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17 Cards in this Set

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Biotite (203)

- ferromagnetic potassium

- non metallic

- low to medium in hardness

- splits into thin sheets; excellent cleavage

Calcite (207)

- nonmetallic

- cleavage in 3 directions not at 90 degrees

- effervesces in dilute

Galena (214)

- cubic cleavage

- metallic

- low hardness

- good cleavage in 3 directions-> breaks into cubes

Gypsum (211)

- very soft

- can scratch with a finger nail

- nonmetallic

Halite (208)

- table salt; tastes salty

- nonmetallic

- 3 right angles

- cubic cleavage

Hematite (217 & 216)

-can be either earthy (picture shown) or metallic

- 1-6 on Mohs hardness scale

- may be attracted to a magnet

K- Spar (205)

- most abundant on earth

- right angels (90 degrees) meeting in 2 directions meeting

- nonmetallic

- 6 on Mohs hardness scale

Kaolinite (213)

- doesn't react with acid

- nonmetallic

- low hardness

- forms blades


- reacts with magnets

- is either metallic or nonmetallic

- 6.0-6.5 on Mohs hardness scale

- no cleavage



- nonmetallic

- soft

- cleavage in one direction; can be split into flexible transparent sheets

Olivine (200)

- ferromagnetic

- nonmetallic

- 7 on Mohs hardness scale

- no cleavage

Plagioclase (206)

- nonmetallic

- 6 on Mohs hardness scale

- striations on mineral

- cleavage good in 2 directions meeting at 90 degrees

Pyrite (215)

- "fools gold"

- metallic

- 6.0-6.5 on Mohs hardness scale

- shiny, metallic luster

- cleavage is absent to poor

- forms masses or cubes


- nonmetallic

- medium hardness

- 2 directions of cleavage-> both right angels


- can have glassy luster

- doesn't react with acid

- scratches glass

- nonmetallic

- no cleavage

- greasy luster


- metallic or nonmetallic

- medium to low hardness

- dodecahedral cleavage

Talc (212)

-feels "soapy"

- can scratch with fingernail

- nonmetallic

- no cleavage

- luster is silky to greasy