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58 Cards in this Set

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Abnormal Hair loss
Scientific study of hair and its diseases and care
Alopecia Areata
Autoimmune disorder that causes the affected hair follicles to be mistakenly attacked by a person's own immune system.
Alopecia totalis
Total loss of scalp hair
Alopecia Universalis
Complete loss of body hair
Amino Acids
Units that are joined together end to end like pop beads by strong, chemical peptide bonds to form the polypeptide chains that comprise proteins.
Anagen Phase
AKA: Growth phase
Phase during which new hair is produced.
Growth Phase
Androgenic Alopecia
AKA: Androgenetic Alopecia
Hair loss characterized by miniaturization of terminal hair that is converted to vellus hair; on men.
Gray Hair
Inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue caused by staphylococci; similar to a furuncle but larger.
Catagen Phase
Brief transition period between the growth and resting phases of a hair follicle. It signals the end of the growth phase.
Middle layer of the hair; a fibrous protein core formed by elongated cells containing melanin pigment.
Disulfide bond
Strong chemical side bond that joins the sulfur atoms of two neighboring cysteine amino acids to create one cystine. Strongest bond.
Hair root
The part of the hair located below the surface of the epidermis.
Hair shaft
The portion of hair that projects above the epidermis.
Hair stream
Hair flowing in the same direction.
Hair texture
Thickness or diameter of the individual hair strand
Spiral shape of a coiled protein created by polypeptide chains that intertwine with each other
Hydrogen bond
Weak, physical bond.
Broken with water or heat.
Easily absorb moisture
Naturally resistant to being penetrated by moisture.
AKA: hirsuties
Growth of terminal hair in areas of the body that normally grow only vellus hair.
Tuft of hair that stands straight up
Fragilitas crinium
Technical word for brittle hair
Boil in the scalp
Hair bulb
Lowest part of a hair strand. Forms the lower part of the hair root.
Spiral shape of a coiled protein created by polypeptide chains that intertwine with each other
Hair density
The number of individual hair strands on 1 square inch of scalp.
Hair Elasticity
Ability of the hair to stretch and return to its original length without breaking.
Test when wet.
Hair follicle
The tube-like depression or pocket in the skin or scalp that contains the hair root.
Hair porosity
Ability of the hair to absorb moisture.
Process by which newly formed cells in the hair bulb mature, fill with Keratin, move upward, lose their nucleus, and die.
Polypeptide chain
A long chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds.
Postpartum alopecia
Temporary hair loss after giving birth.
Long, coiled complex polypeptides made of amino acids
Ringed hair
Variety of vanities characterized by alternating band of gray and pigmented hair throughout the length of the hair strand.
Salt bond
Weak, physical bond
Dissolved with acid or alkaline products
Dry, sulfur-yellow, cup like crust on the scalp in times favosa or tinea favus
Side bonds
Bonds that cross link the polypeptide chains together and are responsible for the extreme strength and elasticity of human hair
Telogen phasr
Resting phase
Final phase in the hair cycle, last until hair is shed.
Terminal hair
Long, coarse, pigmented hair found on the scalp, legs arms, and bodies of males and females
Lanthionine bond
The bonds created when disulfide bonds are broken by hydroxide chemical hair relaxers after the relaxer is rinsed from the hair
Tinea favosa
AKA: tinea favus
Fungal infection characterized by dry, sulfur yellow, cup like crust on the scalp called scutula
Split ends
Trichorrhexis nodosa
Knotted hair
Vellus hair
Lanugo hair, short, fine, unpigmented hair.
Wave pattern
The shape of the hair strands
Hair that forms in a circular pattern on the crown of the head
Naturally occurring fungus that is present on all human skin. Responsible for dandruff when is out of control.
Innermost layer of the hair that is composed of round cells; often absent in fine and naturally blond hair.
Beaded hair
Pediculosis capitis
Infestation of the hair and scalp of head lice.
Peptide bond
AKA: end bond
Chemical bond that joins amino acids to each other, end to end, to form a polypeptide chain.
Pityriasis capitis simplex
Classic dandruff
Scalp irritation, large flakes, and itchy scalp.
Pityriasis steatoides
Severe case of dandruff.
Accumulation of greasy or waxy scales, mixed with sebum, that stick to the scalp in crusts.