestion of certain tropical reef fish that have high levels of naturally occurring dinoflagellate toxins


A light colored disk-shaped device that is lowered into water in order to measure the waters ability to transmit light.

Secchi disk

the depth at which net photosynthesis becomes zero; below this depth, photosynthesis organism can no longer survive

compensation depth for photosynthesis

the movement of CO2 that enters the ocean from the atmosphere through the water column to the sediment on the ocean floor by biological process-photosynthesis, secretion of shells, feeding, and dying

biological pump

an organism that feeds on food items that occur as deposits, including detritus and various detritus-coated sediments

deposit feeder

a layer that extends from the surface of the ocean to a depth where enough light exists to supports photosynthesis, rarely deeper than 100 meters

euphotic zone

a group of green pigments that make it possible for plants to carry on photosynthesis.


a fishing net made of monofilament fishing line that catches organisms by entanglement.

driftnet or gill nets

a midlatitude bloom of photosynthesis that occurs during the spring and is limited by the availability of nutrients

spring bloom

an act by U.S. congress in 1972 that specifies rules to protect marine mammals in U.S. waters

marine mammals protection act

the spectrum of radiant energy emitted from stars and ranging between cosmic rays with wave lenghts of less than 10 to 11 centimeters and very long waves with wave lenghts in excess of 100 kilometers

electromagnetic spectrum

a symbiotic relationship in which both participants benefit


the amount of energy passed on from a trophic level to the one above it divided by the amount it received from the one below it

gross ecological efficiency

the maximum fishery biomass that can be removed yearly and still be sustained by the fishery ecosystem

maximum sustainable yield (MSY)

the natural cycling of compounds among the living and nonliving components of an ecosystem

biogeochemical cycles

a deposit composed primarily of the tests of diatoms mixed with clay

diatomaceous earth

a layer of water in which a high rate of change in density in the vertical dimension is present


a whip like living structure used by some cells for a location
