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170 Cards in this Set

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Self Concept
beliefs a person holds about his own attributes and how he evaluates these qualities
Self Esteem
positivity of a person's self-concept
ideal self
how a person would like to be
Multiple selves
Each of us is really many different people
looking-glass self
The process of imagining the reactions of others toward us
The Extended Self
External objects we consider a part of us
actual self
A realistic appraisal of our individual qualities
Sex-Typed Traits
Characteristics we stereotypically associate with one gender or the other
There are times when people are painfully aware of themselves.
the possession of both masculine and feminine traits
A straight, urban male who exhibits strong interests and knowledge regarding product categories such as fashion, home design, and gourmet cooking
Symbolic Interactionism
Stresses that relationships with other people play a large part in forming the self
Identity Marketing
consumers alter some aspect of their selves to advertise for a branded product
Symbolic self-completion
theory that suggests that role symbols are acquired to complete one's self-definition.
Self-image congruence models
suggest that we tend to accept products when their attributes match some aspect of the self.
Agentic Goals
stresses self-assertion and mastery
Men are expected to go for these
Communal Goals
Affiliation and fostering relationships
Taught to women
Body Image
a person's subjective evaluation of his/her physical self.
Body cathexis
One's feelings about their own body
A self-induced shift in consciousness that compensates for lack of stimulation.
Ideal of Beauty
A particular model of appearance.
A person's unique psychological makeup and how it influences the way a person responds to his or her environment
entirely oriented toward immediate gratification.
universally recognized ideas and behavior patterns
Personality Traits
Basic identifiable characteristics that define an individual
the pattern of consumption reflecting a person's choices of how he or she lives and spends money
activities, interests, opinions
80/20 Rule
20 percent of a product's users accounts for 80 percent of the product's sales
the Values and Lifestyles System
Groups people by demographics and psychographics
refers to analytical techniques that combine data on consumer expenditures and other socioeconomic factors with geographic information about the areas in which people live, in order to identify consumers who share common consumption patterns.
Pleasure principle
Our basic desire to maximize pleasure and avoid pain
Idiocentric individual
Having an individual orientation
Having a group oreintation
Brand Personality
Set of traits that people attribute to a product as if it were a person
Giving inanimate objects qualities that make them somehow alive.
take two different companies to promote each company's products
Product complementarity
occurs when the symbolic meanings of different products relate to one another.
Consumption Constellations
Set of products that all relate to each other
Involve using psychological, sociological, and anthropological factors
Food Culture
a constellation of socially produced values, attitudes, relationships, tastes, cuisines and practices exhibited through food
elements of the Freudian System
ID- Gratification
Superego-counteracts ID
Behavioral targeting
presents people with advertisements based on their Internet use
Motivational research
Used Freudian Research to understand deeper meanings of products and ads
Uses Focus groups and Depth interviews
Organizational Buyers
People who purchase goods and/or services on behalf of companies for use in the process of manufacturing, distribution, or resale
Buying Center
The group of people who play different roles in the organizational buying process
Straight Rebuy
Modified Rebuy
Limited Decision Making
New Task
Extensive Problem Solving
Prediction Market
groups of people with knowledge about an industry are jointly better predictors of the future than are any individuals
Nuclear Family
Mother, father, and children living at home
Boomerang Kids
Children who return home to live with their parents after having moved out
Family Life Cycle
combines trends in income and family composition with the changes in demands placed upon this income
Parent Yielding
occurs when a parental decision maker is influenced by a child's request and surrenders to that request
Consumer Socialization
process by which young people acquire the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to function in the marketplace
Buyclass Theory of Purchasing
divides organizational buying decisions into three types.
outsiders from around the world to solve a company's problems.
People of Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters
Fertility Rate
determined by the number of births per year per 100 women of childbearing age.
double-income, no-kids couples.
accommodative purchase decision
group members have different preferences or priorities and can't agree on a purchase to satisfy the minimum expectations of all involved.
Autonomic Decisions
decisions made by one family member.
Gender Convergence
trend for men and women to agree about balancing home life and work.
Synoptic Ideal
Calls for the husband and wife to take a common view and act as joint decision makers
Family Financial Officer (FFO)
Individual who keeps track of the family's bills and decides how surplus funds will be spent
groups whose members share beliefs and common experiences that set them apart from others.
Ethnic Subculture
a self-perpetuating group of consumers who share common cultural or genetic ties and is identified both by its members and by others as being a distinct category
High-Context Culture
group members tend to be tightly knit, and they infer meanings that go beyond spoken word.
occurs when a product we associate with a specific ethnic group detaches itself from its roots and appeals to other groups as well.
the process of movement and adaptation to one country's cultural environment by a person from another country.
Acculturation Agent
People and institutions that teach the ways of a culture
Progressive learning model
perspective assumes that people gradually learn a new culture as they increasingly come in contact with it.
Transforming objects and places into those that feel cozy, hospitable, and authentic
Big Three Subcultures
African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans
Everyone of us....
Belongs to many subcultures
Microculture examples
Tuners-Latinos with jacked up cars
Dead Heads
Skin Heads
Warming Example
Turning a house into a home
Microcultures can even...
gel around fictional characters and events.
In the United States.....
consumers expend great effort to keep their subcultural identification from being submerged into the mainstream of the dominant society.
In a high-context culture...
symbols and gestures, rather than words, carry much of the weight of the message.
Low-context cultures...
are more literal than high-context cultures.
Acculturation is.....
an important issue to marketers due to an increasingly global society.
The progressive learning model...
helps us to understand the acculturation process
The host culture is...
a new culture a person from another culture gradually learns.
ethnic identification
There are megachurchs...
in the United States.
Not an attitude self-concept
People with low self esteem
expect that they will not perform very well, and they will try to avoid embarrassment, failure, or rejection.
According to the looking glass self....
the image of the individual varies, depending on whose views we are considering.
Example of Identity Marketing
The Internet Underground Music Archive (IUMA) paid a Kansas couple $5,000 to name their baby boy Iuma.
Example of symbolic self-completion theory
Adolescent boys may use "macho" products such as cars and cigarettes to bolster their developing masculinity.
Self Image congruence model
Mark thinks of himself as a dependable person, so he buys a dependable car
friend level
NOT level of the extended self
self-assertion is....
an agentic goal
Sex typed product examples
Princess telephones, boys' and girls' bicycles, and Luvs color-coded diapers
occupation is...
NOT an Ideal of Beauty
Self concept is...
Avatars are...
typically an accurate and realistic visual characterization of its owner in real life.
A self-fulfilling prophecy often results from....
one's looking-glass self.
GLBT stands for....
gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender.
People in less powerful cultures tend to...
adopt the standards of beauty prevalent in dominant cultures.
90 percent of teens doctors....
treat for eating disorders are female.
Body piercing is...
considered a form of body decoration.
Examples of extended self
the incorporation of products into one's self-concept, such as brand of shoe or car symbolizing who a person is or thinks he/she to be.
Example of group dieting
A growing number of blog rings are devoted to excessive weight loss. One underground movement for group dieting is called pro-ana (pro-anorexia).
The variable of the Freudian System that operates according to the pleasure principle
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
Many popular applications of Freud's work revolve around the use of objects that resemble sex organs.
Motivational research relies on....
Depth Interviews
Examples of Archetypes
The themes of birth, death, or the devil
Examples of Personality Traits
Extroversion, innovativeness, self-consciousness, and frugality
Idiocentrics are more satisfied than....
Examples of Brand Personality
The Jolly Green Giant, the Keebler elves, Mr. Peanut, and Charlie the Tuna
Examples of Animism
Imagining a brand coming to life and hanging out a party, such as Adidas having a conversation with you
Lifestyle descriptor
Who we are and what we do
co-branding strategy example
Wendy's and Procter & Gamble joined forces to offer Wendy's Custom Bean, a Folgers Gourmet Selection coffee
Freud's ideas do not....
refer to the physical parts of the brain.
Advertising messages...
include archetypes.
Combining personality variables with knowledge of consumer lifestyles provides a useful method of examining consumer segments
NOT a personality trait
the top VALS2 group.
a long-term measurement of the social climate around the world.
The analytical technique that is based on the assumption that "birds of a feather flock together"
uses zip codes to classify residents into consumption clusters.
behavioral targeting example
Blockbuster.com uses software that recommends video to a customer based on attributes the flick shares with other movies she has already ordered.
example of an advertisement that is related to Freud's ideas.
An Infiniti ad reinforces the belief that cars symbolically satisfy consumers' sexual needs in addition to their functional ones by describing one model as "what happens when you cross sheet metal and desire."
example how a marketer integrates the product he/she sells with their customer's lifestyles.
REI offers training in kayaking and mountain biking at its stores; PetSmart and Petco provide training classes for pet owners; and Cabela's, a hunting store, offers classes on "trout tactics" and gun cleaning.
collective decision making
The process by which more than one person is involved in the purchasing process for products and/or services that multiple consumers may use
For product information, engineers are often
A new task rebuy
Most time and effort
Marci and David are a couple - both have jobs but they do not have any kids.
Older People
spend more per capita on luxury items such as gourmet foods and upscale home furnishings.
Senior Citizens
have become America's true party animals, spending the most on entertainment.
A consensual purchase decision
A household considering adding a dog to the family but concerned about who will take care of it might draw up a chart assigning individuals to specific duties.
Amanda keeps track of the bills and decides how any surplus funds will be spent for her entire family
Impulse buying is...
NOT common in organizational decision-making.
Describe the "modified rebuy" buying situation.
Limited problem solving, low to moderate risk, and only one or maybe a few buyers involved
B2B e-commerce
Companies use this
One person living alone....
constitutes a household according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Worldwide, surveys show...
that almost all women want smaller families today.
Most pet owners...
consider their pets members of the family.
As we age...
our preferences and needs for products and activities tend to change
Accommodative purchase decisions are likely to use...
bargaining, coercion, and compromise to achieve agreement on what to buy or who gets to use it.
As the couple's education increases...
they tend to make syncretic decisions.
Women are primarily responsible for...
the maintenance of the kin-network system.
The five roles that are played in any household collective decision are:
1. initiator-the person who brings up the idea
2. gatekeeper-the person who conducts the information search and controls the flow of information to the group
3. influencer-the person who tries to sway the outcome of the decision
4. buyer-the person who actually makes the purchase
5. user-the person who actually winds up using the product
dimensions that describe the purchasing strategies of an organizational buyer
1. The level of information he must gather prior to making a decision.
2. The seriousness with which he must consider all possible alternatives.
3. The degree to which he is familiar with the purchase.
The United States is a...
Heterogeneous Society
The bulk of American immigrants historically came from...
During the process of cultural familiarization, many immigrants undergo...
By the end of the 1990s, more than _____ of married African Americans had incomes of $50,000 or above.
African Americans comprise approximately _____ of the U.S. population.
The majority of Hispanic Americans are...
the most affluent and best educated subculture group is...
Asian Americans
The largest recognized religion in the world is
In the United States, the majority claim to be
Born-again Christians
those who follow the literal interpretations of the Bible and who acknowledge being born again through belief in Jesus.
Immigrants now make up approximately...
10 Percent
Compared to Anglos...
many minority cultures are high context.
Membership in ethnic subcultures...
shape many consumers' needs and wants.
Largest ethnic subculture
Black and White
big difference in consumption
the Hispanic subculture...
Until recently, was pretty much ignored by marketers.
One of the most notable characteristics of the Hispanic market
Asian Americans are more likely...
than average Americans to buy high-tech gadgets.
Spirituality in popular culture has been...
increasing in the United States.
those who follow witchcraft.
example of deethnicization
The popularity of bagels, a staple of Jewish cuisine that's mass marketed.
Discuss the ways consumers who retain a strong ethnic identification differ from their more assimilated counterparts.
1. They have a more negative attitude toward business in general (probably caused by frustration as a result of relatively low income levels).
2. They are higher users of media that's in their native language.
3. They are more brand loyal.
4. They are more likely to prefer brands with prestige labels.
5. They are more likely to buy brands that specifically advertise to their ethnic group.