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16 Cards in this Set

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How many pairs of chromosomes does the original cell contain?
How many chromosomes will each of the daughter cells formed by mitosis (and cytokinesis) contain?
36 total chromosomes (18 pars)
how many chromosomes will each of the daughter nuclei resulting from Meiosis 1 only (that is, in Telophase 1) Contain?
18 total chromosomes (no pairs)
What happens in Metaphase 1?
Chromosomes line up on the equator in pairs.
If a cell contains n quantity of DNA prior to chromosom replication, how much DNA will each of the daughter cells contain when meiosis(and cytokinesis) is complete?
what is interesting about the life cycle of bdelloid rotifers such as those in the gens Philodina?
They have reproduced asexually, exclusively, for millions of year.
in a strict botanical sense, what are fruits?
ripened ovaries, which used to be parts of flowers, but which now contain seeds.
what is an advantage offered by reproducing sexually?
it creates th possibility tht advantagoues genes from one individual will be combined with different, advatagoues genes from antoher individual.
cell at interphase
A diploid cell duplicates its DNA and prepares for mitosis.
early prophase
Mitosis begins. DNA and its associated proteins have started to condense. two chromosomes were inherited from the female parent.
late prophase
The duplicated chromosomes continue to condense. new microtubules move one of two pairs of centrioles to the opposite side of the nucleus. The nuclear envolope starts to break up.
transition to metaphase
Microtubules penetrate the nuclear regio and collectively form a bipolar spindle.
all of the chromosomes have become lined up midway between the spindle poles. The chromosomes are in their most tightly condensed form.
sister chromatids separate as motor proteins moving along spindle micotubules drag them to opposite spindle poles. Other microtubules push the poles farther apart.
there are two clusters of chromosomes,which now decondense. Patches of new membrane fuse to form a new nuclear envelope. Mitosis is over.
two daughter cells at interphase
after cytoplasmic division, there are two daughte cells. Each is diploid.