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14 Cards in this Set

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Lingusitic markers indicating Beliefs

1. Causation Statements
2. Equation Statements
3. Value Words and Ideas - Indicators of importance
4. Identification
5. Presuppositions - Statement that is an unquestioned assumption.
Pattern Detection -

Signals, Yes!, Frames, Beliefs, and Assumptions
A. What representational signals do these words elicit?
B. What "YES!" affirmation does this presuppose about an idea.
C. What frames-of-references do they imply?
D. What operational beliefs drive these statements?
E. What does the person assume as real for this to make sense?
Common Frames-Of-Reference

Self Esteem - I would feel like a nobody if...
Self Identity - I'm not that kind of person
Success/Failure - Could I succeed if I did X?
Common Frames-Of-Reference

Relational - I'm a son first and foremost
Right/Wrong - You shouldn't talk like that, it's wrong
Relevance - How is this relevant to what I am doing?
Common Frames-Of-Reference

Comparison - He does this so much better than I do!
Emotional/Intellectual - He lives in his head.
Masculinity/Femininity - I won't do X, it's not manly
Pleasure/Pain - Will this be fun?
Historical - That's the way I've always been
Mind Line Patterns - 5 Steps
Notice, Equation, Test, Meaning, Play
Mind Line Patterns - Step 1
Listen for:
Causation beliefs and causative words (cause/effect)
Meaning beliefs (complex-equivalence) by paying attention to equation words and universal quantifiers

Inquire about:
Specifics - See, hear, feel behaviors and what the person thinks, believes or means about such.
Mind Line Patterns - Step 2
Create an E.B. = I.S. Equation:
How does the statement link up some external behavior and some internal state?

She's angry or upset (I.S.) with me because she didn't smile (E.B.) at me as she usually does.
Mind Line Patterns - Step 3
Representationally test the statement:
Notice the see, hear, feel referents and then video-think about the statement. Empirical test for E.B. in statements. By doing this we track directly from words into a sensory based representation in our inner theater.
Mind Line Patterns - Step 4
Formalize the structure of meaning:
Identify the meaning (or I.S.) that the external behavior stands for (or equates to, causes etc.) in the mental map.

Didn't smile = Angry or upset with me
Mind Line Patterns - Step 5
Playfully offer new frames as you seek to reframe the statement:
Tune your ears

C-E and CEq
Cause-Effect statements:
This causes that.

Complex Equivalence statements:
One item is in one level of reality and the other is in another. "when you show up late for these meetings, it means you don't care about me." "Her tone of voice (E.B.) means that she does not like me (I.S.) and that she will reject me (E.B.) since it is a form of verbal abuse (I.S.)". Causes a semantic reaction in our bodies
Five questions to elicit causational maps (C-E) and meaning attributions (CEq)
1. How does this create a problem for you?
2. What makes it so?
3. How much of a problem does this create?


4. What does this mean to you? (Can ask over and over, directly inquires about a person's neuro-semantics and rarely do people find it threatening.
Typically people will give their belief that drives the problem: "Joe is so uncaring.")
5. What other meanings do you give to this?
Five Mind Lining Frames to Have
1. Positive, respectful, caring - people pick up on this.

2. Stay aware of how the patterns affect your own internal representations.

3. Recognize the plasticity of meaning and that this whole process is an art not a science. Experiment and be fluid.

4. Sensory Acuity - Keep your eyes and ears open, notice and use feedback. Watch when their "eggs gets scrambled."

5. Layer "one for the road." - Layer the re-framing patterns, deliver them one after the other. Pack'em in.