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34 Cards in this Set

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new cells arise through the ____ of pre-existing cells
in animals, ____ leads to the production of sperm and eggs, which are gametes
____ leads to the production of all somatic cells, which are all cells other than sperm and eggs
____ is the division of the cytoplasm into two distinct cells
mitosis and cytokinesis are responsible for three keys events in multicellular eukaryotes, what are they?
1. growth 2. wound repair 3. reproduction
______ reproduction produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent
asexual reproduction
a _________ consists of a single,long DNA double helix wrapped around proteins in a highly organized manner
a _____ is a length of DNA that codes for a particular protein or RNA found in the cell
each of the DNA copies in a replicated chromosome is called a ______
two chromatids are joined together at a joint called the ___
growing cells alternate between a dividing phase called the ___ phase and non-dividing phase called ___
alternate between the mitotic or M phase and the non-dividing phase called interphase
___ phase is part of interphase, when DNA is synthesized
S phase, or synthesis phase
in what phase are chromosomes copied?
in the S-phase of Interphase
there are a total of 4 phases in the cell cycle- what are they?
M phase, and an interphase consisting of G1, S, and G2 phases
the ____ phase provides the time for the cell to grow and synthesize enough organelles for mitosis to take place
Gap phase
what does the mnemonic IPPMAT stand for?
interphase is followed by prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase
what are the 5 sub-phases of mitosis?
prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase
mitosis begins with ______, when chromosomes condense into compact structures
prophase is marked by the formation of the _____ apparatus
spindle apparatus
the _____ is a structure that produces mechanical forces that pull chromosomes to the poles, and push the poles away from each other
spindle apparatus
in _______, the nucleolus disappears the the nuclear envelops disintegrates. kinetochore microtubules attach to the chromosomes.
in ______, centrosomes have moved to the opposite poles, and the kinetochore microtubules finish moving the chromosomes to the middle of the cell.
metaphase "middle phase"
in ____, the sister chromatids are separated, and chromosomes are pulled to opposite ends of the cell
anaphase "against phase"
in ______, the nuclear envelope reforms, and the spindle apparatus disintegrates. chromosomes begin to de-condense
telophase "end phase"
after telophase, _____ begins, and the cell is divided into two daughter cells
in plants, the cell divides at the_____
in animals, the cell divides at the _____
plant cells divide at the cell plate
animal cells divide at the cleavage furrow
a structure composed of a DNA molecule and associated proteins is a _______
the material that makes up eukaryotic chromosomes, consists of a DNA molecule complexed with histone proteins
one strand of replicated chromosome is a ______
the two strands of a replicated chromosome, containing identical genetic material
sister chromatids
the structure that joins sister chromatids
cylindrical structures that comprise microtubules, located inside animal centrosomes
___ is a general term for disease caused by cells that divide in an uncontrolled fashion, invade nearby tissues, and spread throughout the body
____ is the process of cancer cells spreading from the primary tumor site and invading other tissues