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95 Cards in this Set

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critical period

a time when a particular type of developmental growth (in body or behaviour) must happen if it is ever going to happen

sensitive period

a time when a certain type of development is most likely to happen or happens most easily, although it may still happen later with more difficult. Ex) early childhood is considered (this) for language learning

Ecological-systems approach

the view that in the study of human development, the person should be considered in all the contexts and interactions that constitute a life.


a group defined by the shared age of its members, who because they were born at about the same time, move through life together, experiencing the same historical events and cultural shifts

Socioeconomic status (SES)

a person's position in society as determined by income, wealth, occupation, education and place of residence

social construction

an idea that is based on shared perceptions, not on objective reality. Many age-related terms such as childhood, adolescence, yuppie and senior citizen are examples

difference-equals-deficit error

the mistaken belief that a deviation from some norm is necessarily inferior to behaviour or characteristics that meet the standard


process of cultural and psychological change that occurs when individuals come into contact with a new culture


referring to the effects on environmental forces on the expression of an individual's, or a species, genetic inheritance

dynamic-systems approach

a view of human development as an ongoing ever-changing interaction between a persons physical and emotional being and between the person and every aspect of his or her environment including family and society

differential sensitivity

idea that some people are more vulnerable than others are to certain experiences usually because of genetic differences

developmental theory

provides a framework for explains the patterns and problems of development

psychoanalytic theory

theory of human development that holds that irrational, unconscious drives and motives, often originating in childhood, underlie human behaviour


learning theory based on the idea that behaviours can be trained and changed in response to stimuli in the environment

learning theory

theory of human development that describes the laws and processes by which observable behaviour is learned

classical conditioning

learning process in which a meaningful stimulus ( smell of food) gradually comes to be connected with a neutral stimulus (particular sound) that had no special meaning before the learning began

operant conditioning

learning process in which a particular action is followed by either something desired or something unwanted

social learning theory

an extension of behaviourism that emphasizes that other people influence each persons behaviour. theory's basic principle is that even without specific reinforcement, every individual learns many things through observation and imitations of others

cognitive theory

our thoughts shape our attitudes, beliefs and behaviours

family systems theory

a theory of human behaviour that focuses on the family as a unit or functioning system, with each member having a role to play and rules to respect


theory that stresses the potential of all human beings for good and the belief that all people have the same basic needs regardless of culture gender or background


research method in which info is collected from a large number of people by interviews written questionnaires or some other means

case study

in depth study of one person usually requiring personal interviews to collect background info and various follow up discussions tests questionnaires and so on

cross-sectional research

research design that compares groups of people who differ in age but are similar in other important characteristics

cross-sequential research

hybrid research design in which research first study several groups of people of different ages and then follow those groups over the years

Apgar Scale

quick assessment if a newborn's body functioning. The bay's heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, colour and reflexes are given a score of 0, 1 or 2 twice- at one minute and five mins after birth. Each time the total of all five scores is compared with the ideal score of 10


women who helps with the birth process.Trained to offer support to new mothers including massage and suggestions for breastfeeding positions

Brazelton Neonatal Behavioural Assessment Scale (NBAS)

test often administered to newborns that ,measures responsiveness and records 46 behaviours including 20 reflexes


symptoms of pregnancy and birth experienced by fathers

postpartum depression

the sadness and inadequacy felt by some new mothers in the days and weeks after giving birth

Down syndrome

condition in which person has 47 chromosomes instead of 46 with three rather then 2 at chromosome 21. Distinctive characteristics: atypical facial features (thick tongue, round face, slanted eyes) heart abnormalities and language difficulties


any agent or condition, including viruses, drugs and chemicals that can impair prenatal development, resulting in birth defects or complications

behavioural teratogens

agents and conditions that can harm the prenatal brain, impairing the future child's intellectual and emotional functioning

cerebral palsy

disorder that can result from damage to the brains motor centres. People with this have difficulty with muscle control, so their speech and/or body movements are impaired


lack of oxygen that if prolonged can cause brain damage or death

threshold effect

situation in which a certain teratogen is relatively harmless in small doses but become shameful once exposure reaches a certain level

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

cluster of birth defects including abnormal facial characteristics, slow physical growth and intellectual disabilities, that may occur in the child of a women who drinks alcohol while pregnant

Low birth weight (LBW)

body weight at birth below 2500grams


(ELBW- 1000)

preterm birth

birth that occurs three or more weeks before the full 38 weeks of typical pregnancy have elapsed

infant mortality rate

the rate per 1000 live births at which babies of less than one year of age die


a biological mechanism that protects the brain when malnutrition disrupts body growth. The brain is the last part of the body to be damaged by malnutrition

prefrontal cortex

area of the cortex at the very front of the brain that specializes in anticipation, planning and impulse control


outer layers of the brain. Most thinking, feeling and sensing involve this

transient exuberance

the great but temporary increase in the number of dendrites that develop in an infants brain during the first two years of life


process by which unused connections in the brain, waste away and die


inborn drive to remedy a developmental deficit; literally to return to sitting or standing upright after being tipped over. (For emotional and physical imbalance)

sensorimotor intelligence

Piaget's term for the way infants think- by using their senses and motor skills during the first period of cognitive development

object permanence

the realization that objects (including people) still exist even if they can no longer be seen, touched or heard

A-not-B error

tendency to reach for a hidden object where it was last found rather than in the new location where it was last hidden

little scientist

stage-five toddler (12-18months) who experiments without anticipating the results, using trial and error in active and creative exploration

deferred imitation

a sequence in which an infant first perceives something dine by someone else and then performs the same action hours or even days later

mirror neurons

cells in an observers brain that respond to an action performed by someone else in the same way they would if the observer had actually performed that action

information-processing theory

a perspective that compares human thinking processes by analogy to computer analysis of data, including sensory input, connections, stored memories and output


the tendency to persevere in or stick to one thought or action for a long time

corpus callous

a long thick band of nerve fibres that connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain and allows communication between them


sidedness referring to the specialization in certain functions by each side of the brain, with one side dominant for each activity. Left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and vice versa


tiny brain structure that registers emotions, particularly fear and anxiety


brain structure that is a central processor of memory, especially memory for locations


brain area that responds to the amygdala and the hippocampus to produce hormones that activate other parts of the brain and body

pre operational intelligence

Piaget's term for cognitive development between the ages 2 and 6; includes language and imagination

symbolic thought

the concept that an object or word can stand for something else, including something pretended or something not seen. Once possible, language becomes much more useful


belief that natural objects and phenomena are alive


a characteristic of pre operational thought whereby a young child focuses on one idea excluding all others


Piaget's term for young children tendency to think about the world entirely from their own personal perspective

focus on appearance

a characteristic of preoperational thought whereby a young child ignores all attributes that are not apparent

static reasoning

characteristic of pre operational thought whereby a young child thinks that nothing changes. Whatever is now has always been and always will be


the principle that the amount of a substance remains the same even when its appearance changes

zone of proximal development (ZPD)

Vygotsky's term for the intellectual arena where new cognitive and physical skills can be mastered


temporary support that is tailored to a learners needs and abilities and aimed at helping the learner master the next task in a given learning process


tendency of children to copy an action that is not a relevant part of the behaviour to be learned; common among 2-6 year olds when they imitate an adult actions that are irrelevant and inefficient


idea that children attempt to explain everything they see and hear

theory of mind

persons theory of what other people might bethinking. Im order to have this, children must realize that other people are not necessarily thinking the same thoughts that they themselves are. Realization is rarely achieved before age 4

social smile

a smile evoked by a human face,normally first evident in infants about 6 weeks after birth

separation anxiety

an infants distress when a familiar caregiver leaves, most obvious between 9 and 14 months

stranger wariness

an infants expression of concern- a quiet stare while clinging to a familiar person or a look of fear when a stranger appears


a persons realization that he or she is a distinct individual whose body, mind and actions are separate from those of other people


inborn differences between one person and another in emotions, activity, and self-regulation. It is measured by the persons typical responses to the environment


a coordinated, rapid and smooth exchange of responses between a caregiver and an infant

still-face technique

an experimental practice in which an adult keeps his or her face unmoving and expressionless in face-face interaction with an infant


a bond that an infant forms with a caregiver; a tie that binds them together in space and endures over time

secure attachment

a relationship in which an infant obtains both comfort and confidence from the presence of his or her caregiver

insecure-avoidant attachment

a pattern of attachment in which an infant avoids connection with the caregiver as when the infant seems not to care about the caregivers presence, departure or return

insecure-resistant/ambivalent attachment

pattern of attachment in which an infants anxiety and uncertainty are evident, as when the infant becomes very upset at separation from the caregiver and both resists and seeks contact on reunion

disorganized attachment

a type of attachment that is marked by an infants inconsistent reactions to the caregivers departure and return

strange situation

a lab procedure for measuring attachment by evoking infants reactions to the stress of various adults comings and goings in an unfamiliar playroom

social referencing

seeking information about how to react to an unfamiliar or ambiguous object or event by observing someone else's expressions and reactions. That other person becomes a social reference

trust versus mistrust

Eriksen's first crisis of psychosocial development. Infants learn basic trust, if the world is a secure place where their basic needs are met

autonomy versus shame and doubt

Eriksen's second crisis of psychosocial development. Toddlers either succeed or fail in gaining a sense of self-rule over their actions and their bodies

social learning

the acquisition of behaviour patterns by observing the behaviour of others

working model

in cognitive theory, a set of assumptions that the individual uses to organize perceptions and experiences. For example, a person might assume that other people are trustworthy and be surprised by an incident that suggest this working model of human behaviour was erroneous

proximal parenting

caregiving practices that involve being physically close to the baby wth frequent holding and touching

distal parenting

caregiving practices that involve remaining distant from the baby, providing toys, food and face-face communication with minimal holding and touching


literally, "other-care;" the care of children by people other than the biological parents

family daycare

child care that includes several children of various ages and usually occurs in the home of a women who is paid to provide it

centre daycare

child care that occurs in a place especially designed for the purpose where several paid adults cares for many children. Usually the children are grouped by age. It is licensed and providers are trained and certified in child development