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113 Cards in this Set

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Condition of being resistant to infection

Immune Response

Coordinated response of cells and molecules of the immune system

Categories of immunity

*Natural or innate (born with)

*Acquired (antibodies to specific antigens)

Natural / Innate Immunity

*prevents deeper tissue penetration of microorganisms

*major components:

- skin

- mucous membranes

- phagocytic leukocytes

- natural killer cells

(non-B, non-T lymphs)

- complement

External Defense System

*Unbroken skin

(pH of skin 5.6)

organ specific mechanisms:

*respiratory tract: mucous, cilia

*urinary tract: flushing action, slight acidity

*digestive tract: HCl gastric juice, pH 2

*tears and saliva: lysozyme

Acquired (adaptive) Immunity

*second major defense

*less rapid than innate

*consists of lymphocytes & their products (antibodies)

*recognize infectious and non-infectious substances and develop a specific immune response

*memory of antigen is developed = quicker, stronger immune response with next exposure

Humoral Immunity

(1/2 types of acquired / adaptive immunity)

*antibodies produced by B-lymphocytes

Cell-mediated immunity

(2/2 types of adaptive / acquired immunity)


*Intracellular microbes

Natural and Acquired Immunity






Acquired: No

Specific: No

Response: Identical for all challenges

Memory: No


Acquired: Yes

Specific: Yes

Response: Specific for a particular agent

Memory: Yes


Reference: 60-80% WBC differential

Main WBC in acute inflammation

Characterized by:

- segmented nucleus

- cytoplasmic granules

Neutrophil's Primary Granules

*enzymes with antibacterial activity

*released into phagocytic vesicles within the cell

Neutrophil's Secondary Granules

*enzymes associated with plasma membrane

*released outside of the cell

Neutrophil's Tertiary Granules

plasminogen activator

Neutrophil's Lysosomes

acid hydrolases

Neutrophil's role in inflammation


(chemotactic factors attract neutrophils to areas of injury)


Reference: 3-8% WBC differential

*Mononuclear cell

*Digestive vacuoles

*Hydrolytic enzymes


*found in almost all tissues

*phagocytic cells

*important in first line of defense in innate immune response

*respond to chemotactic stimuli

*antigen-presenting cells (to diff. WBC)

*help induce inflammation


Reference: 0-1% WBC differential

*release pro-inflammatory chemicals from granules when activated:

- histamine

- PAF (platelet activating factor)

- Heparin (works with antithrombin)

Mast Cells

*connective tissue throughout the body

*derived from same precursor cells as basophils, but mature in tissue site

*inflammatory response in allergic reactions, chronic inflammation

Stimuli for mast cell degranulation


*immune response

*complement (C3a, C5a)

*cytokines (interleukin-1, IL-8)


Reference: 2-3% WBC differential


*allergic reactions, parasitic infections

*control inflammatory reaction - release enzymes that breakdown histamine, leukotrienes

Definition of inflammation

*tissue and vascular reactions resulting from non-lethal injury

*delivery of fluid, dissolved substances, cells from the circulating blood and tissues to an area of injury

(tissue must be alive to undergo inflammatory reaction)

Benefits of inflammation

*localizes area of injury

*neutralizes offending agent

*removes dead cells, debris

*sets stage for repair processes


inflammation, without specifying cause

Is infection always the cause of inflammation?

*inflammation and infection are NOT SYNONYMOUS

- infection is just ONE cause of inflammation

acute inflammation

*almost immediate reaction of local tissues and blood vessels to injury

*less than 2 weeks resolution

chronic inflammation

*longer time frame

(6 weeks or >)

*persistence of injurious agent

*characterized by infiltration with mononuclear cells (lymphocytes, macrophages)

events in inflammation

*increased vascular permeability

*emigration of leukocytes



modern term: erythema

meaning: redness


modern term: heat

meaning: heat


modern term: pain

meaning: pain


modern term: edema

meaning: swelling

functio laesa

modern term: altered function

meaning: altered function

(twisted ankle > can't walk properly)

two stages of acute inflammation

*vascular stage

- vasodilation

- increased vascular permeability

*cellular stage

- emigration of leukocytes from microcirculation and accumulation at site of injury


(vascular stage of acute inflammation)

*follows a transient constriction of the arterioles

*arterioles (1st), venules (2nd) = increased capillary blood flow

*site of injury becomes congested - erythema, warmth

*induced by several mediators such as histamine and nitric oxide

increased vascular permeability

(vascular stage of acute inflammation)

*immediately follows vasodilation

*outpouring of protein-rich fluid (exudate) into extravascular spaces

- causes fluid to move from vascular compartment to albumin (proteins)

- dilutes the offending agent

*fluid loss results in increased concentration of RBCs, WBCs, platelets, clotting factors

formation of endothelial gaps during increased vascular permeability

(vascular stage of acute inflammation)

*chemical mediator binding to endothelial receptors causes contraction of endothelial cells and separation of intercellular junctions

- elicited by histamine, bradykinin, leukotrienes, etc.

inflammation: lymphatics and flow of lymph

*increase in drainage of fluid from the area of injury

*lining cells in lymphatics separate, allowing materials from the tissues into the lymphatics

3 responses of vascular permeability changes

*immediate transient response

*immediate sustained response

*delayed hemodynamic response

immediate transient response

*minor injury

*develops rapidly, short duration (15-30 mins)

*mediated by histamine acting on endothelium

*affects venules (only)

immediate sustained response

*occurs with more serious types of injury (burns, bacterial infections, etc.)

*continues for several days

*affects all levels of microcirculation

delayed hemodynamic response

*increased permeability begins after 2-12 hrs and lasts several hours or days

*mediated by bradykinin, factors derived from complement, and factors from dead neutrophils in exudate

*involves venules and capillaries

*occurs with injuries resulting from radiation

inflammatory mediators

- vasoactive amines

- plasma enzyme systems

- arachidonic acid metabolites

- miscellaneous cellular products

vasoactive amine: histamine

Causes: vasodilation, increased vascular permeability

Located: in granules of mast cells, basophils, platelets

From: degranulation during physical injuries, immunologic reactions, complement proteins

plasma factors

*mediators formed thru the action of proteolytic enzymes

- factor XII

- bradykinin

- complement system

arachidonic acid metabolites

*derived from phospholipids of cell membranes thru activation of phospholipase A2

*cyclooxygenase pathway

*lipoxygenase pathway

*have a broad range of vascular and chemotactic effects in inflammation

platelet activating factor

*platelets, basophils, mast cells, neutrophils, monocytes / macrophages, endothelial cells


*platelet aggregation

*increased degranulation

*bronchoconstriction (constriction of airwaves)


*increased vascular permeability

*increased WBC adhesion to endothelium

*promotion of chemotaxis

*increased oxidative burst

miscellaneous cell products

*O2 metabolites and lysosomal contents of neutrophils and macrophages


*nitric oxide

*cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)

nitric oxide

(miscellaneous cell products)

- produced by macrophages, endothelial cells

- vasodilation, cytotoxic free-radical


(miscellaneous cell products)

*Interleukins 1 & 8 (IL-1, IL-8)

*Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)

cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)

(miscellaneous cell products)

*selectins, endothelial adhesion molecules, integrins

*WBCs activated, integrins on surface interact with endothelial adhesion molecules, leading to extravasation

vascular phase summary

*vasoconstriction followed by vasodilation

*vasodilation of arterioles and venules, increase in capillary blood flow, heat and redness

*increased vascular permeability, outpouring of protein-rich fluid into extravascular spaces

*loss of proteins reduces capillary osmotic pressure and increases interstitial osmotic pressure

*fluid accumulation in tissue spaces (tumor, dolor, functio laesa)

*stagnation of flow, clotting of blood in area (keeping it localized)

Leukocyte Extravasation

*as fluid leaks out of microcirculation, the viscosity of blood increases

*circulation slows

*extravasation: movement out of the vascular compartment into the tissue

Leukocyte Extravasation Events







(leukocyte extravasation)

accumulation of leukocytes along the endothelial surface (due to slowing of blood)


(leukocyte extravasation)

tumbling of leukocytes along the endothelial surface

(break and reform bonds)


(leukocyte extravasation)

firm adherence of leukocytes to endothelial surface (firmly adhere to endothelial cells)


(leukocyte extravasation)

lining of adhered leukocytes along the endothelial surface


(leukocyte extravasation)

leukocytes move across endothelium (diapedesis)


*trans-membrane glycoproteins, expressed on the surface of leukocytes and activated endothelial cells

*slow movement of leukocytes along the endothelium via weak adhesive interactions - rolling

E- and P- selectins

expressed on endothelial cells and bind to oligosaccharides on surface of leukocytes


expressed on neutrophils and bind to endothelial mucin-like molecules (GlyCAM-1)


*tight adhesion

*when on surface of leukocytes, must be activated for tight adhesion to occur

- induced by PAF

*activated integrin binds to ICAM-1

- immunoglobulin superfamily of CAMs expressed on the surface of endothelial cells

Mechanism of CAM Modulation

(adhesion molecules)

*redistribution of preformed adhesion molecules to the cell surface

@ P-selectin:

-- following injury, distributed to cell surface, binds to leukocytes

-- induced by: histamine, thrombin & PAF

@ E-selection, ICAM-1, VCAM-1

-- induced by: IL-1 and TNF

Mechanism of CAM Modulation

(binding activity)

*increased binding activity

-- induced by chemotactic agents

-- conformational change of CD11a/CD18 integrins causing increased affinity for ICAM-1


*process by which leukocytes emigrate in tissues toward site of injury

- movement occurs along chemical gradient

Types of chemotactic agents

*exogenous (released by something thats not 'you')

- bacterial products


- damaged tissues

- C5a

- Leukotriene B4

- IL-8

Phagocytosis (& process)

*RecognitionIs and attachment of particle to be ingested by the leukocyte


- adhere / binding

- engulfment / ingestion

- fusion

- degradation or killing of ingested material

Neutrophilic Kill Mechanism

*requires O2, NADPH, and NADPH oxidase

*Respiratory (oxidative) burst

- NADPH + 2O2 + 2e- >>> 2O2- + NADP+ + H+

*Within lysosome

2O2- + 2H+ >>> H2O2 + O2

*Myeloperoxidase (neutrophilic granules)

H2O2 + Cl- >>> HClO

(HClO is bacterial agent

Complement System

*Important in both innate and humoral immunity, and the inflammatory response

*Consists of a group of proteins (C1-C9), found in serum, and tissue fluids

*Present in inactive precursors

(for reaction to occur, components must be activated in proper sequence)

Complement Functions

(prob on test)

*Lysis of immunogens such as bacteria, allografts (transplant tissue), tumor cells

*anaphylatoxin-- production of mediators that modulate immune and inflammatory responses

*opsonization (making something more suspectible to phagocytosis)


Classical Pathway

(2nd or 3rd time fighting antigen -- acquired or innate)

* C1q binds to the Fc region of antibodies (IgG and IgM) that have interacted with the antigen

*results in activation of: C1r, which activates C1s

*C1qrs complex activates C4 - C4a and C4b; and C2 - C2a and C2b

*C4bC2b complex = C3 convertase

*C3b combines with C4bC2b to form C4bC2bC3b = C5 convertase

Alternative Pathway

(no antibodies against it -- first time, acquired)

*C3 binds microbial (antigen) causing direct activation - C3a and C3b

*C3b binds and factor B combines with it = C3 convertase

*factor D splits B - Ba and Bb; Bb binds with C3b

*C3 is split by C3bBb - C3a and C3b

*C3bBbC3b = C5 convertase

Mannose - binding lectin pathway

*mannose molecules (only found on microorganisms) on surface of antigen

*mannose-binding lectin (MBL) binds to mannose

*MASPs (Mannose-Binding Lectin Associated Serine Proteases) binds to MBL

*MASP activates C4 - C4a and C4b; and C2 - C2a and C2b

*C4bC2b = C3 convertase

*C4C2bC3b = C5 convertase

Terminal Pathway

*C5 is split into C5a and C5b

*C5b binds to antigen surface

*C5bC6C7C8C9 = MAC

*C8 makes tons of C9 to generate a pore - resulting in lysis

Systemic Responses

(under optimal conditions, the inflammatory response will remain confined to localized area but.... that's not always the case)



*Increase in circulating proteins (produced by liver)



*caused by cytokine-induced increase in hypothalamic set-point

*does not usually rise above 105 degrees F

(97-99.5 is normal temp)


*fever producing mediators

*exogenous (from microorganisms): act indirectly on hypothalamus

*endogenous (from WBC): act directly on hypothalamus


- lipopolysaccharide from Gram negative bacteria

- injured cells

- malignant cells

Cytokine action on hypothalamus

(mechanism of fever)

*cross the blood brain barrier via specific transport mechanisms

*IL-1 excites neurons in the anterior hypothalamus

*hypothalamus produces and releases prostaglandins (PGE2), causing elevation of the thermoregulatory set point

*body initiates heat-promoting mechanisms; vasoconstriction- decrease heat loss; shivering - energy / heat production


(fever patterns)

temperature returns to normal at least once every 24 hours

(different bacterial infections, ex. sepsis)


(fever patterns)

temperature does not return to normal, varies a few degrees up or down

(viral upper respiratory infections - flu)


(fever patterns)

temperature remains above normal, not much variation

(drug-induced; penicillin, cocaine, amphetamines)

Recurrent / Relapsing

(Fever patterns)

one or more episodes of fever lasting several days with one or more days of normal temperature in between episodes

(malaria; lyme disease)

Pros vs. Cons of Fever


- improve efficiency of leukocyte killing

- impair replication of microorganisms


- may enhance host's susceptibility to the effects of endotoxins


15.0 - 20.0 x 10^9 / L in acute inflammation

(norm: 4.0 - 11.0 x 10^9 / L)


IL-1 and TNF signal bone marrow to increase rate of WBC release

When do these occur:




Neutrophilia: bacterial infections

Lymphocytosis: infections, mono, rubella

Eosinophilia: bronchial asthma, allergies, parasitic infection


*decrease in WBC

Associated conditions:

- typhoid fever

- viral infections

- rickettsial infections

- some protozoa

Circulating Plasma Proteins

*increase in acute phase reactants (APR)

- IL-1, 6, TNF, target liver

- reach max. levels in 10-40 hrs

- non-specific proteins

* examples:

- complement

- clotting factor

- c-reactive protein (CRP)

c-reactive protein

(acute phase reactants)

*better test than ESR

*assists complementary binding to foreign and damaged cells

*enhances phagocytosis

*reference range: <800 ug/dL

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

*nonspecific measure of inflammation

*fibrinogen coat surface of RBC

*rouleaux formation (coin stack) - heavier

(if not coated with fibrinogen, slower time to sediment)

*measures rate that RBC sediment in 1 hr

*reported as: mm of plasma present at the top of the tube (mm/hr)

Leukocyte induced tissue injury

*activated WBC mechanisms do not distinguish between offending agent and host


- bystander tissues are injured as part of normal defense against infectious agents

- normal attempt to clear damaged and dead tissues

- inflammatory response is directed against host tissues (autoimmune) or host reacts excessively against nontoxic environmental substances (allergies)

Acute Leukocyte induced tissue injury

*acute respiratory distress syndrome- neutrophils

*acute transplant rejection- lymphocytes, antibodies, complement

*asthma- eosinophils, IgE

*glomerulonephritis- antibodies, complement, neutrophils, monocytes

*septic shock- cytokines

Chronic Leukocyte induced tissue injury

*rheumatoid arthritis- lymphocytes, macrophages, antibodies

*atherosclerosis- macrophages

*chronic lung disease- macrophages

*chronic transplant rejection- lymphocytes, macrophages, cytokines

Chronic inflammation

*self-perpetuating, weeks, months, years

- characterized by infiltration of mononuclear cells (lymphs, macrophages, etc.)

- attempted connective tissue repair

*develops from recurrent acute inflammatory response or low-grade response that does not evoke acute response

*persistent, recurrent inflammation may promote DNA change > cancer


restoration of original structure and function


replacement of damaged tissue with scar tissue

ability of tissues to regenerate

(easily, well, or poorly)

*limited to cells that are able to undergo mitosis


- epithelial tissue (skin, mucous membranes)


- cells of liver, renal tubules, secretory elements of certain glands


- glomeruli

- skeletal muscle

- heart

- CNS > doesn't regenerate at all

peripheral nerves > can regenerate but very long time

first step of preparation of injured site for either regeneration or repair

*debridement - phagocytosis of debris

*drainage of exudate

*vascular dilation and permeability are reversed

phases of healing

*inflammatory phase

*proliferative phase - new tissue to fill space

*remodeling phase - remodel scar tissue

proliferative phase

*begins 3-4 days after initial injury; continues for as long as two weeks

*fibrin clot must be dissolved

*granulation tissue forms in wound area

*new connective tissue and capillaries that replace fibrin plug

*provides framework for scar tissue formation

remodeling phase

remodel scar tissue

begins about 3 weeks after injury; normally complete within two years


*production of new blood vessels from preexisting vessels

*requires O2 and nutrients

*capillary buds are produced

*loop formation occurs when young capillaries join (anastomose)

*differentiation of new capillaries into arterioles and venules

angiogenesis plays a role in;

- tissue repair

- tumor cell growth (release growth factors to produce blood supply)

- formation of collateral circulation (formation of new blood vessels to compensate for aim that are blocked)

vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)

*stimulated by cytokines, growth factors, tissue hypoxia

*receptors on vascular endothelial cells

proliferation of fibroblasts

*proliferate at site of injury

*synthesize collagen for tissue repair


*most abundant protein in the body

*the material of tissue repair

*hydroxylation of proline and lysine is necessary for collagen polymerization and function

collagen synthesis

*precursor procollagen is produced; hydroxylation of proline and lysine

*glycosylation of hydroxylysine

*triple helix (3 chains of procollagen) secreted out of fibroblast

*terminal peptides are cleaved from the ends of procollagen > tropocollagen

*collagen fibrils form by cross-linkage of hydroxylysines

*aggregation of fibrils to form fibers


*epithelial cells migrate under the clot/scab

*a proteolytic enzyme severs the connection between the clot and the wound surface

*epithelial cells connect and form a seal

remodeling (maturation) phase

*wound contraction - myofibroblast

*scar tissue is remodeled

*capillaries disappear

*scar gain strength as more collagen is deposited

roles of the macrophage

*primary phagocyte in debridement


- fibroblast-activating factor

- angiogenesis factors

- epithelial stimulating factor


(dysfunctional wound healing)

*vasoconstriction prevents delivery of inflammatory cells to site of injury

*reduced O2 delivery

nutritional state

(dysfunctional wound healing)

*insufficient levels of glucose, protein, vit. c

(scurvy - lack of vit c)

*procollagen not hydroxylated sufficiently - blood vessels, skin, tendons, etc. become fragile; poor wound healing


(dysfunctional wound healing)

*raised scar, extends beyond original wound boundaries

*imbalance between collagen synthesis (more) and collagen lysis (less)