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32 Cards in this Set

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autonomic regulation of excitation-contraction coupling
activation of PKA through adenyl cyclase, leads to phosphorylation that INC Ca2+ availability, max dose of epinephrine will INC Ca2+ transient by 2-5 fold, more Ca2+ in cell, more can be reuptaken, if more reuptaken INC strength of the next contraction
sympathetic stimulation and cardiac contraction
can be used INC cardiac contraction through beta-adrenergic receptor stimulation, norepinephrine and epinephrine interact with these receptors that stimulate the production of cAMP through GTP-binding protein, leads to activation of PKA, PKA can then phosphorylate things
what target proteins does PKA phosphorylate
1. Ca2+ channels
2. RyR in the SR
3. phospholamban
4. troponin I
what effect does phosphorylation have on Ca2+ channels
enhances their open probability, this INC their efficacy as a trigger in CICR and SR Ca2+ store content, most important in INC the size of the Ca2+ transient and contraction
what effect deos phosphoarylation have on RyR in the SR
PKA stimulates the ability of Ca2+ influx to INC their activity and thus improves Ca2+ release, phosphorylation may also INC their inactivation to facilitate termination of Ca2+ release
what effect does phosphorylation have phospholamban (PLB)
associated with the SR Ca2+ ATPase, in dephosphorylated state, PL represses the activity of the pump, when phosphorylation of PL occurs, it relieves the inhibitory action on the pump and INC its pumping rate, enhances Ca2+ reuptake in the SR, INC rate of relaxation of the Ca2+ transient
what effect does phosphorylation have on troponin I
troponin I is a regulatory protein forming the troponin complex, phosphorylation reduces the affinity of the troponin complex fro Ca2+ which facilitates relaxation
what is the first thing to happen when you have sympathetic nervous stimulation
INC in heart rate, this causes an INC in Ca2+ ATPase activity
sarcomere length and systole
results in muscle shortening, results form the interaction between thin and thick filaments within the sarcomere
acto-myosin bridge cycling
pulls the two filaments against each other and thus shorten sthe distance between two Z lines
thick filament component, weights 480 kD, composed of two heavy chains and four light chains, responsible for ATP hydrolysis and interacts with actin, ATPase activity plays an essential role in contraction
cardiac myosin heavy chain isoforms
in the atria, there are A1 (very high ATPase) and A2 (low ATPase) variants, in the ventricles, there are V1 (high ATPase), V2 (intermediate ATPase), and V3 (low ATPase) isoforms
heart failure and myosin structures
in heart failure there is a shift in the expression of myosin from the V1 isoform to V3 (low ATPase activity), contributes to heart failure where there is DEC contractility, will reduce the rate of formation of actomyosin
thin filament component, 41.7 kD, responsible for activating myosin ATPase and interacts with myosin, composed of F-actin proteins held together by disulfide bonds, monomer of actin is G-actin, spontaneously interacts with myosin heavy chains
regulatory proteins
tightly bound to the actin filaments and are responsible for the coupling of the intracellular Ca2+ transient ot acto-myosin bridge cycling, includes tropomyosin and the troponins
thin filament component, 67 kD, composed of two nonidentical chains, responsible for moduclating actin-myosin interaction, lies in one of the two grooves formed by the two actin polypeptide chains, adds rigidity to the thin filament
frequency of the troponin complex
one complex every ~400 angstroms
troponin C (TnC)
thin filament component, 18 kD, composed of one component containing 4 EF hands, responsible for binding Ca2+, the end effector in EC coupling, dumbbell shaped with two opposing globular regions joined by a single 9 turn alpha-helix, has two divalent cation binding sites labeled I-IV, I and II are Ca2+ specific but only site II is considered the acceptor site, III and IV bind both Ca2+ and Mg2+ which stabilize the troponin complex
troponin I
located between TnC and TnT, thin filament component, 23 kD, responsible for inhibitng actin-myosin interactions but weaker than Tm, responsible for inhibiting acto-myosin bridge cycling during diastole, phosphorylated by PKA which enhances its ability to inhibit the interaction and accelerate relaxation
troponin T
thin filament component, 38 kD, responsible for binding troponin complex to the thin filament maintaining its structural activity, spans the length of several G-actin monomers, binds to both TnI and Tm
diastole and thin filament regulation
during diastole, Tm blocks the interaction between actin and myosin due to the pulling action exerted by the troponin complex on Tm when Ca2+ is not binding TnC
systole and thin filament regulation
binding of Ca2+ on sites I and II of TnC triggers the displacement of Tm deeper in the grooves of F-actin which exposes the myosin binding sites on actin
molecular contraction cycle
when Ca2+ concentrations are high, favors the spontaneous interaction of myosin and actin
step 1-ATP is bound to myosin and relieves the interaction between myosin and actin, ATP is then hydrolyzed rapidly by myosin ATPase, ADP and Pi are not release but remain bound to myosin, myosin is now in a relaxed, energized conformation
step 2-with ADP and Pi bound, favors binding of myosin to actin
step 3-ADP and Pi now dissociate causing a conformation change in the globular heads of myosin, this leads to shortening of the sarcomere through the sliding of actin and myosin filament over each other, causes rigor complex
step 4-rigor complex , relieved by binding of ATP and the cycle starts again
what happens when ATP production is inhibited in cardiac contraction
e.g. metabolic inhibition such as cardiac ischemia, leads to a state of hyperctonractility or stunning
what determines the strength of cardiac contraction
determined by the number and rate of cross-bridge formations, determined by the level of myosin ATPase activity
length-tension relationship
tension vs. sarcomere length, bell shaped curve for sarcomere length raning from ~1-3.5 microMeters, max tension at 1.8-2.2 microM sarcomere length, not tension at 3.65 micrometers (due to the fact that there is no overlap between the cross-bridge and thin filaments, muscle length follows the same relationship as sarcomere length, level of force will depend on the degree of overlap between the myosin globular head and actin filaments
when is tension and contraction force at a max
occurs when all cross-bridges are adjacent to thin filaments, occurs until the point when the thin filaments begin to overlap, this causes tension to fall
relationship between ventricular volume and pressure
inversely related
What are the two ajor physcial factors that determine arterial pressure?
arterial blood volume and arterial compliance
What physiological factors affect arterial blood volume and arterial compliance
heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output and peripheral resistance
What are the two physiological determinants of mean arterial pressure
CO and total peripheral resistance
what are the two physical determinants of the pulse pressure?
arterial compliance and the change in arterial volume