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60 Cards in this Set

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Mixing of religious ideas; when your religion intersects another
Cognitive Orientation
when something gets carried on; not knowing the specifics of the action, but knowing its done all the time.
E. Franklin Frazier
Said slaves did not bring any culture from Africa
Melville Herskovits
Said that slaves did bring their cultures from Africa
Sidney Mintz and Richard Price
Said its ridiculous to move from point to point; cognitive orientation; 1976
Olaudah Equiano
Former slave; from West Africa, an Ibo; believed in one creator that created all things, protection from ancestor spirits and also libations etc...
Bryan Edwards
Obeah, Obiah, Obia; Obe, Obi; Obiamen/women-those who practice Obi; witchcraft and sorcery
First Independent Denominations-Richard Allen and James Varick
African Methodist Episcopal Church (1816) and African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (1821)
Cotton Mather
The Negro Christianized (1706)-10 Commandments for slaves
Cotton Mather: The Negro Christianized
Says if you have slaves you might at well take the opportunity to convert them
The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (S.P.G.)
Role was to preach the Gospel to African and Native American Slaves; est. 1701
Methodist: Circuit-riders
A minister would go on horseback, riding to different churches during the day to preach at them
Series of questions and answers in advanced that must be memorized and then you must pass a test on it.
"Hush Harbors"
Where slaves would gather in the woods and worship and preach to themselves in secret
John Wesley, Francis Asbury and Thomas Coke
Founders and early leaders of Methodism
First Separate Black Church
Belonged to the Baptist Church between 1773 and 1775 in Silver Bluff, SC. Silver Bluff Church
David George
Converted by Palmer (white); Pastored Silver Bluff Church; Fled to Nova Scotia in 1782; then founded a Baptist church at Shelbourne; migrated again to Sierra Leone
George Liele
Friend of David George; converted by White Baptist minister around 1773; founded Silver Bluff in 1773, first independent african baptist church in the south; founded in Yamma Craw, SC; preached in Silver Bluff then went to Jamaica 1784 and organized first Baptist church on the island
Andrew Bryan
another minister; slave; purchased freedom in 1802; preached in Silver bluff
taking scripture w/o looking at the verses around it
looking at everything around the text, history, time period, why, etc...
1. Authority of the Bible (scripture)
2. Salvation/"Born Again"
3. Personal Piety
4. Missions/Evangelism
H. Richard Neibuhr
Felt real Christianity takes place in sects outside the church; the sect does the work of God and will eventually become a church, then the cycle repeats;church divided into castes
believes today when you become Methodist/Baptist you become upwardly noble; mostly Middle class; transformed from working class to middle/upper class by the 19th C. --> become a church
Evangelical Churches growing and Mainline Churches diminishing
They want and need a social cost; social cost provides social cohesion; evangelicalism competes better then mainline relgions/churches; ex)Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses have too much social cost
mourner's bench (anxious seat)
slaves sit on this and think on their sins in service; hope to be converted
Goopher dust
Dust off of a slave grave
Immediatist style
God's present and everyone should be involved in invoking God's presence
Slave "Ceilia"
Missouri statute; she was raped by her master, and finally she killed him in self-defense, but she was charged with murder and hanged because the Missouri statute saying "all women" did not include Black women.
Slave marriages
Not legally binding; families can be broken up at any time; traditionally jump the broom
American Colonization Society (ACS)
founded to repatriate free blacks; sending free blacks back to Africa
Sierra Leone
British Colony established for Free Blacks
American Colony established for free blacks; capital of Liberia is Monrovia-named after our president at the time
William Thornton
Proposed the idea of Blacks going back to Africa
Lott Cerney/Carney/Carey
First African American missionary to Africa (Liberia)
Pennsylvania Abolition Society (PAS) supported FAS
Also wanted to free slaves and abolish slavery
Philadelphia; very egalitarian; first to oppose slavery; first to propose a law to abolish slavery; free blacks could meet in Quaker bulidings
Free African Society
Founded in November 1787/1792
First Baptist Church in England
Started in 1609
Richard Allen
Founded Mother Bethel in 1794; became first Bishop; founded the first independent black denomination African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)
Absalom Jones
Founded African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas in 1794; first Black saint
St. Georges Methodist Episcopal Church
Philadelphia; integrated congregation; told blacks to go sit in their "designated" section in the back; forced off their knees during prayer, so they walked out (Richard Allen)
Will B. Gravely
said black communities weren't allowed to have roles in the church which added to problems between whites and blacks
Mary R. Sawyer
National Baptist Convention U.S.A.-->one of the Baptist denominations that endured today; 1897 the largest Holiness Pentacostal Church formed
Benjamin Rush
Friend of the black community; joined Richard Allen in raising funds for an African church
What religion did among African People...
Many slave rebellions stopped from betrayal of a couple slaves; many slave rebellions started/held at a church; Consequence of religion: to create some sense of personal worth; also the ability to endure the unendurable by creating hope for the future; also it made some people want to rebel
Union Church of Africans
First church unaffiliated with other denominations
Gabriel Posser 1800; Gabriel's Rebellion, Henrico County
Lead slave revolt that was postponed because of a harsh storm/hurricane, and then betrayed by a slave
Denmark Vesey "conjurer"
1822- Charleston S.C. was supposed to have a revolt; "Gullah Jack" one of the conspirators, 9,000 involved; Vesey gave the conspirators charms to help them
Amistad-Rebellion, off the coast of Cuba
America had outlawed the slave laws; Cinque-finally returned to Africa but couldn't find his family
Nat Turner "The Prophet"
Rebellion in South Hampton, VA; his vision of white and black angels fighting in heaven; Aug. 21, 1831 death of 25 Whites and 200 Blacks; Nov. 11, 1831 He was sent to the Gallows for conspiracy
Stono Rebellion Sept. 1839
S.W. of Charleston; from Angolia; killed Mr. Hutchington by decapitating his head the cleared the guns out of his store; they felt if they stayed together they could run away; whites surrounded them and killed most; they were like the freedom fighters.
Chattel Property/Slavery
This made people look like property; justifies with some people how badly they could treat slaves because that is what they were doing.
There were over 250 slave rebellions.
During the Antebellum period, the number of slaves at UVA was more than the # of students here.
Omar Ibn Said-slave
Came to America Muslim; they called him uncle Moreau; his arabic writing showed a religious life among the slaves that the owners could not understand.
Frederick Douglass
Felt religion in the South was corrupted
When muslims came
there was no mosque; some converted to Christianity; some added elements to their religion
Emerson Reading
He says we all contribute to this racialization of society. White parents contribute by not discussing it with thier children
How did African Americans become such a Christian People?
Imaginative; death of African Gods; slavery: being beat and brainwashed; naturally spiritual people; they got a hold of the real christianity (Thurman)
Cornell West
"normative gaze"- look at the rest of the world and think they are better and the world is worse off; this is what makes people feel abnormal; The west secretes white supremacy