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91 Cards in this Set

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Umbrella Brand
applied to multiple products and segments
category extension
significant product modification to (un)related target segment
-same brand to different products and different targets
line extension
small product modification to related target segment
-same brand to slightly different product in similar category and overlapping segment
Umbrella brand pros
lower costs, quality transfer
umbrella brand cons
-loss of position strength
multiple brands
each brand applied to a different product category and segment
multi-brand pros
-protection in brand scandals
-stronger position
multi-brand cons
costs to create a brand meaning
to change consumers' perception of bran in relation to competing brands-common for brands that are popular with one generation and fade as generation ages
double-sided messaging
we were this way.. now we are this way
Repositioning pros and cons
pros: brand legacy
cons: brand legacy
communicating to habit & variety seeking
advertising + sales promotion
communicating to brand loyal and limited problem solving
advertising + public relations
communicating to extended problem solving
personal selling + direct marketing
IMC Campaign
-a series of related pieces of marketing comm focusing on a common theme, slogan + set of appeals
-the creation of a promise (to be delivered)
-the translation of your intended brand position to the market
Process Overview for Campaign Creation
1. determine the objectives (SMART)
2. make creative decisions (AIDA)
3. make media decisions (media selection & schedule)
4. media plan
5. evaluate (pre-test & post-test)
Message Structure - AIDA
one way mass communication about a product or organization that is paid for by a marketer
pros of TV advertising from firm's perspective
-technical features
-ability to generate excitement
cons of TV from firm's perspective
-hard to measure results
pros and cons of Radio from firm's perspective
-very segmented audiences
-local personalities create credibility and intimacy
-no visuals
Newspapers: pros from firms' perspective
-mental frame for deep processing
-detailed copy
-low production costs and lead time
Newspapers: cons from firms' perspective
-lots of occasional readers
-reproduction quality
-declining readership
Magazine pros from firm perspective
-audience selectivity
-long life
-reproduction quality
-detailed copy
Magazine cons from firms perspective
-long lead time
-geographic limitations
key difference of internet as a mass media tool
measurement: quick feedback, multi-dimensional metrics: click through rates, navigation time, defection pages (checkout page)
Internet pros from firms' perspective
-easy to update
-reproduction quality
-privacy allows ads for taboo products
internet cons from firms' perspective
-short attention span
-low access rates in many countries and social groups
Advertising response function
the spending for advertising and sales promotion increases sales or market share up to a certain level and then produces diminishing returns
institutional advertising
advertising designed to enhance a company's image rather than promote a product
advocacy advertising
advertising in which an organization expresses its views on controversial issues or responds to media attacks
pioneer advertising
designed to stimulate primary demand for a new product or product category
competitive advertising
designed to influence demand for a specific brand
comparative advertising
compares two or more specifically named competing brands on one or more specific attributes
advertising objective
specific communication task that a campaign should accomplish for a specific target audience during a specified period
advertising appeal
a reason for a person to buy a product
unique selling proposition
a desirable, exclusive and believable advertising appeal selected as the theme for a campaign
the channel used to convey a message to a target market
media planning
the series of decisions advertisers make regarding the selection and use of media, allowing the marketer to optimally and cost-effectively communicate the message to the target audience
cooperative advertising
an arrangement in which the manufacturer and the retailer split the costs of advertising the manufacturer's brand
media schedule
designation of the media, the specific publications or programs, and the insertion dates of advertising
media mix
the combination of media to be used for a promotional campaign
cost per contact
the cost of reaching on member of the target market
the number of consumers exposed to a commercial at least once during a specific period, usually four weeks
the number of times an individual is exposed to a given message during a specific period
audience selectivity
the ability of an advertising medium to reach a precisely defined market
product placement
a public relations strategy that involves getting a product, service, or company name to appear in a movie, tv show, radio program, magazine, newspaper video game, video or audio clip or commercial for another product on the internet or at a special event
continuous media schedule
a media scheduling strategy in which advertising is run steadily throughout the advertising period; used for products in the later stages of the product cycle
flighted media schedule
ads are run heavily every other month or two weeks to achieve a greater impact with an increased frequency and reach at those times
pulsing media schedule
uses continuous scheduling throughout the year coupled with a flighted schedule during the best sales periods
seasonal media schedule
runs advertising only during times of the year when the product is most likely to be used
public relations functions
-product publicity
- corporate communication
-public affairs
communication by marketers that informs, persuades and reminds potential buyers of a product in order to influence an opinion or elicit a response
promotional strategy
plan for optimal use of the elements of promotion: advertising, pr, personal selling and sales promotion
competitive advantage
unique set of features of a company and its products that are perceived by the target market as significant and superior to the competition
push strategy
marketing strategy that uses aggressive personal selling and trade advertising to convince a wholesaler or a retailer to carry and sell a particular merchandise
pull strategy
a marketing strategy that stimulates consumer demand to obtain product distribution
the careful coordination of all promotional messages for a product or a service to assure the consistency of messages of every contact point where a company meets the consumer
Three Brand Management Strategies
1. Umbrella Brand
2. Multi-brand
3. Repositioning
Pilot Testing
message evaluation that consists of experimentation in the marketplace
split-cable transmission
pilot testing of two versions of an advertisement through direct transmission to separate sample households
split-run distribution
pilot testing in which different versions of an advertisement are placed in magazines and direct responses to each advertisement are compared
split-list experiments
pilot testing in which multiple versions of a direct-mail piece are sent to segments of a mailing list and responses to each version are compared
ballot method
pretest of sales promotion in which consumers are given a list of promotional options and asked to rank their preferences
single-source tracking measures
post-test message tracking that uses a combination of scanner data and devices that monitor television-viewing behavior to collect information about brand purchases, coupon use and television ad exposure
Goals of Marketing Communication
1. Inform
2. Persuade
3. Remind
Main Marketing Tools
1. Advertising
2. Direct Marketing
3. Sales Promotion
4. Personal Selling
5. Public Relations
one way, paid, standardized
-traditional: TV, newspaper, magazines, radio, billboards
-Alternative: street media, shopping carts, bus ads
Direct Marketing
one way, paid, personalized, response is optional
-offline: customized letters and offers
-online: customized emails and ads (google search)
Sales Promotion
one way, paid, short-term incentive
-immediate: discounts, buy 1 get 2
-deferred: rebates, raffles
Personal Selling
two way-personalized
-in person: sales visit, door-to-door
- remote: call center, chat
Public Relations
often less commercial, not necessarily paid
-Paid: sponsorship, events
-Not paid: media coverage, product placement, viral marketing
Key Factors that affect Marcom
1. Audience
2. Type of Decision
3. Stage in PLC
4. Channel Position
5. Funds
6. Competition
Rule of thumb for Funds
by sales %: 3-5% of sales volume
by objective:
- become #1 in market share - > + funds
- keep market share -> - funds
Stage of PLC and Marcom objectives
Introduction: inform
Growth: persuade
Maturity: persuade and remind
Decline: remind
Decision Criteria for Media Selection
-Audience selectivity
-Cost per contact
-focus group
-magazine dummies
-pilot markets
What post testing should be used with an awareness and attitude goal
website/store visits (new store in town)
what post testing should be used with a sales goals
purchase (durable goods)
what post testing should be used with a visibility goal
press coverage (sporting event)
common advertising appeals
-vanity & egotism
-fun and pleasure
-environmental consciousness
TV watching in the US negatively correlated with:
-higher education level
-levels of life satisfaction
TV watching in the US positively correlated with:
-materialism: notion that happiness is acquired through material acquisition
-Ideas of violence: believe the world is more violent than it actually is
Main media or tools of Advertising
Corporate Identity
enhance company's image
Types of Product Advertising
1. pioneering
2. competitive
3. comparative
Effects of Advertising on Consumers
-change negative attitude toward a product or reinforce a positive attitude
-Affect ranking of a brand's attributes
-Reduces price sensitivity (when not about price)
Newspaper Reach
-41 million readers of the daily newspapers in US
-correlation with higher education
Newspaper Technicalities
-advertising space varies: technical problem for agencies
-lack of control over messages: carryover effect of news to ads
Advantages of Outdoor Media
-moderate cost
-geographic selectivity
Disadvantages of Outdoor Media
-short message
-lack of demographic selectivity
-high noise level distracting audience