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32 Cards in this Set

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there are 2 main reasons why cells ______ instead of growing continuously.


if the cell grows too large it’ll have trouble moving _____ & ______ across the cell membrane

nutrients & waste

the larger a cell becomes, the more demands the cell places on ___


1st problem ?

Our DNA has limits

The information that a cell needs to function is stored in the ____


DNA is packages into _______, one very long linear DNA molecule of 1000’s of genes


each gene is the instructions for making a particular protein that the ____ ____

cell needs

the cell is constantly making copies of the genes & sending the copies ( in the form of ?) out to the _______

RNA ; ribosomes

when the cell is small, the info. stored in the cell’s DNA is ______ to meet the needa of the cell.


as the cell grows TOO large , there’s an “______ _____.” The DNA cant keep up w/ the demands of running a larger cell

information crisis

2nd problem ?

A growing cell needs more food

a cell must take in a constant inflow of ____, _____,& _____ across the membrane

food , oxygen , & water

waste products must constantly be crossing the membrane in order to ______________

leave the cell .

a larger cell will regenerate much more ____


as the cell grows, the _____ of the cell increases much more rapidly than the ________ of the cell membrane

volume ; surface area

the membrane surface area is not adequate enough to transport the large quantities of food & water in and waste products out , when the cell is too _____


cell division is the process by which cellular material is divided :

between 2 new daughter cells

the chromosomes are not visible except during ___________

CELL DIVISION ( mitosis & cytokinesis )

1 mother cell = __ new daughter cells


each dayghter is ____ the size of the parent cell but immediately begins growing


a typical human cell has about __ meters of DNA. Before the cell can divide, all of this DNA must be _____ & then the 2 copies separated so that each daughter cell ends up with a ______________________________.

2 ; copied ; complete set of DNA

each species has a characteristic number of chromosomes in each cell nucleus; humans have ___ pairs


each cell must first ____ its chromosomes before cell division occurs .


each daughter cell gets a _____________ of that info

complete copy

what 2 stages does cell division occur in ?

mitosis & cytokinesis

mitosis : the division of the _______


cytokinesis: the division of the ________


at the beginning of cell division, the chromosomes ________ into compact, visible structures that can easily be seen with a microscope


before cell division takes place, each chromosome is _______ or copied


at the beginning of cell division, each chromosome consists of 2 identical _______________

sister chromatids

these chromatids are connected at an area called a ________


the series of events that cells go through as they grow & divide ?

the cell cycle