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33 Cards in this Set

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Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes
for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings
that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
Consumer Behavior
The study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy needs and desires.
Fishbein Model
Aijk = Sigma Betaijk Iik
Meaning of Fishbein
i = attribute
J = brand
k = consumer
I = the importance weight given attribute i by consumer k
Beta = consumer k’s belief regarding the extent to which brand j possesses attribute i
A = a particular consumer’s (k’s) attitude score for brand j
Extended Fishbein is...
Theory of reasoned Action
Theory of reasoned action includes...
Subjective Norms
Attitudes and Subjective norms lead to behavioral intention, not behavior
Compensatory decision strategy
decision strategy that allows compensation for downfalls in specific criteria.
Compensatory examples
Simple Additive
Weighted additive
Non-compensatory Decision strategy
Does not allow items to make up for downfalls in specific attributes
Non-compensatory examples
Elimination by aspects
non-compensatory decision strategy
Item that scores the best on the most important attribute is chosen
Simple additive
Compensatory decision strategy
all attributes are equal in importance
The item with the largest number of positive attributes is chosen
Weighted additive
Compensatory decision strategy
attributes are ranked by importance
elimination by aspects
Non-compensatory decision strategy
imposes specific cut-offs for most important attribute
Conjunctive decision strategy
sets minimums for each attribute and takes the first item that makes all of the cut-offs
Conditioned Stimulus
Stimulus that elicits a conditioned response
Unconditioned Stimulus
Stimulus that naturally elicits an unconditioned response.
Definition of Fishbein
Equation used to give numerical value to an attitude a person has toward a particular brand.
Components of theory of reasoned action
Attitude and behavioral norms feed into behavioral intentions, which leads into behavior
Classical Conditioning
Occurs when a stimulus that elicits a natural response is paired with another stimulus that does not naturally elicit a response
Unconditioned Stimulus
Naturally capable of eliciting a response
Conditioned Stimulus
Does not naturally elicit a response, but when associated with an unconditioned response, elicits a response
Conditioned Response
The response that is caused by a conditioned stimulus
Instrumental Conditioning
Occurs when an individual learns to perform behaviors that produce positive outcomes and to avoid those behaviors that produce negative ones.
Differences between Classical and Instrumental Conditioning
Classical-Simple and involuntary
Instrumental-made deliberately, to obtain a goal, and may be more complex
Components of Instrumental Conditioning
Positive Reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
Absolute threshold
refers to the minimum amount of stimulation that can be detected in a given channel
Differential Threshold
refers to the ability to detect changes between two stimuli
The minimum difference that can be detected between two stimuli
Absolute threshold in marketing
A billboard may be in the area of highest traffic, but the print may be too small, and out of our visual absolute threshold
Differential threshold in Marketing
this is observed when a retailer increases or decreases a price
Weber's Law
The stronger the initial stimulus, the greater the change must be for it to be noticed.
Weber's Law in Marketing
Alamo-Sale is 50 cents off
Payday-Sale is 50 cents off