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77 Cards in this Set

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A Chemical element differs from other elements by its
number of protons because the number of protons defines the nature of each element.
-pure substances
-composed of atoms of the same atomic number
-heavy and positively charged
-the number of protons in the nucleus determines what element it is
-found in the nucleus of atoms
number of electrons
-tiny and negatively charged
-hover around the nucleus
-make almost no contribution to the mass of an atom
-electron clouds interacting are what are responsible for creating molecules by bonding atoms together
number of neutrons
-heavy and are uncharged
-found in the center of nucleus
-contribute to the atomic mass of an element
-can vary in number inside the nucleus
dark energy
Dark Energy 74% of the universe.
The only visible matter make up 4%
the circumference of the earth is approximately
40,000 km
the mass of the sun us what fraction of the mass if the solar system
Were all of the elements in the universe created by the Big Bang?
No. Only the simplest atomic nuclei are formed.
-hydrogen and helium produced during the big bang
-first 3 minutes of the universe.
How were all of the elements in the universe created?
The elements that weren't created during the big bang were created are created during stellar nucleosynthesis.
-elements after atomic number 26 are created in super novae.
How old is the earth?
the earth is 4.55 billion years old
What would happen if the earth didn't have an atmosphere
the average surface temperature would be -18 degrees.
What 2 elements in the crust primarily composed of?
oxygen and silicon
-Lowest silica content
-high melting point
-Fe and Mg rich
-Sheet silicate
-intermediate silica content
-intermediate melting point
-can be light or dark colored
-Mafic. Fe, Mg, K
-High silica content
-low melting point
-Light colors
-Felsic: K, Na rich
-Feldspar+ Quartz= 95% of crust
-Highest silica content
-Lowest Melting point
-Light color
the outer core is responsible for?
the magnetic field.
Does the magnetic field shield earth from solar wind?
-protects earth's surface from solar wind and harmful radiation
-the magnetic field can also flip in polarity
You are given 2 materials. They are both the same size. What does it mean if one of the materials has a lower density than the other?
that the material with lower density also has a lower mass than the other object.
what is true about the crust?
-the crust is defined by its chemical composition.
-there are two types of crust: chemical and oceanic
-The crust is a rigid layer
-The density of the crust is about 2.7-3 g/cm3
The lithosphere
-the rigid, cool, outer layer of the earth
-Tectonic plates are regions of the lithosphere that move as a unit
-the lithosphere includes the crust
-The lithosphere rides on the asthenosphere
The asthenosphere
-weak and plastic in texture
-below the lithosphere
-partially molten and moves like silly putty underneath the lithosphere
The core
-composed of iron -very dense.
-consists of the inner core and the outer core
The crust
- is mostly oxygen and silicon which are composed of feldspar and quartz
The mantle
-oxygen silicon and magnesium
-2/3 of earth's mass
-very mafic b/c of magnesium
Oceanic crust
-is basaltic in composition and very thin
the 2nd most abundant element in the earth is oxygen. How was it formed?
-By nuclear fusion in the interior of stars.
Fine crystals are indicative of
extrusive igneous rock
The approximate latitude of Boulder is
40 degrees North
What type of Rock is shale?
clastic sedimentary rock
igneous rock
-is formed from magma
sedimentary rock
-formed from part of other rocks
-carries rock history
metamorphic rock
-rocks formed by re-crystallization of other rocks under heat and pressure
-done without melting or eroding
What characteristics of landscape shows that the Dakota Group is more resistant to weathering?
The Dakota group has a hogback, while the benton formation forms a valley.
The Benton formation
characteristics of a mineral
-atoms are arranged in a 3-dimensional array
-a specific chemical composition
-a naturally occurring solid
Which if these mineral has the lowest melting point
Which extrusive rock has the lowest silica content
Which rock type would be composed primarily of fine, small, crystals of intermediate silica content minerals?
Which rock type forms from low-viscosity lava?
-is an extrusive volcanic rock that is silica poor and mafic
If a rock underwent Rapid cooling on the surface and had very fine crystals it would most likely be
an igneous rock
Granitic crust means what kind of crust?
Continental crust
Is it true that the lithosphere can be thought of as floating on top of the asthenosphere?
If the average elevation of the continents is 875 m. What percentage of the earth's surface area is at elevations above 875m?
50% of _____ is found at depths below the average ocean depth.
The Earth's surface area
The two broad steps, one a little below sea level, and one far below sea level, reflect
two types of crusts of different thickness and density
Where do earth quakes occur?
at plate boundaries
If the water were removed where would the lowest points on earth's surface be found?
convergent margins
convergent margins
-collision zones
-oceanic crust will subduct at convergent margins
divergent margins
-the plates are spreading away from each other
-magma rises from the mantle and forms new mid ocean ridges that makes the plates spread away from each other.
transform margins
-plates slide past each other
mid-ocean ridges
-where oceanic crust is made due to the magma rising from the mantle.
How many magnitude 8 Earthquakes would it take to release about the same amount of energy as a moment magnitude 9 earthquake?
about 30
moment magnitude earthquakes
Each unit of 1 increase in a moment magnitude reflects a factor of 31 increase in energy released.
Is it true that earthquakes of the same moment magnitude can have different seismic shaking intensities?
What factors will produce an earthquake with a high seismic moment and hence high moment magnitude?
A long fault rupture during the earthquake.
The motion of plates builds up stress energy that is released during an earthquake?
P waves
-Are the first seismic waves seen in a seismogram
-longitudinal or compression waves
-material will compress and expand to transmit waves
Seismic intensity(the modified mercalli scale
-Seismic intensity increases with duration of shaking in an earthquake
-high construction standards, will reduce the seismic intensity
-seismic intensity depends on the nature of the materials in the subsurface
-seismic intensity tends to decrease with distance away from the epicenter of the earthquake.
How are the location of earthquakes determined?
by evaluating the difference in arrival times of P and S waves at a number of seismograph stations
S waves
-transverse or shear waves
-material will move side to side
-cannot be transffered through a liquid
-slower than p waves
Where does the energy for plate tectonics come from?
-heat from earth's interior
Where is new crust formed from the mantle?
Mid-Ocean ridges
Where are the tallest mountains found on earth?
-continent continent convergence zones
ocean-continent convergence zones
-partial melting will occur on top of the sub ducting slab
b/c the oceanic plate will sink down and warm up
-the nazca plate and he juan de fuca plate.
-forms a volcanic arc
ocean-ocean convergence zones
-closer in density than ocean/continent
-will form an island arc
-the Marianas islands and the Marianas trench.
Continent Continent convergence zones
-both plates are buyout so instead of one subducting they will fold and form mountains, but not volcanic ones.
-Tibet and himalayas
sequence of events in the big bang theory
-first subatomic particles
-then atomic nuclei
-then stable atoms with protons, neutrons, and electrons
a naturally occurring inorganic solid with a very specific internal structure.
-has a crystal structure and a specific chemical composition.
silicate mineral
-the most common minerals in the earth
-contain silicon and oxygen atoms
-95% of earths crust
-low silica content
-High melting point
-Dark colored
a naturally occurring solid composed of minerals, organic matter, or glass.
intrusive igneous rocks
-coarse crystals that can be seen with the naked eye
-slow cooling that happened underground
extrusive igneous rock
-have small or a variety of crystals that can't be seen with the naked eye
-rapid cooling at the surface
continental crust
-granitic in composition and
-much denser