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178 Cards in this Set

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Circulatory System

System that controls the steady circulation of blood through the body by means of the heart and blood vessels.

Common Carotid Arteries

Arteries that Supply The Blood to the Head, face, and neck

Connective Tissue

Fibrous tissue that binds together, protects, and supports the various parts of the body.

Bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, blood, lymph and adipose tissue


Muscles that draw a body part such as a finger arm or toe inward toward the median axis of the body or of an extremity

Corrugator muscle

Facial muscle that draws eyebrows down and wrinkles the forehead vertically


Muscles that draw a body part such as a finger arm or toe away from the midline of the body or of an extremity


An oval, bony case that protects the brain

Adipose tissue

A technical term for fat gives smoothness and contour to the body

Internal jugular vein

Vein located on the side of the neck semicolon collects blood from the brain and parts of the face and neck.

Page 165


The science of the structure of organisms and their parts


Is the watery fluid that surrounds the nucleus of the cell and is needed for growth, reproduction and self-repair.

Angular artery

Artery that supplies blood to the sides of the nose

Anterior auricular artery

Artery that supplies blood to the front part of the ear

Interstitial fluid

Blood plasma found in the spaces between tissue cells.

Page 165


Largest artery in the body


A large, triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint that allows the arm to extend outward and to the side of the body.


Thick walled muscular flexible tubes that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the arterioles


Small arteries that deliver blood to capillaries

Auricularis anterior

Muscle in front of the ear that draws the ear forward


Tree like branching of the nerve fibers extending from the nerve cell that carries impulses towards the cell and receives impulses from other neutrons

Auricularis posterior

Muscle behind the ear that draws the ear backward

Auricularis Superior

Muscle above the ear that draws the ear upward

Auriculotemporal nerve

Nerve that affects the external ear and stand above the temple up to the top of the skull

Axon and axon terminal

Extensions of a neuron through which impulses are sent away from the cell body to the other neurons glands or muscles

Depressor Labii Inferioris Muscle

Muscles surrounding the lower lip


Connection between two or more bones of the skeleton.

Page 149


Middle part of a muscle

Lacrimal bones

Small bones located in the wall of the eye sockets.

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Muscles that produces the contour of the front and inner side of the upper arm lifts the forearm and flexes the elbow

Digestive system

The mouth, stomach, intestines, and salivary and gastric glands that change food into nutrients and waste


nutritive fluid circulating through the circulatory system and supplies oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues and removes carbon dioxide and waste from them

Blood vessels

tube-like structures that include the arteries arterioles capillaries venules and veins function is to transport blood to and from the heart and then to the various tissues of the body

11th cranial nerve

Spinal nerve branch that affects the muscle of neck and back

Body systems

Groups of body organs acting together to perform one or more functions


Largest and most complex nerve tissue part of the central nervous system contained within the cranium

Buccal nerve

Nerve that affects the muscles of the mouth

Endocrine Glands

Endocrine glands release hormonal secretions directly into the bloodstream, for example thyroid and pituitary glands

Ductless glands

Buccinator muscles

Thin flat muscle of the cheek between the upper and lower Jaws

Latissimus dorsi

A large, flat, triangular muscle covering the lower back, helps extend the arm away from the body and rotate the shoulder.

Page 155

Endocrine system

Group of specialized glands that affect growth, development, sexual function, and General Health


tiny thin-walled blood vessels that connect the smaller arteries to venules and bring nutrients to the cells and carry away waste materials


The bones of the wrist

Epicranial Aponeurosis

A tendon that connects the occipitalis and frontalis muscle

Levator anguli Oris muscle

Muscle that raises the angle of the mouth and draws it inward.

Page 154

Cell membrane

Part of the cell that encloses the protoplasm permits soluble substances to enter and leave the cell


Basic units of all living things

Levator labii superioris muscle

Muscles surrounding the upper lip.

Page 154

Central nervous system (CNS)

Division of nervous system consisting of the brain spinal cord spinal nerves and cranial nerves


Broad muscle that covers the top of the skull and consists of the occipitalis and frontalis


Levator palpebrae superioris muscle

A thin muscle that controls the eyelid.

Page 154


Two small structures near the nucleus that move to each side during the mitosis process to help divide the cell


Colorless, watery fluid that circulates in the lymphatic system carries waste and impurities from cells.

Page 165

Cervical cutaneous nerve

Nerve located at the side of the neck affects the front and sides of the neck to the breastbone

Cervical vertebrae

7 bones that form the top part of the spinal column in the neck region

Epithelial tissue

A protective covering on body surfaces, such as Skin, mucous membranes, the tissue inside the mouth, the lining of the heart, digestive and respiratory organs, and glands

Ethmoid Bone

A light, spongy bone between the eye socket form and part of the nasal cavities

Excretory system

Group of organs including the kidney, liver, skin, large intestines, and lungs that purify the body by the elimination of waste matter

Lymph capillaries

Blind end tubes occuring individually or in clusters that are the origin of the lymphatic vessels.

Page 165

Exocrine glands

Produces a substance that travels through small, tubelike ducts

Duct glands

Lymph nodes

Gland like structures found inside lymphatic vessels that filter lymph.

Page 165

Lymphatic / immune system

Consists of lymph, lymph nodes, and the thymus gland, the spleen, and lymph vessels that act as an aid to the blood system.

Page 165


Lower jaw bone.

Page 150

Mandibular nerve

Branch of the fifth cranial nerve that affects the muscles of the chin, lower lip, and external ear.

Page 159

Marginal mandibular nerve

Affects the muscles of the chin and lower lip.

Page 160


One of the jaw muscles used in chewing.

Page 153


Bones of the upper jaw.

Page 150


Muscles that straighten the wrist, hand, and fingers to form a straight line

Maxillary nerve

Supplies impulses to the upper part of the face.

Page 159

External Carotid Artery

Artery that supplies blood to the interior parts of the scalp, face, neck, and side of the head

Mental nerve

Nerve that affects the skin of the lower lip and Chin.

Page 159

Mentalis muscle

Muscle that elevates the lower lip and raises and wrinkles the skin of the chin.

Page 154

External jugular vein

Vein located at the side of the neck that carries blood returning to the heart from the head, face, and neck

Facial artery

Artery that supplies blood to the lower region of the face, mouth, and nose


The bones of the Palm, consisting of five slender bones between the carpus and phalanges

Page 151

Middle temporal artery

Artery that supplies blood to the temples.

Page 164

Posterior auricular artery

Artery that supplies blood to the scalp behind and above the ear

Posterior auricular nerve

Nerve that affects the muscles behind the ear at the base of the skull


Cells dividing into two new cells or daughter cells


Muscle that covers the bridge of the nose depresses the eyebrows and wrinkles the nose

Facial skeleton

Two nasal bones; 2 lacrimal bones; two zygomatic bones; two maxillae; the mandible; two turbinal bone; two Palpatine bones; and the vomer


Muscles that turns the hand inward so that the palm faces downward


a colorless jelly like substance found inside cells in which food elements such as proteins fats carbohydrates mineral salts in water are present

Pulmonary circulation

Takes deoxygenated blood to the lungs for oxygenation and waste removal and then returns that blood to the heart so oxygen rich blood can be delivered to the body

Fifth cranial nerve

Chief sensory nerve of the face; controls chewing


Smaller bone in the forearm on the same side as the thumb


Automatic nerve reaction to a stimulus


Extensor muscle of the risks involved in flexing the wrist

Reproductive system

Body system is responsible for processes by which plants and animals produce offspring

Frontal bone

Bone that forms the forearm

Respiratory system

Consists of the lungs and air passages enables breathing


Anterior or frontal portion of the epicranius, muscle of the scalp

General circulation

See systemic circulation

Risorius muscle

Muscle of the mouth that draws the corner of the mouth out and back as in grinning


Specialized organs varying in size and function that have the ability to remove certain elements from the blood and to convert them into new compounds

Sensory nerves

Nerves that carry impulses or messages from the sense organs to the brain

Greater Auricular Nerve

Nerves at the side of the neck affecting the face, ears, and neck

Greater occipital nerve

Nerve located at the back of the head, affecting the scalp


Muscular, cone shaped organ that keeps blood moving through the circulatory system


The study of the structure of the various tissues and organs that make up the entire body of an organism


Secretions that stimulate functional activity or other secretions in the body

Insulin, adrenaline, and estrogen


Uppermost and largest bone in the arm

Hyoid bone

U shaped bone at the base of the tongue at the front part of the throat

Inferior Labial Artery

Artery that supplies blood to the lower lip

Infraorbital Artery

Artery that supplies blood to the eye muscle

Infraorbital nerve

Nerve that affects the skin of the lower eyelid, side of the nose, upper lip and mouth

Infratrochlear Nerve

Nerve that affects the membrane skin of the nose


The part of the muscle that moves and is farthest from the skeleton

Integumentary system

The skin and its appendages glands, sensory receptors, nails and hair

Internal Carotid Artery

Artery that supplies blood to the brain, eyes, eyelids, forehead, nose, and ear

Motor nerves

Nerves that carry impulses from the brain to the muscles.

Page 158

Muscle tissue

Contracts and moves various parts of the body.

Page 147

Muscular system

Body system that covers, shapes, and supports the skeletal tissue.

Page 151


Study of the structure, function, and diseases of the muscles.

Page 151

Nasal bones

Bones that form the bridge of the nose.

Page 150

Nasal nerve

Nerve that affects the point and lower sides of the nose.

Page 159

Nerve tissue

Type of tissue that carries messages to and from the brain and controls and coordinates all bodily functions.

Page 147


Whitish cords made up of bundles of nerve fibers held together by connective tissue, through which impulses are transmitted.

Page 158


Also known as nerve cell ; the primary structural unit of the nervous system, consisting of the cell body, nucleus, dendrites, and an axon.

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Dense, active protoplasm found in the center of the cell, importance of reproduction and metabolism.

Page 145

Occipital artery

Artery that supplies the scalp and back of the head up to the crown.

Page 164

Occipital bone

Hindmost bone of the skull, located below the parietal bones.

Page 149


Back of the epicranius, muscle that draws the scalp backward.

Page 152

Ophthalmic nerve

Supplies impulses to the skin of the forehead, upper eyelids, and interior interior portion of the scalp, orbit, eyeball , and nasal passage.

Page 159

Orbicularis oculi muscle

Ring muscle of the eye socket.

Page 154

Orbicularis Oris muscle

Flat band around the upper and lower lips.

Page 154


Structures composed of specialized tissues performing specific functions

Page 147


A more fixed part of the muscle that does not move.

Page 151


Means bone, is used as a prefix in many medical terms.

Page 148


Study of the anatomy, structure, and function of the bones.

Page 148

Parietal artery

Bones that form the sides and top of the cranium.

Page 149

Pectoralis major

Muscles of the chest that assist The Swinging movements of the arm.

Page 155

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Made up of sensory and motor nerve fibers that extend from the brain and spinal cord to all parts of the body. Their function is to carry impulses or messages to and from the CNS.

Page 157


Bone of the fingers or toes.

Page 151


Study of the functions and activities performed by the body structures.

Page 144


Broad muscle extending from the chest and shoulder muscles to the side of the chin that is responsible for depressing the lower jaw and lip.

Page 153

Posterior auricular artery

Artery that supplies blood to the scalp, behind and above ear.

Page 164

Posterior auricular nerve

Nerve that affects the muscles behind the ear at the base of skull.

Page 160


Muscle that covers the bridge of the nose, depresses the eyebrows, and wrinkles the nose.

Page 154


Muscle that turns the hand inward so the Palm faces downward.

Page 156


A colorless jelly like substance found inside cells and which food elements such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salt, and water are present.

Page 145

Pulmonary circulation

Takes deoxygenated blood to the lungs for oxygenation and waste removal and then Returns the blood to the heart so oxygen rich blood can be delivered to the body.

Page 161


Smaller bone in the forearm on the same side as the thumb.

Page 151


Automatic nerve reaction to a stimulus.

Page 158

Reproductive system

Body system responsible for processes by which plants and animals produce offspring.

Page 167

Respiratory system

Consists of the lungs and air passages, enables breathing.

Page 167

Risorius muscle

Muscle of the mouth that draws the corner of the mouth out and back as in grinning.

Page 154

Sensory nerves

Nerves that carry impulses or messages from the sense organs to the brain.

Page 158

Serratus anterior

Muscle of the chest that assist in breathing and in raising the arm.

Page 155

7th cranial nerve

Chief motor nerve of the face.

Page 159

Skeletal system

Physical foundation of the body, composed of Bones and movable and immovable joints.

Page 148

Smaller occipital nerve

Nerve that affects the scalp and muscles behind the ear.

Page 160

Sphenoid bone

Bone that connects all the bones of the cranium.

FaZe 149

Spinal cord

Portion of the central nervous system that originates in the brain and runs downward through the spinal column.

Page 157


Muscle of the neck that depresses and rotates the head.

Page 153

Submental artery

Artery that supplies blood to the chin and lower lip.

Page 164

Superficial temporal artery

Artery that supplies blood to the muscle of the front, sides, and top of the head.

Page 164

Superior labial artery

Artery that supplies blood to the upper lip and lower region of the nose.

Page 164


Muscle of the forearm that rotates the radius outward and the palm upward

Supraorbital artery

Artery that supplies blood to the upper eyelid and forehead.

Page 164

Supraorbital nerve

Nerve that affects the skin of the forehead, scalp, eyebrows, and upper eyelids.

Page 159

Supratrochlear nerve

Nerve that affects the skin between the eyes in the upper side of the nose.

Page 159

Systemic circulation

Carries oxygen rich blood from the heart throughout the body and returns deoxygenated blood back to the heart

Page 161

Temporal bones

Bones that form the sides of the head in the ear region.

Page 149

Temporal nerve

Nerve that affects the muscles of the temple, side of the forehead, eyelid, eyebrow, and upper cheek.

Page 160


Muscle that aids in opening and closing the mouth and chewing.

Page 153


The chest.

Page 150


Collections of similar cells that perform a particular function

Page 147

Transverse facial artery

Artery that supplies blood to the skin and the masseter.

Page 164


Muscle that covers the back of the neck in the middle and upper region of the back.

Page 155

Triangularis muscle

Muscle that extends along side the chin and pulls down the corner of the mouth.


Large muscle that covers the entire back of the upper arm and extends the forearm.

Page 156


Inner and larger bone of the forearm.

Page 151


Thin-walled blood vessels that are less elastic than arteries, veins contain cup like valves that keep blood flowing in one direction to the heart and prevent blood from flowing backward. Veins carry blood containing waste products back to the heart and lungs for cleaning and to pick up oxygen.


Small vessels that connect the capillaries to the veins, they collect blood from the capillaries and drains it into the veins.

Page 161

Zygomatic bones

Bones that form the prominence of the cheeks.

Page 150

Zygomatic nerve

Affects the muscle in upper part of the cheek.

Zygomaticus major mussels

Muscle extending from the zygomatic bone to the angle of the mouth, pull the mouth upward and backward as in laughing.

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Zygomaticus minor muscles

Muscles on both sides of the face that extend from the zygomatic bone to the upper lips, pull the upper lip backward, upward, and outward, as when you're smiling.

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