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65 Cards in this Set

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What is positivism?

Using the rigors of the Natural Science in the social sciences and acknowledging the fact that internal and external characteristic shape Behavior.

What is Milgram's Authority study?


What is symbolic interactionism?

Signs, signals, gestures, and language that common people use in a common culture with a common meaning.

What is Max Weber's Protestant work ethic and the spirit of capitalism?

Max Weber created the Protestant work ethic where he talked about how capitalism grew in some nations and it didn't in others. He found that in the protestant nations, capitalism grew because of the 4 elements of the protestant work ethic... Hard work, Delayed gratification, Thriftiness, and Saving. Book: The Protestant work ethic and the spirit of Capitalism Believes that people's behaviors are shaped by their experiences.

What is the conflict theory?

Society is composed of groups that compete for scarce resources.

What is structural functionalism?

Society is composed of parts that work together to establish or maintain social equilibrium.

What is achieved status?

The importance society places upon a position an individual earns through merit and work.

What is organic solidarity?

A term used by durkheim to explain the solidarity and Society brought about through the interconnected nature of different forms of Labor in industrial societies.

Who is Auguste Comte?

He is the founder of Sociology who created positivism.

What is theory?


What is ascribed status?

Ascribed status is the importance that society places on positions, that one inherits.

What is micro level Theory?


What is language?

Language is the words people use to share the past, future, goals, and perspectives. Allows us to force on some things while not focusing on other things. Shapes society's Behavior AKA the sapir-whorf hypothesis.

What is value?

Undesirable and desirable behaviors

What is the sick role?

You can't like being sick or be responsible, seek help, or attent.

What is the Sapir- Whorf Hypothesis?

Perception that language allows humans to focus on specific things while ignoring others and shapes people's perception of reality.

What is Asch's Peer Conformity study?


What is dramaturgy?

Goffman's term for percieving social interaction as if people are the members in a play production behaving according to role responsibilities. Life is like a front stage.

What is self fulfilling prophecy?

An original false perception becomes true because people believe it to be so.

What is globalization?

The interconnectedness of the world and the rapid transfer of goods, services, information, and people brought about through technological advances.

What is Charles Horton Cooley's Looking Glass self Theory?

Is based on self immage and how we think everyone else sees us.

What is culture shock?

The inability to utilize taken-for-granted assumptions in foreign societies or when one's own society changes substantially.

What is durkheim suicide study?

Durkheim is the father of sociology who found that there was a significantly statically difference between Protestants and the Catholics, due to social factors. He talked about four classifications of suicide; altruistic, egoistic, anomic, fatalistic.

Altruistic: integration too high (very strong ties to society)Egostic: integration too low (very weak ties to society)Anomic: regulation too low (rules vary)Fatalistic: regulation too high (rules are strictly enforced) Egoistic and Anomic are more likely to committ indeviant behavior, whereas Altruistic and Fatalistuc aren't.

What is the Labeling Theory?

When an individual is coined as deviant and is treated as if they are deviant they are more likely to behave in deviantly.

What is the differential association theory?

When people interact with individuals who Define deviant Behavior as non deviant. Those people are more likely to engage in that behavior.

What is the mechanical solidarity?

Durkheim uses this to explain a solidarity in agrarian societies due to repetitive nature of forming life for an entire people.

Who is Karl Marx?

He believed that the proletariat would being tied to a system that was oppressive because the bourgeoisie we're taking advantage of the proletariat. Eventually the proletariat will overcome the Bourgeoisie.

What are the Agents of socialization?


What is social logical imagination?


What is Sigmund Freud's theory of personality?

Freud's Theory of Personality is when he believes that people have internal mechanisms that desire to be pleased and satisfied.

What is counter culture?

Norms, values, beliefs that are in direct opposition to the dominant norms, values, and beliefs.

What is role conflict?

Having two distinct from what society expects and what we experience as individuals.

What is a norm?

Social rules.

What is culture?

The transmission of norms, folkways, mores, taboos, laws, sanctions, values, language, dress and food from one generation to the next.

What is role strain?

Role strain is the incongruent and behavior expectations in one position an individual holds.

What are mores?

Rules that we do enforce strictly.

What is Hawthorne experiment?


What is direct democracy?


What is Harlow and Harlow experiment?


What is latent and manifest consequences?

Intended and unintended

Who is George Herbert Mead?

He created the development of self theory. He says that self has two distinct characters; the I and the me. The I is the self as a subject in the me is the self as an object.

What is capitalism?


What is social stratification?

The layering of groups, states, nations, and so on based upon their relative level of power, prestige, and property.

What is macro level Theory?


What is Master status?

The importance society places upon a position that cuts across all other positions.

What is charismatic Authority?


What is socialism?


What is traditional Authority?


What is status inconsistency?

Status inconsistency is the in congruence in the importance that society places on individual holds. What society says (external)What we experience (internal)

What are folkways?

Rules that we do not enforce strictly.

What are control groups?

Internal and external mechanic isms that increase the likelihood of informity..

What is a research experiment?


What is deviance?

A violation of a social Norm.

What are sanctions?

Appropriate and inappropriate, punishment or reward behaviors.

What is a hypothesis?

Testable statement of what a researcher thinks is the relationship between two or more variables.

What is social class?

People who have similar levels of imcome, education, and occupational prestige are of the same social class.

What is Cyril Burt's IQ study?


What is social institutions?

A group of people that come together in a common purpose. The types or politics, law, media, economy, science, family, military, religion, education, and medicine.

Who is Herbert Spencer?

An English aristocrat who believed in Social Darwinism. Only the fittest Will Survive and the less incapable should be allowed to suffer by their own in abilities.

Who is W.E.B DuBois?

The first African American to recieve a PhD from Harvard University. Believed in the talented 10. Co-founder of the NAACP. 1/10 African Americans would become superior.

Where is partial Institution?


What is total Institution?


What are beliefs?

Shared ideas about how the world operates.

What is sociology?

The study of group behavior.

What are reference groups?

Reference groups are people will utilize to compare ourselves with.