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24 Cards in this Set

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What is mitosis used for

Growth, repair, and asexual reproduction

What is meiosis used for

Sexual reproduction

What is produced from mitosis

Two genetically identical daughter cells. Diploid cells

What is produced from meiosis

Not genetically identical haploid gametes. (Half the chromosome number)

What is a chromosome and a chromatid

A highly coiled and condensed strand of DNA

A chromatid is a condensed chromosome

What happens when a chromosome replicates

It produces an exact copy of itself which it then attaches to

Sister chromatid

Two copies of the same chromosome (because if DNA replication)

Where are sister chromatids attached

The centromere


Protein on the outside of the centromere that attaches the chromatid to the spindle fibres during cell division

Homologous chromosome

Same chromosome number but from different parents

phases of mitosis

Interphase, prophase metaphase, anaphase, telophase

Describe interphase

Distinct chromosomes are not visible

DNA is uncoiled (chromatin) within nucleus

Explain prophase

Chromatin condenses(chromosomes are visible)

Centrioles migrate to opposite sides

nucleus disappears

Spindle fibres appear and attach to centromere of each chromatid


Chromosomes line up in the middle of the nucleus


SISTER chromatids separate and move to opposite poles

Forms daughter chromosomes

Telophase and cytokinesis

Spindle fibres disappear

2 separate nuclear membranes form

Chromosomes once again become chromatin.

The physical cell divides in two creating 2 new daughter cells

How is cytokinesis different in plants and animals

Animal cells there is a cleavage furrow and cell pinches in two

Plant cell has a cell wall that Gruen in the middle of the cell.

What is meiosis 1 designed to do

Separate homologous chromosomes

Phases of meiosis 1

- Interphase: DNA replication occurs

- Prophase: sister chromatids condense and pair up. Membrane disappears. Spindle fibres form

- metaphase: moth sets of sisters chromatids line up and form tetrad

- anaphase: pairs of sister chromatids separate randomly

- telophase: each pole will have 46 chromosomes (paired up as sister chromatids)

meiosis 2

- prophase: sister chromatids are paired up

- metaphase: sister chromatids line up randomly (second place of variation)(independent assortment)

- anaphase: sister chromatids pulled apart

Telophase: each cell has one copy of all 23 chromosomes. Cytokinesis

What is synapses

During prophase 1 homologous chromosomes move close and pair up. Form a tetrad.

What is meiosis 2 designed to do

Separate sister chromatids


An exchange between portions of the arms of homologous chromosomes.

A redistribution of genetic material

Occurs during prophase 1 during synapses.

3 sources of genetic variation

Independent assortment of chromosomes


Random fertilization