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20 Cards in this Set

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Most goods are ______ to evaluate and most services are _____ to evaluate for consumers
easy; hard
Goods are high in ____ attributes, services are high in ____ attributes...and both are moderate in ____ attributes
search; credence; experience
Four distinctive characteristics of services
1. intangible (cannot be seen)
2. cannot be inventoried or perishable (cannot have stock..like haircut)
3. Often produced and consumed simultaneously-inseparable (haircut example)
4. Difficult to standardize (high in variability in services..not like buying same brand of something)
2 ways increase tangibility of services
maid leaves name
Allstate and Flo
Inability to inventory (services)
1. Perishability a problem when demand fluctuates--imagine restaurant has 20 tables and open for 5 hours

2. Service providers generally want to smooth demand
shift to other periods (happy hours), increasing acceptable waiting time (sit at bar), cultivating nonpeak demand (breakfast time!)
Services difficult to standardize so ____ and ___essential
hiring and training..McDonalds and Disney
But we shouldn't standardize everything
like different Hooters

Standardize backstage and customize front office
Satisfaction generally seen as economically beneficial, but debate over how much
we should delight customers
People made more mistakes in Operation game
when anti-mimic condition of service...lack of mimicry can be psychologically taxing
American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)
The definitive benchmark for how consumers feel about the products they buy
Should we aim to exceed expectations (3 things)
1. Exceeding expectations can subsequently cause expectations to increase--setting bar too high

2. If we then fail to meet those raised expectations, we may lose customers, revenue and profit (but sets bar high for competitors too..raise expectations only if can deliver)

3. wIf we devote more resources to raised expectation, may lose profit
Managing expectations examples
Dominoes and Home Depot-Guaranteed but made it not so more...:Listerine and Airborne

Southwest promises are easier to keep
Prescription: ______ never make a promise you cannot keep
Almost never

Bold promises might favorably bias perceived quality when the consumption/service experience is ambiguous (placebo effects)...this class will change your life!

Bold promises dangerous when easy to evaluate (deliver promises 30 minutes)
______ before _____
consistency before brilliance
Managing memories
Memories are malleable (don't think of lines)..can be influenced by advertising viewed post experience (amusement park commercials will show the rides, not the lines)...but remind them of lots of positives!
Availability Heuristic
Tendency to treat the ease with which we can recall examples of an event as indicative of the frequency of that event (english words and k)...we can improve evaluates by soliciting negative feedback..if give 20 blanks and can only give 5, they will think it wasn't so bad
Retrospective evaluations of experience follow a _______/____ rule

Average of peak and final level of pleasure/pain

Colonoscopy study as example
Managing customer dissatisfaction
Want to retain mildly dissatisfied customers
When to apologize
Generally, quick apologies best

but for some serious, don't snap apologize..let the offended person vent first
Service recovery paradox
There are situations in which post-recovery satisfaction is greater than satisfaction prior to the service failure (can be very nice after dripping water..bring extra drink at restaurant..opp for satisfaction)..expectations following service failure tend to be low, so from this point of view, mild serivce failures can actually be opp to increase satisfaction