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92 Cards in this Set

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how did agriculture change in europe after the crusades
climate-got warmer , growing season longer
harneses- made horse be able to pull more weight
horses- a ot stronger than ox
3 field syster-

what led to farming imporvment and city growth
the new farming advantaes
orginization of people who have the same job. the set prices, set standards, and have portection of jobs
commercial revelotion/trade revelotion
takes plave in europe, trade becomes very complex
live in city, middle class, new class, town dwellers
rich people do what to show that they are more important
they build schools and universitys where they students get taught information learned from the crusades
nataive language
thomas aquanis
said that logic could prove relgion.... why is that tree greed? god made it that way... duh
franks are in
anglo-saxons are in
englad, cal themselves angleland
normandy is the...
land of the vikings, lots of vikiings there (in france)
edward dies and has no one to take over, so what happens
william from france becomes duke of france and king of englas
battle of hastings
1066- Philip 1 (the king of france thinks william has too much power) england dosent want william to become king of england since he is a viking.

william wins, he is still duke of france king of englans
who is williams son
henry II (second)-king of england duke of normandy
who does henry ii mary?
Elenor of Aquatiani

he now becomes duke of normandy king of france duke of Aq.
Elenor and Henry II sons
Richard and John
who beomces king after Henry II
John- he is a HORRBILE leader and loses the land to france

john is forced to sighn the MAGNA CARTA by the nobles
when was the magna carta signed
Juner 15th 1215
Phillip II goes on the third crusade with who
richard the kion hearted, phillip quits the crusade, richard beomces hero after it.,
what does Henry II start
common law and jury
collection of 3 countries, home of the vikings
vikings convert to christian
they settle in france
all of williams holdings in France (survey/cencus)
magna carta themes
right to equal protection under the law
right of the accuseed
right to trial by jury
parliament starts in
england- hasve lords and commoners
Phillip the II
always goes to war, needs money, trys to tax the church, he adds commoners; law passes he can now tax the church
what happens to Phillip II after the law passes
the pop Boniface VII is angry. Phillip aressts him, people help him escape but he dies shortly after the excape.
college of cardinals in france
they choose Clemet V, he moves the capital to AVIGNON; big deal the pople has always been in rome.
who do the Italians elect as pope
they elect Urban VI after Gregory XI dies
after the italians elect their pope the french elect
Clement VII
the 2nd great schsim
when the church splits becasue of the two popoes
who cancles out both popes?
Martin V- he solves all problems
John Wycliffe
preached that Jesus was the head of the church, not the pope, and that hte bible was the main authority
Jan Has
said that the bible was the authority not the pope, he was killed for his beliefs
Bubanic Plauge started...
started with the mongols, fleas spread, went to china,to england by rats with the fleas
conditions of engladn
DIRTY... no onw bathed or covered the food or water
who was blamed for the black death and why
the jews and the gypises because they lived outside the walls of england and ate diffrent foods, they also did not live clos thogheter
effects of the plague
town population fell
trade declined
serfs left their maanors for better wages
nobles were delcining money raises for serveant causing servants to rebel
many jews were killed
church suffered becasue people wuestioned it
100 year war
Phillip 4 diese LAST KING OF CAHISAN daytnaty
has a realtive from englad, edward the 3rd
100 year war 1337-1453
long bow
used by the englush that shot with accuracy and could pierce through armor
joan of arc
heard the word of god and started to battle becasue shethought shw was supposed to find the right jing of france
she is captured by the englush and burned
this causes france to rally togheth
winner of the 100 year war
france-because of joan of arc
charles the 7th becomes king of france
impact of the 100 year war
sense of nationalism in england and france
in england civil was braks out
war of the roses
white rose- yorks red rose-lankesters- lankansters win war
this starts the TUTOR dynasty with henry the 7th
middle ages end, what else is out
gyn powder in
nights out
rebirth of art nusic liteature aand church
changes in europ after plague
everyone reevaluated their life. renessnave beings in italy and the people who started it were thought of a crazy
people started to question the church and the priests, confused why everyone dies
strated in italy becsuae
center of trade
italy was not hit hard with the plague
rome was the cneter of art liteature ect
the foucs on human potential and achevemet

you no longer belive that your place in life is set, it can change

church classifies theses people as heritivs

movement becomes popular, church realzes itneeds to change
someone who finaiciall supports the arts
medici faimly
family of bankers taht love and greatly supported the arts
church involvment with art
they get involved, stained glasses make the churches not boring (become gothic looking) this starts to make people want to come.
used by the jewish peopole it is intrest

chirsitans outlwated it, their banks folded, jewish banks made money
sculptor who focused on natural/ nude look
rediscovered perspective and frescos (wall paintings)
Leonardo da Vinci
painter sculptor inventor and scientist known for mona lisa and last super, he invented a primative helecopter and tank
paintes "school of Athens:
known for the strcture of David and Peters Basilico and the Sistined chapel
famouse dor wrtigin the banacular and the divine comedy
wrote the coutie, which says men should be good at everything
wrote the prince, said that humans by nature are corrupt and they need to ahve a strong leader the fix that
the renessance in england is called
elizabethen age
jan van eyck
from flanders he developed oil based paintings
peter brugek
from flanders he focused on everyday paintings
wrote praise of folly (about mistakes the church has made)
thomas more
wrote eutopia (about the ideal plce) and says that there is no perfect place
from england songwritter and poet hie theater was called the golbe
he focused on hunan flaws
invented the printing press. first book was the bible
he was from geremeny
way the church and monks could make money, it said that blank could get a straight ride into heaven with this ifyou pay blank amount of money
very good at selling indulgances. he was a frier
martin luther
he was a monk who was upset abouteverything happening in the church
book wrtiten by martin luther
95 things, he put this list of things wrong with the church in the church door in germeny
major points about the 95 things list
salvation by faith in gods gift of forgivnedd
all church things baskeds on bible
all people of faith are equal
Leo X did what
exocommunicated martin luther
charles V tells martin to do what
to take beck what he siad, martin dose not
edict of worms
made martin luther a outlaw luther fleas to live with prince frederick while there he translates the bible into german so everyone can read it, dict of worms taken back
pesants rebel b/c of martin
he tells people to put it down in anyway they can, thousand of commoners were killed nobles now like martin, commoners now hate him
people that follow martin luther- the first protistant
a chiristina in a non catholic church (you don't follow the pope)
peace of Aushburg
1555 let the princes decide what part of christianity theywere going to follow
henery 8th
want a son marries to catherine, daughter named mary
when a marriage basically never happened
henry 8th marrys
anne boleyn daughter names elizabeth parlmant passes sueremecy
anne bolyn beheaded
jane next wifre, has son EDWARD 6th. she dies
king can do anyhitng for the good of the kingdom
edward the 6th
takes over after henery he is prostistant
anglicon church
set up by elizabeth, everyone has to go to this church, it is a miz of protastan and of catholic
john calvin
starts calvinism- main belief is predestination and tha humans can notearn salvation. calvin settled in germeny where it was stricht and boring
john knoxn
in scottland was a calvanism follower who led the presbettaryans
belive one you are baptised as a child you need to get baptised again as an aduilt
build schools spread catholicsm ans stop protestanitsm

ignatius strets this
councial of trent-church reform
started by pope paul 10th
the church;s bible interpertation was final
you actions did determine where you went
bible and church tradtition were equally powerful authorites for huiding christian life
indulgances were expressions of faith.