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120 Cards in this Set

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groups of cells that have a common structure, function, or both
body plan
a set of morphological and developmental traits
radial symmetry
animal with no front and back, or left and right
-often sessile or planktonic(drifting or weakly swimming)
bilateral symmetry
two sided symmetry
-often move actively and have a central nervous system
-a right and left side
-a dorsal (top) side and a ventral (bottom) side
-anterior (head) and posterior (tail) ends
the development of a head
germ layer covering the embryo's surface
the innermost germ layer
-lines the developing digestive tube
the developing digestive tube
animals that have an ectoderm and an endoderm
-include cnidarians and comb jellies
animals that have an ectoderm and an endoderm but also an intervening mesoderm layer
-these include all bilaterians
forms organs between ectoderm and endoderm
a true body cavity
-derived from mesoderm
animals that possess a true coelom
a body cavity derived from the mesoderm and endoderm
triploblastic animals that possess a pseoudocoelom
a group whose members share key biological features
Protostome Development (Cleavage, Coelom Formation, and Fate of the Blastopore
-spiral and determinate
Coelom Formation
-the splitting of solid masses of mesoderm forms the coelom
Fate of the Blastopore
-the blastopore becomes the mouth
Deuterostome Develpoment (Cleavage, Coelom Formation, and Fate of the Blastopore)
-is radial and determinate
Coelom Formation
-the mesoderm from the wall of the archenteron forms the coelom
Fate of the Blastopore
-the blastopore becomes the anus
forms during gastrulation and connects the archenteron to the exterior of the gastrula
not considered a monophyletic group
-are considered to be basal to all other animals
-lack true tissues
-almost all belong to Phylum Porofera
-other member is Phylum Placazoa
Trichoplax adhaerens
a pancake cell two layers thick
-single member of Phylum Placazoa
cells can transform to do all jobs
cells can transform to do many jobs, but not all
Phylum Porifera
-becoming model organisms in search for earliest hints of features that are present in more highly derived taxa
-8000 extant species, 99% marine
-except for larval stage, are sessile
Morphology of Phylum Porifera
no obvious tissues or organs
-no gut, muscles or nerves
structural support comes from spicules
some sponges have spongin
amoebocytes and choanocytes
each sponge has one or more large openings called oscula
most sponges have a mesohyl
tiny hard needles
-calcareous or silicious
found in some sponges, a tough collagen-protein network for support
look like amoebae
-form the outer surface of the sponge
-secrete spicules
-roam through the insides carry food to other cells
look like single choanoflagellates
-central flagellum surrounded by microvillar collar
-line inside of sponge, or numerous small chambers
-are numerous openings to outside of sponge that lead to central chamber
central chamber of sponges
a gelatinuous acellular layer between the outer skin and the choanocyte layer
-because it is acellular it is not a tissue
Feeding of Phylum Porifera
vast majority suspension feeders
-beating of choanocyte flagella draws water in through the ostia, through the microvillar collar, where food particles are removed, and out through the osculum
-food particles are phagocytksed by base of choanocyte cell
-amoebocytes nudge up and take up food passed on by choanocyte
-amoebocytes then carry food to other cells, or use energy to make spicules or other structural materials
Reproduction in Phylum Porifera
-some sponges have separate sexes
-others are hermaphroditic (simultaneous or sequential)
-do not have ovaries and testes
-eggs arise from modified amoebocytes, sperm from modified choanocytes
1) Eggs retained in mesohyl and sperm sent through oscula
2) sperm sucked in through ostia of neighbouring sponge of same species
3) zygote retained until it develops into a ciliated larva
4) larva swims out and lands on substrate, either turns inside out or external ciliated cells migrate inside
5) ciliated cells drop or reabsorb cilia, then grow flagella to become choanocytes
simultaneous hermaphrodites
are male and female at the same time
sequential hermaphrodites
are first one sex, then change to be the other
Indeterminate cleavage
each cell in the early stages of cleavage retains the capacity to develop into an embryo
Phylum Cnidaria
-has oral end upwards, and aboral end attached to a substrate
-e.g. anemone
Phylum Cnidaria
-has oral end downwards and aboral up
-moves freely throughout water
-e.g. jellyfish
Class Hydrozoa
Phylum Cnidaria
-both polyp and medusa in life cycle
-polyp is sessile and often colonial (reproduces asexually by budding)
-medusa budded of asexually (reproduces sexually, larva settles and transforms to polyp)
Class Scyphozoa
Phlyum Cnidaria
-spend almost all their life cycle as medusa
-have very thick layer of mesogloea
-swim by contracting network of fibres around circumference of bell (not considered true muscles because not derived from embryonic mesoderm)
Class Cubozoa
Phylum Cnidaria
-medusa is dominant, but is cube shaped
-box jellies
-have complex light and movement detecting eyes along perimeter of bell
-have extremely toxic cnidocytes
Class Anthozoa
Phylum Cnidaria
-are entirely polyps
-some live as single individuals (sea anemones)
-others are colonial (coral)
Phylum Ctenophra
comb jellies, sea gooseberries
-all marine
-move by beating thousands of cilia arranged in bands
-like Porifera, appear to lack Hox genes
-two tissue layers and a layer of mesogloea
-mouth but no anus
-two long tentacles covered with colloblasts that explode with glue-like substance upon impact
Phylum Platyhelminthes
the flatworm
-are acoelomate
-basically solid tissue
-do not have special circulatory or gas-exchange system
-do not have a complete digestive system
-have a mouth and a gut lumen, but no anus
Class Turbellaria
Phylum Platyhelminthe
-free-living flatworms
-epidermis of turbellarians covered by cilia
-have a pair of ventral nerve chords
-a pair of ganglia near the front of the the body
-no anal opening (undigested food ejected from mouth)
Class Cestoidea
Phylum Platyhelminthe
-entirely endoparasitic in digestive systems of other animals
-lack digestive system (absorb nutrients through thing body wall)
-scolex modified for holding on to host's gut
- after scolex comes the proglottids
-new proglottids produced at base of scolex
-older proglottids towards posterior of body
-mature proglottids filled with eggs are defecated by host
-eggs eaten by intermediate host (pigs)
-intermediate host eaten by final host (humans)
-larvae develop into adult tapeworm in gut of final host (parasite now engages in sexual repro)
-front end of body modified for holding onto host's gut
-long chain of units devoted to reproduction
Phylum Brachiopoda
lamp shells
-one of four lophophore
-some are attached to substrate by a rubbery stalk
-have complete gut with anal opening
-suspension feed using paired lophophores
Phylum Ectoprocta
-gut is U-shaped with anal opening outside of the lophophore
-almost all are colonial
-colonies look superficially like coral
-many species have units specialized for different tasks
-some colonies are able to move
Phylum Annelida
segmented worms
-segments separated by internal septa
-are eucoelomate
-have closed circulatory system (blood contained in vessels)
-have complete digestive system with anus
body cavity completely lined with mesodermally derived tissues
Class Polychaeta
Phylum Annelida
-almost entirely marine
-most body segments have fleshy lobes that bear many chaetae
-have clearly differentiated head with sensory antennae and often with eyes
-usually predatory
-sedentary polychaetes either ingest substrate and digest organic matter, suspension feed, or deposit feed
-usually dig burrows and/or construct tubes
-many polychaetes free-spawning
-trochophore larvae are planktonic, with subsequent leading benthic lives
deposit feed
trail sticky tentacles over substrate and licking off adhering matter
-eggs and sperm released into water
-fertilization occurs outside body of female parent
Class Oligochaeta
Phylum Annelida - earthworms
-lack both parapoidia and a well developed head
-still have a few chateau
-most feed by ingesting substrate and digesting organic matter
-do not free spawn
-most are simultaneous hermaphrodites and transfer sperm by copulation
-undergo direct development
-each worm in a pair acts as both male and female
-deposits sperm in partner's seminal receptacle, receives in its own
-produces gelatinous cocoon, slides cocoon forwards and deposits sperm
-hence fertilization is still external
Class Hirudinea
Phylum Annelida - leeches
-lack parapoidia, have clitellum
-lack chateau
-most predators very stealthy
Phylum Mollusca (characteristics)
snails, clams, squids, and many others
-most marine
-calcareous shell secreted by thin layer called mantle
-muscular ventral foot used for movement
-organs contained in a visceral mass above foot
-gills for gas exchange and sometimes feeding
-open circulatory system (blood not in vessels, coelom reduced)
-not clearly segmented
-many with trochophore
Class Gastropoda
Phylum Mollusca - snails
-glide along using muscular contractions of large foot
-most have single, coiled, tubular shell
-slugs are those that have lost shells
-shell species undergo torsion
-most gastropods are grazers, scrape algae off substrates using radula
-protected by nematocysts of cnidarians
visceral mass twists during development so that anal opening over head
shell-less marine gastropods
-sea slugs
Class Bivalvia
Phylum Mollusca - clams, oysters, scallops
-have two hinged shells
-feed by filtering water through gills
-no radula (do not really have a head)
-some are essentially sessile but most are sedentary and can move if necessary (scallops swim by clapping their valves)
Class Cephalopoda
Phylum Mollusca - squids, cuttlefish, octopuses
-have many long tentacles arranged around mouth
-tentacles have suckers and/or hooks
-are all predatory; have radula modified as biting beak (often have poison)
-most spp. have no evidence of external shell (excepting being nautiluses and extinct ammonites)
-have tube of mantle to make siphon (used for jet propulsion)
-only molluscs to have closed circulatory system
-squids attach eggs to substrate
-octopuses show maternal care
-do not have trochophore larvae
-direct development
when entire cuticle is shed at once
non-living outer layer of skin
-made of 3 layers
1) endocuticle - within
2) exocuticle - outside
3) epicuticle - a layer of waxes
below cuticle, living cells that secrete substances that become cuticle
1) apolysis
2) inactive moulting fluid is secreted by the epidermis
3) a thin, protective layer is deposited between moulting fluid and epidermis
4) enzymes in the moulting fluid are activated, endocuticle is digested
-liquefied products taken up by epidermis
-sclerotized exocuticle not digested
5) a new undifferentiated layer of cuticle deposited beneath protective layer
-greater surface area of new cuticle created than is in old cuticle
6) moulting fluid reabsorbed
7) epicuticle (wax layer) laid down
8) old exocuticle and epicuticle moulted
9) new cuticle expanded
10) outside of new cuticle sclerotized by secretions transported through canals
the epidermis separates from the endocuticle
Phylum Onychophora (Morphology)
velvet worms
-little cephalization
-open circulatory system
-coelom becomes reduced to pockets around gonads during embryonic development
-exchange gases using a tracheal system
many pairs of unjointed legs tipped with claws
tracheal system
openings on the side of the body (stigmata or spiracles)
-lead to large-bore tubes (tracheae)
-which terminate in many fine tubes (tracheoles)
-oxygen diffuses through thin tracheal walls into tissues, carbon dioxide diffuses out into tracheoles
Phylum Onychophora Ecology
all are predators
-capture prey by shooting glue from glue glands next to mouth
have separate sexes (dioecious)
normal copulation and hypodermic insemination
hypodermic insemination
spermatophore placed on female's skin, digests through into haemocoel, sperm released and crawl to eggs
ovi=egg, pareo=to give birth
-lay eggs that undergo embryonic development outside female's body
-eggs retained in the mother's body where the young developed, nourished by yolk, and hatch inside the mother
young undergo development inside mother where they receive nutrients via a placental connection to mother's tissues
Phylum Tardigrada
water bears
-have 4 paris of claw-tipped lobopod limbs
-move by stepping slowly
-no antennae
-no gas exchange system (small enough that whole body acts a gill)
-moss and soil dwelling species are able to enter state of suspended animation in response to drying of habitat
-can withstand desiccation and freezing
Phylum Nematoda
round worms, threadworms
-no segmentation
-no appendages
-no eyes
-do not moult
-pseudocoelomate (have body cavity, but mesoderm does not completely line it)
-most nematodes have two sexes
-direct development
-many parasites
post-embryonic growth occurs by each cell growing, not by addition of cells
Phylum Arthropoda (characteristics)
most species rich phylum of any organism (1 million extant, named species)
-have jointed limbs
-have a sclerotized cuticle made of chitin that acts as an exoskeleton
-have segmented bodies
-most are well cephalized
-most have other tagmata as well as head
collection of adjacent segments specialized for some function
Main groups of Arthropods
1) Trilobita
-trilobites, all extinct
2) Chelicerata
-scorpions, spiders, mites
3) Myriapoda
-millipeds, centipedes
4) Crustacea
-crabs, lobsters
5) Hexapoda
-springtails, insects
-most marine cheliceriforms are extinct
-most modern chelicerifroms are arachnids
clawlike feeding appendages
Chelicerates - spiders, scorpions, ticks, and mites
-have an abdomen and a cephalothorax, which has six pairs of appendages: the chelicerae, the pedipalps and four pairs of walking legs
-gas exchange in spiders occurs in book lung
-many spiders produce silk, a liquid protein, from specialized abdominal glands
millipedes and centipedes
-millipedes eat decaying leaves and plant matter
-have many legs, with two pairs per trunk segment
-centipedes are carnivores
-have one pair of legs per trunk segment
-flight is one key to great success of insects (can escape predators, find food, travel to new habitats fast)
-many insects undergo metamorphosis during their development
complete metamorphosis
larval stages known by such names as maggots, grubs, or caterpillars
-looks entirely different from the adult stage
incomplete metamorphosis
the young (nymphs) resemble adults but are smaller and go through a series of molts until they reach full size
-e.g. grasshoppers
-found in marine and freshwater environments
-branched appendages specialized for feeding and locomotion
-small crustaceans exchange gases through the cuticle, larger ones have gills
-most have separate male and female
relatively large crustaceans and include lobsters, crayfish, and shrimp
include terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species of crustaceans
-e.g. pillbugs
Echinoderms (Phylum Echinodermata)
sea stars and sea urchins
-slow-moving or sessile marine animals
-a thin epidermis covers an endoskeleton of hard calcareous plates
-most adults have radial symmetry with multiples of five (larvae have bilateral symmetry)
-have a unique water vascular system, a network of hydraulic canals branching into tube feet that function in locomotion
-most males and females are separate
Phylum Echinodermata - sea stars and sea daisies
Sea stars
-have multiple arms radiating from central disk
-undersurface of arms bear tube feet, which grip substrate with adhesive chemicals
-can regrow lost arms
-feed on bivalves by prying them open with their tube feet, everting their stomach, and digesting their prey externally with digestive enzymes
Sea daisies
-live on submerged wood and absorb nutrients through a membrane that surrounds their body
Phylum Echinodermata - brittle stars
-have a central disk and long, flexible arms which they use for movement
-some are suspension feeders, while others are predators or scavengers
Phylum Echinodermata - sea urchins and sand dollars
-no arms but five rows of tube feet
-their spines are used for locomotion and protection
-sea urchins feed on seaweed using a jaw-like structure on their underside
Phylum Echinodermata - sea lilies and feather stars
-sea lilies live attached to a substrate by a stalk
-feather stars can crawl using long, flexible arms
-both are suspension feeders
Phylum Echinodermata - sea cucumbers
-lack spines, have reduced endoskeleton
-sea cucumbers have five rows of tube feet; some of these are developed as feeding tentacles
Phylum Chordata
-bilaterian animals
-belong to the clade of animals known as Deuterostomes
-comprise all groups of vertebrates
-and two invertebrates (the urochordates, the cephalochordates)
-a longitudinal, flexible rod between the digestive tube and nerve chord
-provides skeletal support throughout most of the length of a chordate
Dorsal, Hollow Nerve Cord
-the nerve cord of a chordate embryo develops from a plate of ectoderm that rolls into a tube dorsal to the notochord
-the nerve cord develops into the central nervous system: the brain and the spinal cord
Pharyngeal Slits or Clefts
-are present in most chordates
-develop into slits that open to the outside of the body
-suspension feeding structures in many invertebrates chordates
-gas exchange in vertebrates (except vertebrates with limbs)
-develops into parts of the ear, head, and next in tetrapods
Muscular, Post-Anal Tail
-chordates have a tail posterior to the anus
-in many species, the tail is greatly reduced during embryonic development
-the tail contains skeletal elements
-provides propelling force in many aquatic species
Lancelets (Cephalochordata)
Invertebrate Chordate
-bladelike shape
-marine suspension feeders that retain characteristics of the chordate body plan as adults
Invertebrate Chordate
-are more closely related to other chordates than lancelets
-most resemble chordates during their larval stage
-as an adult, tunicate draws in water through an incurrent siphon, filtering food particles
-when attacked shoot water through their excurrent siphon
chordates that have a head
-two clusters of Hox genes
-neural crest
-in aquatic craniates, the pharyngeal clefts evolved into gill slits
-have a higher metabolism and are more muscular
-have a heart with at least two chambers, red blood cells with hemoglobin, and kidneys
neural crest
-a collection of cells near the dorsal margins of the closing neural tube in an embryo
-a cartilaginous skull and axial rod of cartilage derived from the notochord
-lack jaws and vertebrae
-have a small brain, eyes, ears, and tooth-like formations
-marine, bottom-dwelling scavengers
Gnathostome vertebrates
jawed fish
-2 pairs of fins
-extinct agnathans had at most 1 pair
-extant agnathans have no paired fins
-bigger brain (smell & vision)
-extant gnathostomes have 4 clusters of Hox genes
Evolution of jaws?
modifications of 2 pairs of skeletal rods that had supported anterior pharyngeal slits
-with jaws, more ways of getting food than suspension feeding using pharynx
-posterior slits become specialized for gas exchange (gill slits)
Sharks, Rays and their relatives
-endoskeleton made of cartilage
-bony teeth
-main swimming propulsion comes from tail (pectoral fins add lift)
-do not have gas-filled swim bladder
-gain buoyancy by storing oil in liver (sink when not swimming)
-when resting on bottom, must gulp water to aerate gills
-teeth appear to be homologous to the jagged scales that make shark skin feel so rough
-shark teeth continuously replaced
-can detect changes in electrical fields generated by muscular movement (via pores around head)
-can detect vibrations in water (via lateral line)
-sperm transfer through copulation
-fertilization internal
-some species, oviparous, others ovoviviparous or viviparous
found in sharks
-reproductive tract, excretory system(urine), and digestive tract(feces) all exit through same opening
first vertebrates with mineralized skeletal elements in their mouth
Characteristics of Bony Fish
-have ossified skeleton
-have flat plate-like bony scales
-gill openings covered by single protective flap (operculum)
-swim bladder
-flexible fins
-external fertilization common
swim bladder
air sac that controls buoyancy of fish
-gas exchange between blood and bladder changes degree of inflation of bladder
Class Actinopterygi
ray-finned fishes
-both marine and freshwater
-named for long flexible rays that supports fins
Class Actinistia
lobe-finned fishes
-only one extant genus of actinistians (the coelacanth)
-have fleshy, muscular pectoral and pelvic fins supported by bony elements in the base
Class Dipnoi
-3 extant genera, restricted to freshwater habitats in southern habitats
-have gills and lungs
-gulp air into lungs from water's surface by lowering and raising floor of mouth cavity (buccal pump)
-can survive dry periods by burying themselves in mud