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15 Cards in this Set

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The Theory of Reasoned Action states that our behaviours result from....

Intentions to perform actions.

The World's Health Organizations definition of health states that health is just the absence of disease.


five behaviour change techniques...

1) Shaping

2) Imagined rehearsal

3) Modelling

4) Situational inducement

5) Positive reinforcement

Imagined Rehearsal

Visualizing yourself getting a standing ovation after giving a speech you're a little nervous about is an example of this...

Describe the behaviour change technique "Situational Inducement."

It attempts to influence a behaviour by using situations structured to exert control over that behaviour.

Describe Positive Reinforcement.

presenting something positive, following a behaviour being reinforced.

What does the term "Modelling" mean?

learning specific behaviours by watching others perform them.

(Starting to talk like a best friend from being around them and hearing/seeing how they talk)

What is "Shaping" ?

Using a series of small steps to reach a particular goal gradually.

Cue to action example...?

One day Leo is unable to climb a flight of stairs without stopping to rest. His doctor tells him this is because his smoking is causing his airways to be swollen and narrow. He then decides he needs to quit smoking. For Leo, the inability to climb the stairs without resting is an example of a(n):

What is a belief?

Appraisal of the relationship between some object, action, or idea and some attribute to that object, action or idea.

what is an attitude?

Relatively stable set of beliefs, feelings, and behavioural tendencies in relation to something or someone.

what is the health belief model? (HBM)

Model used for explaining how our beliefs about our health may influence our attitudes and behaviours regarding our health and wellness.

What is the Perceived seriousness of the health problem?

first, considering how severe the med/social consequences would be if the health problem were to develop or be left untreated. The more serious it is, the more likely you will take action. (Cancer)

what is perceived susceptibility to the health problem?

Another factor to be considered is how likely it is that you will develop the health problem, if you perceive yourself more likely then you are more likely to take preventive action. (if mother and grandpa both have breast cancer)

what is a cue to action?

for some, when you are reminded of told about a health problem, you are more likely to take preventive care. (if your doctor tells you that blood sugar levels are in a pre diabetic state, there may be a cue that you