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14 Cards in this Set

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In 2002, ___% of total worldwide pharmaceutical costs spent in vaccines.
___ million children have no access to childhood vaccines.
Name 4 reasons as to why full access to vaccines makes good global economic sense.
1. Lowers burden of disease in poorer countries.
2. Helps to reduce population growth.
3. Removes human fuel for epidemics and pandemics.
4. Essential to achieve global goals of control or eradication.
___% of all vaccines are made by __ companies. Name those companies.
95, 5, GSK, Pfizer, Merck, Sanofi Pasteur, Novartis.
Which disease led to a large lawsuit in North America between two pharmaceutical companies regarding its vaccination? Why?
Company A had a thermo-labile vaccine which was unpractical, whereas Company B's vaccine was stable. However, Company B could not sell its vaccine as it had signed a contract of non-competition until 2003.
List four different goals of vaccination. Describe an example for each of these goals.
1. Eradicate organism (smallpox)
2. Prevent infection/colonization (age-restricted and sex-limited, rubella for instance)
3. Prevent the consequences of infection (tetanus antitoxin)
4. Modify diseases (Measles + IgG)
Describe the first vaccination process in the 14-15th century.
In China, people were given powdered scabs and fleas in the nose to immunize them against smallpox.
How did Jenner proceed to vaccinate a large number of individuals in a pre-refrigeration era?
The cows were the vectors of the "vaccine". He transferred the pus from a cow to another.
How was the rabies vaccine discovered?
Some spinal cord infected with rabies was left out in the lab and dried. When they injected that into the rabbit, it did not get infected. However, with fresh cord, the infected rabbits got rabies.
What was the big advance in the early 20th century that allowed researchers to develop new vaccines?
The use of eggs as crude cell cultures.
when was the first golden age of vaccines?
What is the strategy in the vaccination against lyme disease?
This strategy targets the gut of the tick, blocking it from replicating to the point of infection.
List three adjuvants. Which is the oldest one?
Alum, PAMPs, cholera toxin B. Alum is the oldest one.
List three delivery systems.
DNA vaccines, vesicles, chimeric viruses/bacterial vectors.