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63 Cards in this Set

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Minerals are

nonliving natural substances of a definite chemical composition.

Crystallization is?

Two part process (evaporation & metamorphosis) in which existing atoms combine to form minerals.

What is magma and lava?

Magma- melted rock beneath the earth's surface

Lava- melted rock that has escaped onto the earth's surface.

______________ cools more slowly than _________ because _________ is cooled by the atmosphere or water, and _____________ remains within the earth's heat.

Magma, Lava, Lava, Magma

Metamorphosis is

process in which existing minerals are changed into new minerals due to the influence of extreme pressure or heat.


largest group of minerals (silicon and oxygen)

Carbonate, nitrates and borates are made of?

hard-shelled marine organisms like plankton


Formed as a result of the evaporation of marine water such as Great Salt Lake or Dead Sea

Classification of rocks is based on

composition (minerals found in rock) and texture (size, shape, position of grains)

Igneous rock forms

when magma cools and solidifies. There are two types: Plutonic, Extrusive

Sedimentary rocks form

from pieces of existing rocks (Clastic or chemical) and dead organisms (biological)

Metamorphic rocks form

are rocks that have "morphed" into another kind of rock. There are foliated (high pressure) and non-foliated

Seismic waves are

natural and man-made oscillations or vibrations that travel through the Earth.

What are the three compositional zones of the Earth?

Core, Mantle and Crust

Isostasy is?

a measure determined by the buoyant force of the mantle opposing the weight of the crustal type.

Lithosphere includes

the crust and upper part of the mantle (continental drift and plate tectonics)

In the asthenosphere _______________ cause slab pull.

convection currents

Earth's magnetic field is caused by?

charged molten material flows and creates and electrical current in the outer core

The inner core is a solid, dense, and very hot mixture of

iron and nickel

Continental drift was described by____________, which was supported by similar plant and animal species linking_________________.

Wegener, Two continents

A fault is ______________________. There are three type of faults which are:

a break in the earth's crust where tectonic forces cause blocks of crust to slide relative to one another

-normal fault, reverse fault and strike-slip fault

Longitudinal waves that travel through solids are

Primary waves or P-waves

Shield volcanoes are formed by

slow, steady release of basaltic lava that flows out in all directions.

Cinder cone volcanoes form by

explosive eruptions

Erosion is

transport of sediment from the weathering site to the deposition location. Gravity is one of these causes.

Types of mass movement (5)

Landslide, Rockfall, Solifluction, Mudslide, Creep

Deposition of materials by flowing water is called?


Uniformitarianism is?

concept that the geologic processes occurring today are the same ones that affected and shaped the earth in the past.

Principle of horizontal originality states

that layers were formed in horizontal layers as ascribed by gravity

Law of superposition states

that the oldest layers are on the bottom and the youngest are on top of a stratum.

Relative dating is?

determining approximate age of a rock layer and all fossils within that layer

Absolute dating is?

process that identifies actual age of layer by measuring ratio of radioactive isotopes to their decay products.

Half-life is?

the time it takes for one-half of the atoms of a radioactive material to disintegrate.

Amber fossils are?

small organisms that get covered in sap (sealed) and become fossils.

Freezing or thermal protection is?

organisms that die in coldest areas may be preserved for long periods of time

Mummification or desiccation is

the absence of climate change which allow mummies to stay preserved for long periods of time.

Tar seeps are

surface deposits of petroleum that trap unsuspecting animals

What are the five oceans?

Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Indian, Southern

What is a sea?

Large, lake-like water reservoir usually containing salt water, which may or may not be connected to an ocean.

Whitecaps are?

Open-ocean surface waves that are the result of a storm or high winds

Swells are?

Rolling waves with a longer wavelength

Largest tides occur during _________________. Lowest tides occur during __________________.

Spring Tide, Neap Tide (1st and third quarter phases of the moon)

Coriolis Effect is?

why things curve on the Earth when they should go straight.

What are the two elements that humans breathe most?

Oxygen and nitrogen

Ozone layer has what function?

absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation and prevents too much UV light on human skin and limits global warming.

Summer Solstice is?

Northern Hemisphere experiences the longest amount of daytime for the rest of the year and shortest amount of daytime for the Southern Hemisphere

Trade winds are?

are the prevailing pattern of easterly surface winds found in the tropics, within the lower portion of the Earth's atmosphere, in the lower section of the troposphere near the Earth's equator.

In each hemisphere there are three cells which are?

Ferrel, Polar and Hadley

Dew point is?

the temperature where saturation occurs

Saturation point is?

where relative humidity is 100%

Clouds are?

accumulation of water droplets or ice crystals that form by the condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere.

There are three types of clouds which are?

Stratus- low clouds

-Nimbostratus- low dark altitude (heavy precipitation)

-Altostratus- produce little to no precipitation

Cumulus- puffy white clouds

Cirrus- high altitude feathery clouds made of ice crystals

Occluded front is?

Merging of a cold and warm front

Edwin Hubble discovered what?

Andromeda Galaxy, Big Bang Theory

What is a nebula?

expansive, low-density cloud of gas and dust

Kepler's 1st law is

that the planets orbit the sun in an elliptical way

perihelion is

the location where the sun and planets are closest. Aphelion is the greatest distance between the sun and planets

Kepler's 2nd law states

that the speed of a planet's revolution is faster at perihelion and slower at aphelion.

Kepler's 3rd law states

a (cubed)= p (squared)

Find the distance between the sun and a planet\

Inner planets are?

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

Outer (gas) planets are?

Jupiter (largest planet), Saturn (2nd largest), Uranus (tilted axis 98 deg), Neptune (blue planet)

Asteroid belt is?

the region of the Solar System located roughly between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter.

The Earth's seasons are caused by?

Earth's tilt and the revolution of Earth