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21 Cards in this Set

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various . adj

.If something is various, there are many types of it.

E.g -»She owned shoes of various styles.

Locate. v

: To locate something is to find it.

E.g : I could not locate my keys in the house.

Clerk. n

. A clerk is a type of worker. Clerks in a store help customers.

Eg-♦ The clerk added up her bill for the groceries.


v. يسلم/يوصل

To deliver something is to take it from one place to another.

E.g -»■ The man delivered Chinese food to my house.


advance [advaens] /,

To advance is to go forward.

E.g He advanced up the ladder slowly.




*To cheer is to give a loud shout of approval or encouragement.

Eg . The crowd all cheered when the home team won.

perform .v

.To perform is to do something in front of people who watch.

E.g-► He will perform a song for the class.

passage. n

.A passage is a long area with walls that goes from one place to another.

Eg -» The long passage led us to the other side of the field.


To associate means to connect something with a person or thing.

Eg —■ Most people associate birthday parties with having fun.



.If people populate an area, they live there.

E.g-» Billions of people populate the Earth.

tradition. n.

A tradition is something people have been doing for a long time.

Eg-*■ Marriage is a tradition all over the world.

trash. n.

= junk, litter

Trash is waste material or unwanted or worthless things.-*• Please take out the trash; it smells bad.

Tendency = propensity

an established pattern of behavior.

Festival = fete

a time or program of special events and entertainment in honor of something.

(e.g. tourists flock to the town for its annual strawberry festival.)

Headway = advancement,progress

forward movement in time or place. (e.g. wondered why we hadn't made any advancement in the long checkout line for at least 10 minutes.)

Compelling = cogent, persuasive

having the power to persuade. (e.g. made a compelling argument against military intervention.)


great destruction or damage.

The floods caused widespread devastation

Roughly = Approximately

close to but not exactly.

Deprivation= Shortage


Horror = fearfulness, fright, fear, panic, scare, terror

the emotion experienced in the presence or threat of danger. (e.g. imagine my horror at finding myself face to face with a lion on the loose.)