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10 Cards in this Set

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1. Why was Davis Knight on trial in 1948?

It was illegal in Mississippi to have an integrated marriage. The trial was to prove that he was part black.

2. How did Thomas Jefferson Knight portray his father Newton Knight in the biography that he wrote?

He told his father's story as if Newt Knight was a Robin Hood character, while excluding the existence of Rachel. Miscegenation

3. What was Ethel Knight’s aim when she wrote The Echo of the Black Horn? How was her portrait of Newton Knight and Rachel different from Thomas Knight’s portrait?

Ethel Knight was a segregationist and thought of the Confederacy as noble. She wanted to rid the family name of Newt Knight and his "dishonorable acts"

4. What does Bynum think that twentieth-century journalists, folklorist, and historians have left out of their accounts of deserters in Jones County during the Civil War? What does Bynum think should be the main question?

Many writers who document this story focus on Newt Knight not only because he was the captain, but he also crossed the color light with Rachel. She believes the main question should be: Why did so many people of this region in Mississippi desert the Confederacy.

4. What did the white settlers in Jones County do for a living before 1830? In your answer, explain how the residents prioritized their activities (e.g., which was most important).

They were yeomen who lived off the land to feed themselves. The most important aspect was staying alive.

5. What two ways of making a living developed in Jones County after 1830? How did this distinguish between those who supported the Confederacy and those who did not?

Share croppers and planters. Share croppers didn't own their land, while the planters owned everything. The Civil War became a rich man's fight for the reason of their slaves, while those who were against the Confederacy did not have slaves.

6. Why was women’s labor so vital to non-slaveholding farmers?

The women did all of the house work, or what a slave would have done for the home. She cooked, cleaned, raised babies, and the weaving and spinning for clothes. The house would not run without a woman.

31. What was the “one-drop” rule?

If you had one drop of negro blood you were considered a negro

30. When Newt Knight died, how did the newspaper treat him in his obituary?

February 16, 1922. They explained his desertion on the twenty negro law and stated he ruined his life and future by marrying a negro woman.

25. Why did Newt Knight petition Congress repeatedly?

He wanted accommodations for his company fighting for the Union.