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18 Cards in this Set

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economic profit
profit=TR-TC: takes into account entrepreneurs minimum to keep them happy.
normal profit
any revenue above costs.
allocative efficiency
allocating scarce resources among competing uses
situations become allocativeley inefficient when exogenous factors affect prices

efficient- changes in input prices, lump sum tax)
inefficient: unit tax, price floor, ceiling.
economic rent
payment to scarce factor of production that cannot be competed away.

rent reflects opportunity costs.
unit tax
MC, AC shift up by consistent distance:

SR: firms are only partially able to adjust to new costs, tax is split between consumers and producers.

LR: firms exit, entire price of tax is passed onto consumers.
lump sump tax:
SR: AC increases, but MC does not change. Firms operate at a loss

LR: Firms exit, supply decreases until new equilibrium is established.
resource savings:
amount less spent due to a decrease in quantity
total value lost:
value of a good due a tax (area under demand curve from 2 quantities (what consumers valued the good at)
deadweight loss
welfare loss
divergence from marginal cost pricing
assumptions of competitive markets
identical firms
non-rival pricing.
consumer surplus
difference between what a consumers is willing to pay minus the price actually paid
producer surplus
sum over all units produced by a firm of differences between the market price of a good and the marginal cost of production
how to get marginal cost function
derivative of TC function
causal demand curve
inverse demand curve

MR curve

twice the slope of the inverse demand function
monopoly: point of allocative efficiency
where P=MC: triangle formed by monopoly price is the deadweight loss.
lerner index

what effects the other

Lerner index is an outcome
deadweight loss only occurs when
change in price are not characteristic of the use of a good
marginal decision maker vs average decision maker
Marginal: profit maximization: is a move forward's revenue greater than the cost of that move. asses the outcome of additional moves

average: achieve the quantity of the firm and break even (quantity)