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33 Cards in this Set

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Three Stewardship Roles:
Involver: the Stewardship Chairperson.

Informer: The business administrator/ finance chairperson.

Inspirer: The Pastor.
The author presents four methods or styles of support that can be employed effectively with volunteers.




The author says that working with volunteers in the church involved three basic responsibilities. The second responsibility is recruiting people. Communicate what you consider the most important principles presented in that section.
Principle 1—volunteer recruitment should be motivated primarily by the gifts and abilities of potential volunteers over/against the institutional needs of the church.

Principle 2—volunteer placement should be considered by those overseeing the ministry (church staff, session, or ministry board).
the author says there are several things that can help us develop meaningful relationships with those we mentor. Name and describe those four:
a) Create encounters

b) Fade into the relationship

c) Offer regular check-ins

d) Fade out of the relationship
I have never heard of a Personal Mission Statement; what is that? How do you answer the Committee member using descriptors presented in the class lecture?
A personal mission statement is a 50 word summary of your philosophy of ministry and provides the grid through which you consider your ministry opportunities.
Explain to the Search Committee two ways that Ministry Values and Principles, as presented by the lecturer, would guide the way you conduct your work among them.
1. Ministry Values and Principles are based on the central ideals of your life, your convictions about what is valuable to you in ministry. Your daily activities as a pastor stem from your ministry values and principles.

2. People, churches and organizations behave in ways that are consistent with their actual ministry values. Your actions validate your values. Your telos compels your praxis.
Explain to the Search Committee why the wide variety of expectations represented in the church make it essential that you present your philosophy of ministry to them. List and explain the three covered in class.
Situational: Compatability of my ministry style with my ministry context (King)

Normative: Theological Convictions (Prophet)

Existential: Ministry Gifts, Passions, Competencies (Priest)
List for them the three corners of the triangle that make up the Philosophy of Ministry and provide the short question that describes each.
1.) My place of service/Situational -- what is my ministry style’s compatibility with my place of service?

2.) My calling/Existential -- How can I uniquely represent Christ in ministry?

3.) Scriptures/Normative -- What is the Biblical mandate to accomplish my mission?
In explaining to the people of the church how to choose their ministry values, you present four guidelines as explained by the lecturer.
1. Describe an ethos in which you are most fruitful,
2. Influence the decisions you make,
3. Compel you to take a stand,
4. Supply meaning to your life and ministry.
Joe Smith is an Encouraging Shepherd called of God to show compassion for those who are straying for the purpose of helping them form long-term, in-depth spiritual relationships with Christ and His people through small groups, service projects and missions in order to help them mature in their walk with the Lord. On the basis of this mission statement, what six theological convictions would you help him develop as the foundation for his calling?
1) A theology of God as a compassionate shepherd of his often wandering sheep
2) A theology of union with Christ
3) A theology of sanctification
4) A theology of the interdependency of Christ’s people
5) A theology of mercy ministry
6) A theology of missions
According to the lecture on Conflict in the Church, there are five levels of conflict. List them.
Level 1 - Tension (The Problem Stage): Opposing Views in search of balance.

Level 2 - Opponents (The Disagreement Stage): Opponents respect each other, but fundamentally disagree

Level 3 - Adversarial (The Contest Stage): Opponents have low respect for each other, and criticize each other in public.

Level 4 - Antagonist (The Fight Stage): Antagonists openly attack each other verbally, not even seeking reconciliation or the intended goal, but humiliation of “the enemy”

Level 5 - Destroyer (The Psychotic Stage): this is extremely rare. This person is going to great lengths in socially bizarre ways to radically affect the other person’s life.
According to the lecture on Conflict in the Church, Kenneth Newberger describes four causes of conflict in the church.
Organizational Structure: conflicts caused by allocation of limited resources, bureaucracy, power and control, decision process

Organizational culture: conflicts caused by competing group: worldviews, values, norms & customs, visions for future

Interpersonal relationships: conflicts caused by behavior, interpersonal interactions, patterns of communication

Individual thought: Conflicts caused by a person’s understanding, perceptions, beliefs, attitude
The first responsibility is motivating people. Communicate what you consider the most important principles presented in that section, p. 275-277 in 50 words or less.
The most important point in this section concerns using gratitude rather than guilt when seeking to motivate people.
n response, quote and comment on the definition of leadership and management provided in the second and third full paragraphs on p. 312.
Leadership - dynamic relationships.

Management - material stewardship.
On p. 319-320, the author presents four descriptions of management styles. Choose the style that fits you the best and describe how you would explain that management style to a Search Committee.
Shepherds - (people-pleasing, spontaneous, informal, sharing, participative, sensitive, accommodation, procrastinating, emotional, conflict-avoiding, contemplative)
Relational like Commanders, but they prefer to facilitate (guide, encourage, equip) ministry members rather than to overtly direct them.
According to p. 324-325, what fact have you had to learn "the hard way" and what could you have done differently during the interviewing process.
- Unwritten rules and enforcers

- Ask about top 5 influencers
You have been at your new church for a year and you discern that your problem-solving methods are conflicting with the style of some of the key people on the Committee that oversees your ministry.
1) Schedule time together between official meetings

2) Get away for overnight retreats

3) Translate attitudes into actions, that is, love in word and deed (ex. Show appreciation through a gift)

4) Support each team member
In Chapter 22, p. 304-306, the author provides four images of ministry in order to lay the theological base for church volunteers. List and describe those four.
1. The servant leader: leaders serve their volunteers

2. The holy priesthood: leaders must respect the sacredness of volunteers weekday work

3. The body concept: every member contributes to the health of the whole

4. The equipping leader: leaders equip volunteers to serve with competence
Analyze the description of the one generational attitude that you find the most contradictory to your theology and values.
Answer (very subjective): The Boomer generation because they tend to be impatient, self-absorbed, idealistic and obsessed with values and ethics. It has been said that their motto is “hit me in the gut with it.” Boomers are motivated by feelings and experience. Unlike the GI generation they are not particularly loyal to institutions.
What are some questions you will want to ask the Search Committee in regard to kinship issues? Refer to p. 360-361 in the book.
1. Who are the three to five people you think, by their support, can make virtually any new programs or ideas successful?

2. Who are the three to five people you think, by virtue of their personal opposition, can kill a new idea or program? These are the folks that interpret the unwritten rules.

3. Then, ask the Search Committee to tell the stories for the reasons that came about for the influence these folks have on both sides.

4. Why is the church in existence?

5. Under what circumstances you would let the Pastor have a leadership role?
What questions would you ask the Search Committee (reflecting interaction with John LaRue's research from the lecture) that describe the first four reasons that pastors experience conflict in the ministry.
1. Conflicting visions (ministry style) - 46%

2. Personality conflicts with board members - 38%

3. Unclear or unrealistic expectations - 32% :

4. Personality conflicts with other than board members – 22%
List and describe the 8 church pesonalities.
Fellowship Churches (Practical, Connectional, Structured) are conscientious, hard-working, orderly, and sensitive to the needs of people in general.

Inspirational Churches (Innovative, Connectional, Structured) are encouraging and supportive to their people and conscientious about putting personal relationships ahead of ministry tasks.

Relational Churches (Innovative, Connectional, Flexible) focus on personal connections, values, opinions, and people interactions.

Entrepreneurial Churches (Innovative, Analytical, Flexible) are drawn to opportunities that require them to anticipate the future and create new approaches, because they see every need as an opportunity for trying something different.

Strategizer Churches (Innovative, Analytical, Structured) develop creative ideas and insights to initiate innovative transformation in the surrounding community through encouraging their people to develop their giftedness.

Organizer Churches (Practical, Analytical, Structured) like to solve complex problems in a methodical manner.

Adventurous Churches (Practical, Analytical, Flexible) respond quickly to issues in their midst and in the community around them by being action oriented.

Expressive Churches (Practical, Connectional, Flexible) are friendly and outgoing in communicating their love for people as a means of motivating them to join in the fellowship.
Ideal church? Describe it.
Relational Churches: Key words from Lecture 2 (Church Personalities): Evangelism, Encouragement, Exhortation

Lecture 7: Energetic, Innovative and Compassionate

Descriptions: Friendly, Creative, Enthusiastic, Supportive, Inspirational, Energetic, Expressive, Visionary, Fun-Loving, Adaptable, Expansive, Harmonious.
The four leadership styles are:
- Telling (Strong, benevolent leader) - High task focus and lower relationship focus
- Selling (A winsome persuader) - High task focus, high relationship focus, a “coach”
- Participating (An enabler) - Low task focus, high relationship, a “supporter”
- Delegating (Laissez-faire leadership) - Low task focus, low relationship focus
n Leadership Handbooks, Chapter 22, p. 309, four questions can help us make the most of what we have with limited numbers of volunteers, a lack of gifted leaders or inadequate resources.
What are we doing well?
What are our potential fatal flaws?
Whom are we reaching?
Who else is already doing it?
According to the lecture on Conflict in the Church, understanding the five levels of conflict help us respond in accordance with three assumptions. What are those assumptions?
1. Not all conflict is the same

2. One’s gut reaction is not a reliable indicator of the actual level of seriousness

3. Response to conflict should be adjusted to the level of seriousness
What are several of those ministries you could have conducted better as presented in Stage 1 and Year 1 of the lecture, "Transitioning from Seminary to Vocational Ministry"?
RaDiCal GoaL

Relate: In the first year, relate to as many people as you can.

Determine: Help these people determine their...

Craft: ...so that they can craft their personal mission statement

Go Deeper: If you have done a good job determining their hopes and dreams as a church in the candidating process, you can now go deeper in these areas and bring their Divine Design alongside these dreams.

Listen well = trust
As presented in the lecture, "Transitioning from Seminary to Vocational Ministry" there are five stages in your ministry development.
Stage 1: Getting Acquainted (months 1 to 12): honeymoon.

Stage 2: Getting Established (years 2-3): gaining trust.

Stage 3: Getting Rolling (years 4-5): growing and building.

Stage 4: Developing Insights (years 6-7): successes/failures.

Stage 5: Gaining Appreciation (years 8+): new goals.
Types of potential volunteers.
Unable/unwilling -- stay in contact.

Unable/willing -- training/exercise/relationships.

Able/unwilling -- affirmation, positive environment and support.

Able/willing -- freedom, affirmation.
Three copyright no-nos.
1. make copies of copyrighted materials (including music, books, and magazine articles)

2. make a “derivative work” based upon a copyrighted work (such as an arrangement of a copyrighted song, or a new edition or workbook based upon a copyrighted book)

3. publicly perform a copyrighted work without permission (except in the case of “performance of religious music at a church in the course of religious services” which is exempted)
On p. 510-512, the author presents five guidelines for initiating effective change in the church budget.
1) Be prepared for passionate resistance

2) Introduce the change before you request the change

3) Go slow with changes in philosophy

4) Listen for underlying issues

5) Maintain your character even if you have to modify your vision
On pp. 458-459, Leadership Handbook, the author lists five fundraising roles for the pastor.What is yours?
Accidental Fundraiser: Sometimes we inadvertently challenge people to give if we have addressed the deeper issues of their lives. Even if a message makes no reference to money, Fenton gives the example of preaching on compassion which challenged a member to give money to a benevolence ministry.
According the lecture on "Conflict in the Church and Church Discipline", there are generally five ways that people are tempted to respond to conflict as NTs, STJs, SFJs, NFs and SPs. Describe which of the five that seems to fit you the best and then explain your strategy for overcoming those temptations in the midst of crisis and conflict.
Tempted to emotionally attack others and their ideas, using put-downs to discredit them. May tell people how they really feel. (Doesn't really fit me, but it is my type.)