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61 Cards in this Set

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Which part of the brain is hyperactive in people with OCD?
Learning and memory occur chiefly in which 2 areas of the brain?
How many hours of sleep are needed to stabilize memory?
6 hrs
Deficits in learning and memory are hallmark of which syndrome?
Dementias: global and irreversible impairment of cognitive function, memory, and personality without disturbances in consciousness.
Which part of the brain handles emotions which affects memory?
Amygdala: implicit memory.

Affection -> Epi -> NE(locus ceruleus) -> amygdala

Hippocampus: explicit memory.
What area is damaged?

A person cannot form new memories but long term memory is intact and can learn new motor tasks and retain those skills.
hippocampus CA1
How many layers of neurons does hippocampus have?

Describe the excitatory pathway in hippocampus related to short term memory.
3 layers: CA1-3

sensory neurons (entorhinal cortex) -> dentate gyrus -> CA3 -> CA1 -> entorhinal cortex
Explicit or implicit memory?

Explicit or implicit memory?

skills, habits
simple classical conditioning
nonassociative learning
Explicit or implicit memory?

nonassociative learning
Explicit or implicit memory?

facts, events
Explicit or implicit memory?

simple classical conditioning
Which kind of memory is this?

knowledge of world events, general knowledge
semantic memory
Which kind of memory is this?

ongoing autobiographical facts about who we are as persons
episodic memory
Explicit or implicit memory?

does not require temporal lobe storage
acquired through tasks, or plasticity of neuron systems.
Which part of the brain is involved in episodic memory?
medial temporal lobe
mammillary bodies
prefrontal cortex
Which part of the brain is involved in semantic memory?
inferolateral temporal lobe
Which part of the brain is involved in working memory?
prefrontal cortex
Which part of the brain is involved in procedual memory?
basal ganglia
supplementary motor area
What are some characteristics of LTP(long-term potentiation)?
- cumulative
- cooperativity
- specificity
Describe the cellular basis of long term memory.
simultaneous firing of pre and post synaptic cells.

-glutamate binds to NMDA receptors
- Ca2+ enters (2nd messengers)
- protein kinases activated
What happens if NMDA receptors in hippocampus are blocked?
some learning tasks cannot occur
How does NMDA receptor agonist such as D-cycloserine enhance learning?
opening of NMDA and AMPA activated Ca2+ channels.
How does memory consolidation occur on a synaptic level?
restimulation of established synapses such that late LTP is generated. (wave of new protein synthesis happens)
How does neuro stem cells contribute to new memories?
- they form temporal associations among memories.
- events can be coded into hippocampal circuitry as these new cells populate hippocampus.
What is the effect of NMDA antagonist on working memory?
impair working memory
What is working memory?
moment to moment awareness and instant retrieval of archived information.
List some factors that can promote learning and memory.
- intellectual stimulation
- maternal behavior
- words
- sleep
- deep brain stimulation
List two appetite hormone that stimulate memory.
How does grehlin stimulate memory?
when hungry, grehlin is leased by the stomach, then bind to receptors in hippocampus (25% more dendritic spines)
How does leptin stimulate memory?
produced by fat cells
leptin produced when fat stores are depleted, it boosts LTP by enhancing glutamate and promoting dendritic growth in hippocampus.
What are some effect of leptin in CNS?
- antidepressants
- memory enhancement
Depressed people usually have ___ level of leptin.
What is the major role of amygdala?
central alarm system: modulate fear
emotional memory (implicit)
There are high and low road from the thalamus to amygdala. Which road elicit faster response when a person is frightened?
low road: directly transmit info from thalamus to amygdala. where as high road has to go to sensory cortex then to amygdala.
What is the effect of cortisol on memory?
decreases hippocampus volume and diminished dendritic pruning.
Lack of sleep ____ cortisol level.
Explicit or Implicit?

Hippocampus handles ____ emotion whereas amygdala handles ____ emotion.
Hippocampus handles explicit emotion whereas amygdala handles implicit emotion.
Fragmented and disorganized thinking in schizophrenics results from ____.
excess DA, small frontal lobe

Behavior dominated by immediate stimulation and not guidance from long term memory
How does beta blockers reduce cases of PTSD?
Lowers NE which consolidates emotional memories.
How does basal ganglia contribute to learning?
when a reward is greater than expected, the firing of certain dopaminergic neurons increases, which consequently increases desire or motivation towards the reward.
What is the most potent predictor of high childhood cortisol level and greater MH symptoms in the 1st grade?
maternal depression beginning in infancy.
How dose low MAOA affect emotion and behavior?
increases aggresssion
conduct disorders
Which side of the brain is impaired in people who were abused physically and sexually in childhood?
Left: because right brain develops earlier than the left.
What would you see in the brain of a child under chronic abuse?
impaired left brain
reduced corpus callosum
smaller hippocampus
How does neglect in infancy affect behavior?
decreased eating, sleeping
increased restless activity and withdrawal

high ACTH and double amygdala
T/F: Behavior can alter gene expression.
T/F: Psychotherapy is effective and produces long term changes in behavior through learning.
T/F: Learning based alterations in gene expression alter neuronal connectivity.
How does voluntary repression of painful memory occur?
Prefrontal cortex supresses right inferior frontal gyrus (sensory of memory) and right medial frontal gyrus (hippocampus and amygdala.
Which neuromodulatory system is involved in affect and memory consolidation?
NE and GABAnergic(opioid)

NE: stimulate amygdala
GABA(opioid): inhibit NE release.
List 4 types of explicit memory.
- episodic
- semantic
- procedural
- working
What type of explicit memory is this?

Keeping a phone number in your head before dialing.
working memory
What type of explicit memory is this?

Knowing who is the president of the US.
semantic memory
What type of explicit memory is this?

driving a car with standard transmission
procedural memory
Which of the following can be either explicit or implicit?

episodic memory
semantic memory
procedural memory
working memory
procedural memory:

explicit: driving a car
implicit: learning the sequence of numbers on a touch-tone phone without trying.
What is the role of hippocampus on memory?
formation of new memories.
Implicit or explicit?

Attachment affect ____ memory.
Disorganized attachment would result in ____.
- psychopathy in children
- problem in self-cohesion
- character disorders
List some things that can promote learning and memory.
- intellectual stimulation
- maternal behavior
- increase in brain weight
- grehlin
- leptin
What can impede memory?
- amygdala: influences emotions and perceptions, fear response, high and low roads.
- decreased hippocampal volume
- increased cortisol level (lack of sleep, maternal stress): suppress neurogenesis, depression, anxiety.
- role of dopamine