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33 Cards in this Set

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1. Mustafa Kemal “Ataturk”
founder of modern turkey, military guy, in charge of the Galipoli campaign. moved capital to Ankara from istanbul. Established Turkish Republic. got rid of minority issues. ataturk means muslim ruler who conquest spanish realm of ghaui.
2. Ali Shariati
Iranian scholar who advocated the concept of marxism. died before revolotion. red Shiism. social independent ideas.
3. Ayatollah Khamenei
current spiritual leader of Iran. Ultimate power of Iran Political and religion. Elected for life.
4. Ali Akbar Rafsanjani
former president of Iran. Got elected in 89, then 93-97. He is a CONSERVATIVE, not as radical as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
5. Mohammad Khatami
former REFORMIST president of Iran, initiated alot of reforms in Iran- politiacl, social, and economic. Clashed w/reform and conservative students. 2 terms but 2 slow for reromist and 2 fast for conservist. didnt get anything done.
6. Mohammad Mosadeq
Iranian priminister in 1950s. nationalist. nationalized oil companies. coup de etat against him organized by british and Americans secret service. brought back sha. national hero in Iran.
7. Jalal Talebani
current president of Iraq. Ethnic Kurd and faought for kurdish rights
8. Role of religion among Kurds (Sunni, Shia, Yezidi)
kurds have different religions among them. not religous and dont hold religion lightly. not al queda.
9. Kurdish attempt of independence in Iran in 1946 (Republic of Mehabad)
soviet invade Iran, kurds established rebublic mehabad. fell after a year when soviets withdrew and sha army opressed them
10. Anwar Sadat
president of Egypt cam after Gammal Nasser. 1st Arab leader to visit Jerusalem and sign a peace agreement w/ Isreal. only sign treaty w/jimmy carter and middle east upon today.
11. Hosni Mubarak
succeeded Anwar sadat after he was assassinated. been president since 1981,
Secret service in Iran during the sha era '57-'79. trained by CIA.
13. Pasdaran
part of Revolutionary guard in Iran today. Control by religious establishment. used as a mission of oppression to control attempt at freedom fighter.
14. Justice and Development Party in Turkey (AK)
current ruling family in turkey, Islamic in background. Holds a mjority 2/3 in parliament. has presidency when abdul became president.
15. Islamic Parties in Turkey
evolution of islamic parties that turkey is secular. Islamic and not hold true appeal to large number of population. come to power and have a military coup de etat.
16. The role of the army in Turkish politics
Military rules most of time. parties come to power and if the military dont like or they don follow ATATURK PACT they have coup de etat. same context as 14.
17. Turkish invasion of Northern Cyprus
1974, turkish minority in cyprus , coup de etat organized by greek population, turkey invaded north part of island then they established rebuplic. not recognized by EU,UN or US. KNOWN as turkish republic of norther cyprus only by turkey.
18. Turkish membership in NATO
one of only 2 countries who have direct order w/ soviet union. beame a nato member because they wan to benefit from the cold war situation. not anti-soviet. many us bases
19. Kurds in Turkey, their revolts and persecution by Turkish governments
not regonizing that there is kurds, cultural opreesion, cant speak kurdish, revolts in 20s and 30s which developed in PKK
20. Kurds in Iraq today
established independence in northern iraq. managed 2 functioning tribes barazani and talebani. gas attack by kurds. cia report saying iranian bomb.
21. Barazani and Talebani tribes in Iraq
come up working relationship control regional parliament, established functioning gvt. 2 major parties control iraqi kurdistan. 95% seat in iraq/kurdistan legislator and 1/5 seat in federal gvt in iraq. 25% of seat in kurdistan have to go to women. 27 of parliament women.
22. PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party)
PKK's goal has been to create an independent, socialist Kurdish state in Kurdistan, an area that comprises parts of southeastern Turkey, northeastern Iraq, northeastern Syria and northwestern Iran. listed as terroist org by eu, us, un, etc.
23. Muslim Brotherhood in Egyptian politics
social economic group tried to protect rights of disechangted/poor in egypt. Egyptian gvt. cant provide these services so brotherhood. get popular support. sunni,
24. Hezbollah in Lebanon
socioeconomic military group. nationlist anti isreali, transform to participate in lebanese politics
25. The “National Pact” in Lebanon
written agrement within 3 major sects in lebanon.sunni, shite, and maronite. Prime minister-sunni, President,-maronite christian, speaker of HOuse is Shite. 65 years like that. president had more power in '90. now speaker and prime minister have more power than president.
26. Alawites
sectarin minority in SYRIA. controll gvt. and Bath party. last 35 years alawite have control politcs and gvt. muslim and sub brach of SHIA islam. similiar to alabi in turkey. kurd in turky belong to alebi
27. Maronites
largest christian sect in LEBANON. major power in lebanese politics. lived in Mount lebanon, when syria and lebanon came under french mandate, they moved and got more power preaching diversity. catholic church. most have lead country since '36. christian has to be muslim 91 agreement. 7% pop muslim, 45% shia or Islam.
28. Iraqi Kurdistan
autonomous, federally recognized political, ethnic and economic region within the Republic of Iraq. It borders Iranian Kurdistan to the east, Turkish Kurdistan to the north, and Syrian Kurdistan to the west. Its capital is the city of Arbil
29. Axis of Evil and the war on Iraq
Iran Iraq North Korea. argument that iraq part of evil, conspiring against usa. was main motivation to attac Iraq.
30. Socio-economic grievances and their impact on politics in the Middle East
incompetent gvt. invades mideast creates more problems in mid-east, people used to become nationalist by gvt. gvt try to divert socio-economic issues int o political issues. government who does not care about population, bad economy, lack of trade,.
31. The relations between religious and civilian institutions of government in Iran
2 diferent sectors 1 religous and 1 civilian. 1 sector of democracy where people elect memebers of gvt and religous part that does checks and balances against establishments. religious Ayatola can decide against anything political. ayatola is title not first name. several ayatolas in iran. different interpretations in islam. source of emulation.
32. Ataturk’s reforms in Turkey
change alphabet, weaponization, turkey's national pride, power to the army, westernization.
33. Treaty of Sevres (1920) and its impact on Turkey
ended first world war. turkey signed, woodrow wilson created 3 section of turkey but ataturk disregard that and atack all 3 sides and created modern turkey. kurdistan lost its 1 out of 3 sides.