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20 Cards in this Set

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To go through a bit of a rough patch

To experixnce or be among of a period of trouble, difficulty

To keep an eye


To spark somebody's interest

To make someone feel interested

Not on speaking terms

When people are angry with each other and don't talk to each other

On first name terms

Having a friendly and informal relationship

To maintain a professional relationship

Поддерживать проф.отношения

Not see eye to eye

Не соглашаться с мнением/ с кем-либо

Get on someone's nerves

To make somebody annoyed/nervous

Compete for attantion

To struggle for attantion

Put one at (one's) ease

To make someone relax/feel welcome

Push someone incredibly hard

To struggle to do something, especially because it seems impossible

Keep yourself to yourself

Stay on your own most of the time and don't mix socially with other people

Pull your weight

To work as hard as everyone else who is involved on the same task/activity

Mixed messages

Когда человек ведет себя то так, то сяк

Get back on the straight and narrow

Вернуться на путь истинный

Unwilling to back down

Не желая отступать

Come as a shock

Стать шоком

Confide to

Доверить кому-то

Come to someone's aid

Прибегать к чьей-то помощи

Came down to it

Дошло дело до этого